fakenigelmeme economy dried up… this the only meme we have right now
missadelinecatgirl.iso is short for .isopod file
indigosfindingsmario party fans confused by cryptic new minigame “Am I Gay Test”
sapphlingthe ellipsis is really the pervert’s punctuation
neshamamabetye saar, “a siege of sirens,” 1966, lithograph on paper
medievaljournalistthe king picked the guy with skull shoulderpads for the court magician job, which is exciting
werewolfoffeverswampyes bitch #music
grimeclownMe when a member of my Cougar Squad tells me she’s getting kind of chilly in my lair
electronicmailif i woke up after a tornado and stepped outside and someone was like this is munchkin land those are the munchkins id go back inside