The Best Alum Blocks

Best image of alum blocks
Photo: Bloc Osma Alum Block, 2.65 Ounce

To help you find the perfect alum block, we continuously put forth the effort to update and expand our list of recommendable alum blocks. Our team collects, edits and publishes new information, in order to present it to you in an accurate, significant and neatly arranged way.

Our Picks

Gentleman Jon 3.7 Ounce Block image
FIGHT RAZOR BURN and Bumpy Skin with Gentleman Jon Alum Block - Experience a ...
Osma Block image
Osma Alum Blok is a versatile care product that has been used in the hairdres...
Parker Safety Razor Parker Large Block image
NATURAL ANTISEPTIC: This alum block is made from natural potash alum that has...
Our Choice
Gentleman Jon 3.7 Ounce Block image
FIGHT RAZOR BURN and Bumpy Skin with Gentleman Jon Alum Block - Experience a ...
Osma Block image
Osma Alum Blok is a versatile care product that has been used in the hairdres...
Low Price
Parker Safety Razor Parker Large Block image
NATURAL ANTISEPTIC: This alum block is made from natural potash alum that has...

8 More Alum Block Alternatives

Item Package Length: 2.8cm

Item Package Width: 5.0cm

Item Package Height: 6.6cm

All natural astringent that closes razor nicks

Soothes and cools


Opens pores and treats shaving nicks like a styptic pencil

Moisten the block and apply it to the wet face, after 2-3 minutes rinse and dry, apply ...

Made from genuine natural potash alum

100% NATURAL & FRAGRANCE-FREE: Our Alum Block is crafted from pure potassium alum, deri...

SKIN-TIGHTENING BENEFITS: Experience the natural properties of this alum block, which h...

EASY & CONVENIENT APPLICATION: Incorporating this alum block into your daily routine is...

MB Herbals Shaving Alum x 2 Bars | 100g (3.53 oz) Each Bar | Potassium Shaving Alum

No Fragrance.

Product of India.

ANTISEPTIC PROPERTIES: An alum stone is the perfect natural aftershave as it has antise...

SHAVING USE: Simply wet the stone and gently apply it to your skin once you are done sh...

ORIGINAL BARBERSHOP EQUIPMENT: The alum stone has long been around and was part of orig...

Osma Alum Blok is a versatile care product that has been used in the hairdressing indus...

One of the most important properties of Osma Alum Blok is its ability to calm and heal ...

In addition, Osma Alum Blok has a styptic effect, that is, it can effectively stop blee...

Buying Guide

Top Rated Alum Blocks

If you're looking into finding the best rated alum block, you should probable check out the Gentleman Jon 3.7 Ounce Block. We looked at various sources of reviews and found this one to have the best mix between review count and average rating stars.

Gentleman Jon 3.7 Ounce Block

The Lowest Price We Could Find

Often, going for the best price is a simple but good option. With a price of $5.99 (last checked this morning), we do not list any other alum blocks cheaper than the Razor Blades Club. Just remember that it's not always the best option to go for the cheapest one.

Razor Blades Club

The Alum Block With the Most Reviews

With at least 890 reviews and counting, the Gentleman Jon 3.7 Ounce Block might be another option to consider. This large amount of reviews signalizes that many people are using it, with most of them beeing satisfied.

High Quality Alum Blocks

It's quite rare that the saying "You get what you pay for" turns out incorrect. If you have the money on the sideline, feel free to choose the most expensive item from our list: The Osma Laboratories Block currently sells for $29.99.

Osma Laboratories Block

The Alum Block With the Most Clicks

If you trust us and our users, feel free to check out the Gentleman Jon 3.7 Ounce Block. Our statistics say that it is the most favorite Alum Block from the list above.

Our Bestseller

If you're still undecided, I would recommend that you go with the masses and choose the top selling alum block: The Solo Noir OSMA Block is the hottest bestseller in this category right now.

Solo Noir OSMA Block

Alum Block Reviews

There are no reviews on alum blocks, yet.
Be the first to write a review, or check for additional reviews in the Further Reading section below.

Further Reading on Alum Blocks

New: Our editorial list of additional articles. We decided to gather informartion all around the internet and present you a list of helpful, external links to interesting reads about reviews, pros & cons and similar products.
Alum Block - A Guide On How And Why To Use - Executi...
As an alternative to using an Alum Block, you could use a Styptic Pencil which, unlike the alum block, is specifically used for individual cuts and nicks and is  ...
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What are the pros and cons of an all aluminum engine...
And an “iron” engine will likely still be using aluminum pistons and possibly aluminum cylinder heads. You can see that an iron vs aluminum cylinder block is   ...
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Alum block alternative? : wicked_edge - Reddit
Another alternative is to use the alum block, and after rinsing it off and drying your face, finish with a moisturizing aftershave, like Shea Moisture  Stypic Pencil vs. Alum Block vs. Aftershave7 postPSA: Your alum block may be ca... ...
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Alum Block vs Styptic Pencil - what one to use and w...
Both alum block and styptic pencils contain potassium aluminium are happy with a natural odor, the alum block provides a nice alternative. ...
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Iron VS. Aluminum block pros & cons 402/408 - LS...
Generation IV Internal Engine - Iron VS. Aluminum block pros & cons 402/408 - i know this question has probably been asked a million times. i  5.3 aluminum vs 6.0 aluminum block for turbPros and Cons of Aluminum block VS Iron B... ...
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Aluminum block pros and cons - Chevelle Tech
The obvious advantage of the aluminum block is weight. Then you get added benefit -although rather insignificant- of it not rusting. As with  ...
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Useful Videos

Osma Alum Block

The Osma alum block is the one preferred by many wet shavers. Unlike cheaper compressed and molded alum blocks, the Osma block is cut from a larger alum ...

Disclaimer: This video was not made by us, but we found it interesting enough to embed it here.


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It was last updated on and has been viewed 3786 times.

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