
Photo of large group of people eating outside at picnic tables and sitting on the ground
Amethyst Farm - Draft Horses
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Amethyst Farm - Draft Horses
Many Hands CSA - Share Day
Picnic at Many Hands
Amethyst Farm - Haying by Horse
Amethyst Farm - Wagon Ride
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Amethyst Farm (named for the Amethyst Brook that runs through it), is an increasingly horse- and solar-powered, historic, diversified, family farm on APR land in the heart of Amherst MA.

We strive to go beyond organic, incorporating elements of permaculture, regenerative agriculture, low- and no-till cropping, animal power, re-localization, and myriad sustainability practices, all in service to our environment, our people, and our community.

We offer a complete equine facility, CSA vegetable shares, horse-drawn wagon/sleigh rides, Nigerian dwarf goats, and alpaca fiber. As hands-on experimentalists at heart, we always have a number of side “projects” going on too. Come and connect!