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Privacy Policy

Updated July 2, 2024

Who we are

The Dictionary of Art Historians is a project led by Lee Sorensen and sponsored by the Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab at Duke University. Our website address is:

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

We do not collect ANY personally identifying information. Because we use Burst Statistics, which stores all data on our website’s server, this website is GDPR compliant. We collect only anonymous data that documents traffic to our website so that we can better understand how our site is being used and continue to improve it.

Cookies & Fingerprinting

We don’t use any cookies in order to collect analytics data. We do, however, use fingerprinting, which collects similar data to cookies: information about your browser, device, and platform. We do this because it is simpler for us to manage, and we have limited capacity. Unfortunately, fingerprinting does not ask for your consent. However, you can see how Burst rates with regards to privacy here. Read on to learn more about how this data is shared and stored.

Who we share your data with

We do not share analytics data with any third-party providers or sellers. We may share data as part of our reporting to our sponsors to help document our project’s impact.

How long we retain your data

We will retain anonymous analytics data for the extent of the project’s life. This data may also be archived with the project in a secure repository if/when it is sunsetted.

Where your data is sent

Analytics data are stored with the website on a server managed by Reclaim Hosting, a US-based company that aims to uphold GDPR standards.