Biko - Make New Friends
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Analýza A Recenzia Aplikácií Pre Android: Biko - Make New Friends, Vyvinutý Spoločnosťou Bestfriend App. Uvedené V Kategórii Sociálne Siete. Aktuálna Verzia Je 2.0.1, Aktualizovaná Na 17/12/2024 . Podľa Recenzií Používateľov V Službe Google Play: Biko - Make New Friends. Dosiahnuté Viac Ako Inštalácie 2 Milión. Biko - Make New Friends V Súčasnosti Má 9 Tisíc Recenzií, Priemerné Hodnotenie 3.8 Hviezd
Objavujte, spájajte sa a prosperujte!Vitajte v aplikácii Biko, ktorá je navrhnutá tak, aby spájala ľudí. Či už chcete spoznať nových priateľov, rozšíriť svoju sieť alebo nájsť niekoho výnimočného, Biko je tu, aby vám pomohol spojiť sa s podobne zmýšľajúcimi ľuďmi vo vašej oblasti.
Pripojte sa potiahnutím doprava
S Bikom je spoznávanie nových ľudí zábavné a jednoduché. Jednoducho potiahnite prstom doprava, ak sa vám niekto páči, alebo potiahnutím doľava prejdete. Ak vás majú radi späť, je to zápas! Začnite chatovať a uvidíte, kam to zájde.
Preskúmajte záujmy
Nájdite ľudí, ktorí zdieľajú vaše záujmy. Či už sa venujete fitness, hudbe, cestovaniu alebo čomukoľvek medzi tým, Biko vám pomôže nájsť kontakty, ktorých baví rovnaké veci ako vy. Vytvárajte zmysluplné spojenia založené na spoločných vášňach.
Začnite ešte dnes a uvidíte, koho stretnete na Biko!
Momentálne Ponúkame Verziu 2.0.1. Toto Je Naša Najnovšia, Najviac Optimalizovaná Verzia. Je Vhodný Pre Mnoho Rôznych Zariadení. Bezplatné Stiahnutie Priamo Apk Z Obchodu Google Play Alebo Iných Verzií, Ktoré Hosťujeme. Okrem Toho Si Môžete Stiahnuť Bez Registrácie A Nevyžaduje Sa Žiadne Prihlásenie.
Máme Viac Ako 2000+ Dostupné Zariadenia Pre Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, Motorola, LG, Google, OnePlus, Sony, Tablet ... S Toľkými Možnosťami, Je Pre Vás Ľahké Zvoliť Si Hry Alebo Softvér, Ktoré Sa Zmestia Na Vaše Zariadenie.
Môže To Byť Užitočné, Ak V Obchode Google App Store Existujú Obmedzenia Krajiny Alebo Akékoľvek Obmedzenia Zo Strany Vášho Zariadenia.
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Biko App
Nedávne Komentáre
Amarjeet Singh
Easy to use interface: Many users find the app's design intuitive and straightforward for basic navigation. Potential for social interaction: The app aims to facilitate connections with new people based on shared interests. Activity tracking: Some versions include features to monitor and track user engagement.
Animesh Chaturvedi
Very good experience 👍 Biko is an excellent app that stands out for its user-friendly interface and powerful features. It provides a seamless experience for content creators, especially in the realms of monetization and audience engagement. The app’s design is intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and access tools like analytics, which helps creators track performance. Whether you're a novice or an exper
Guddu Gautam
My choice is Biko. Make sure so many cities new friends in this application .woah super.. don't waste time spent in other application. Best & better in thanks so much Biko.....This is a very good application in which all the people are real, audio talk and video chat is easily done, respectful deposit is also done easily, it is very easy to make new friends in this app.
Mridupabon Pegu
The Biko app is an innovative, user-friendly platform offering seamless communication, secure connections, and customizable features. Its intuitive design and dynamic tools make it perfect for both casual and professional use
A Pawankalyan
The Biko app is an innovative, user-friendly platform offering seamless communication, secure connections, and customizable features. Its intuitive design and dynamic tools make it perfect for both casual and professional use.
Khusboo Sahani
My choice is Biko. Make sure so many cities new friends in this application .woah super.. don't waste time spent in other application. Best & better in thanks so much Biko.....This is a very good application in which all the people are real, audio talk and video chat is easily done, respectful deposit is also done easily, it is very easy to make new friends in this app 🤗
Kundan Rai
My choice is Biko. Make sure so many cities new friends in this application .woah super.. don't waste time spent in other application. Best & better in thanks so much Biko.....This is a very good application in which all the people are real, audio talk and video chat
Shubham Sharma
Make New Friends Discover, Connect, and Thrive! Welcome to Biko, the app that's designed to bring people together. Whether you're looking to meet new friends, expand your network, or find that special someone, Biko is here to help you connect with like-minded individuals in your area. Explore Interests Find people who share your interests. Whether you're into fitness, music, travel, or anything in between, Biko helps you find connections who enjoy the same things you do. Create meaningful co