Images of the okapi in the wild remained nonexistent—until 2008. The okapi remind us that today’s animals are descended from the original created kinds in Genesis and that their elusive nature reminds us that some creatures may have avoided human contact for years, which would help explain stories of dinosaur-like creatures even in the past millennium.
The well-known fact that hormones affect behavior is the basis, of course, for such practices as the gelding of animals. A recent study showed that wild junco birds with high levels of mRNA for several hormones, like testosterone, demonstrated more aggressive behavior toward birds of the same sex. The researchers believe their results help explain the evolution of aggressive behavior.
Many animals are endowed with remarkable and interesting abilities, and evolutionists contend that humans are just smart animals. But the Bible reveals how and why human beings possess not only the ability to express and understand original abstract thoughts through language but also the ability to know—and be accountable to—their Creator.
A National Geographic News story discusses how a growing number of “hybrid species” have been observed in the wild. Reading about such interbreeding species is a reminder that the representatives of each kind from Noah’s Ark contained the genetic information to repopulate the earth, leading to the species we see today.
Don’t be fooled by the supposed tree of life. Animals have not evolved into higher life forms but rather God created animals with amazing genetic diversity.
The clever design of amphibians, from tree frogs to spotted salamanders, is a powerful demonstration of God’s creativity.
Evolution fails to explain the origin of diverse and complex animal behaviors including instinct, intelligence, migration, diet, and communication.
The oceans—filled with incredible creatures like jellyfish, starfish, dolphins, seals, crabs, coral reefs, and octopuses—declare the majesty of their Creator.
Is mankind something special, made in the image of God, or are humans just higher animals, the descendants of an ape-like ancestor?
The design of birds—from the delicate egg to the intricate feather to the efficient wing—all declare the praise of their wise Creator.
God made living things to reproduce according to their kind. The taxonomic science of baraminology seeks to classify modern and fossil organisms within their original kinds.
Even the unusual and gross creatures—spiders, insects, and other creepy crawlies—distinctly proclaim their Maker’s praise.
God created dinosaurs on day six of creation, approximately 6,000 years ago. These fascinating creatures can now serve as “missionary lizards” for the gospel.
The rocks preserve the memory of many unusual and often gigantic now-extinct animals that inhabited the world before and after the Flood of Noah’s day.
Genesis infers that all creatures reproduce after their kinds. Hybrid animals like ligers, wholphins, and zonkeys help to define the boundaries of kinds.
Great diversity exists within the mammal group. From koalas to deer to bats to primates to whales to cheetahs, mammals declare the glory of their Creator.
Snakes, lizards, alligators, and other reptiles may or may not be your favorite animals, but certainly their brilliant design draws attention to their Designer.
The existence of venom in so many animals has long challenged creationists. How did it show up in a very good creation?
Animals and other wildlife are moving into urban areas. How are they adapting to life in the big city?
Darwin’s tour around the world shows that we often see what we’re looking for.
While some flowers and foods are blue, such as bluebonnets and blueberries, blue is rare among animals. Most animals are unable to make blue pigments.
The strength of a wolf pack isn’t its numbers or the fear it inspires.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.