One more from tonight’s session with Tim McCormack’s group @timmccodraws
And Italian life model @turriseburnea_italianlifemodel
In Procreate
#procreate #paintedportrait #unfinishedsketch #zoomportraitpainting
Drawing with Tim McCormack’s group tonight.
Our Mood setting model was @turriseburnea_italianlifemodel
It was 3 o’clock in the morning in Italy!
In Procreate. Swipe for process video
#procreate #zoomsketching #figuredrawingonzoom
One more from tonight’s session with Tim McCormack @timmccodraws and our model for tonight Ludmila Medina Artola @ludmilamedinaartola
In Procreate. With a process vid.
#procreate #procreatart #procreatportrait #figuredrawingonzoom
Tonight we drew the inspired and inspiring Ludmila @ludmilamedinaartola
Thank you to Tim McCormack @timmccodraws for organizing the great session.
These sketches are done in Procreate. Swipe for a bunch more with process videos.
#procreate #procreatart #portraits #zoomsketching #procreatvideos
This morning clicks sprang forward so we drew with Felicia @feliciavanbork and her Portrait Pals group @portraitpalsgroup one hour earlier…
Thank you to this morning’s model, producer Emily Drew in Brooklyn.
Swipe for a few more with processvideos
Three more sketches from this eve… swipe for the procreate process videos.
Thanks Tim McCormack @timmccodraws for the night of interesting inspiration.
Thanks for the great work by our model Trinidad @trinidadmodelovivo
#procreate #procreateart #sketchingonzoom
More sketches from this eve’s session with Tim McCormack @timmccodraws and our clever, surprising model Trinidad @trinidadmodelovivo
She was getting a cold! But managed to give us great poses.
Portrait sketch in Procreate- about 15 mins. I wanted more time! :)
Sketching on Zoom with Tim McCormack @timmccodraws
Our imaginative model was Trinidad!
#zoomportraitsketching #procreate #procreations #paintingfaces
This batch of watercolour/pitt pencil sketches are from tonight’s session with Tim McCormack @timmccodraws and model in San Francisco, Jenell Del CID @duhhcid
#watercolours #pittpencil #portraitsonzoom
No process videos- this is actual watercolour.
PortraitPals this morning. Thanks Felicia @feliciavanbork for arranging this nifty session with today’s model, photographer Ben Premaux @thesmartlab
Ben knows lighting.
In Procreate. 10 minutes each.
#portraitmood #portrait #procreate #portraitsonzoom
More from this evenings session with our intrepid host Tim McCormack @timmccodraws and model/muse Yoyo @giftmud_
In Procreate.
#procreatart #procreate #drawingonzoom #instazoom #zoomfiguresketches
More from this evening’s session on zoom with Tim McCormack @timmccodraws and our pensive model Yo-yo @giftmud_ in Taiwan.
Sketches are Procreate
#procreate #procreateart #zoomsketching #figuremodelingonzoom
This evening drawing with Tim McCormack @timmccodraws our inspired model Yo-yo @giftmud_ in Taiwan. Her morning, our evening.
In Procreate.
#procreate #procreateart #modelonzoom #zoomlifemodfelsketchs #zoomportraits
Moonscapes, curtesy of actual snow in our driveway and front yard. This has been an almost snowless winter till last week. It’s cold enough that this white stuff may stay a little while. We’re scheduled for a new dump in the next day or 2. Yay, I think. (at Upper Beaches)