Paragraph on Air Pollution 100, 150, 200 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

 Air pollution

 Air pollution Air pollution is perhaps the most devastating form of pollution since it destroys a resource that every life form as we know it needs to sustain itself. The effects of this menace, both immediate and far-ranging, are easy to summarize: unbreathable air. The causes, however, need some more inspection. Every citizen who drives … Read more

Drop Out Paragraph For All Class Students

Drop Out give up on their first cause For many teenagers out of school and negative factors that can lead them t education and drop madrasah. is that many teenagers lack positive role models in their lives. The lack of an encouraging adult in their lives can cause them to think negatively about themselves and … Read more

Short Paragraph on Climate Change for HSC and SSC Students

Climate Change Climate Change Global climate change resulting from the accumulation of greenhouse gases, for example, is likely to have significant health effects, both direct and indirect. An average global temperature rise of 3-4°C. predicted for the year 2100 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, will greatly increase the number of days in the … Read more

Short Paragraph on Load Shedding for Class 8-12

Load Shedding Load shedding is an everyday occurrence in our daily life. It has become a common part of electric outages and system loss. It means the fluctuation and short supply of electricity for the time being. The load shedding occurs when the production of power is comparatively less than the growing demand. The power … Read more

Liberation War of Bangladesh

Liberation War of Bangladesh Topic sentences:  The liberation war of Bangladesh took place in 1971 It was a bloody war. 30 lac Bangladeshi citizens were massacred It ended on 16, December 1971 Bangladesh became independent Developing ideas: The liberation war of Bangladesh took place in 1971. Our country experienced foreign rule before independence. The occupied Pakistani … Read more

About Public Library Free Paragraph for class 8, 9, 10 11,

A Public Library  A public library users to common readers it is equipped with necessary books. magazines and journals it plays a vital role in the spreading of knowledge to everyone. Developing ideas: A public library is a center of attraction for every short of readers. it is usually established at the middle of town or locality. It has … Read more