Monday, 4 December 2017

Mosaic Down Syndrome Facts


Mosaic Down Syndrome Facts

Mosaic down syndrome has two distinct types of cell groups. In some cells total of 46 chromosomes, which is the typical group. In other cells, there is an extra copy of the chromosome 21 and making 47 cells total for this group.

About 2 or 3% of individuals with down syndrome are must have to mosaicism. People in scientific and medical fields borrow this word, from the art field. In art, a mosaic a decoration made up of many
little pieces, such as distinctive colored tiles. In individuals, mosaicism describes a condition where a person has two or more types of cells that are different in their genetic makeup.

Causes of Mosaic Down Syndrome

There are two fundamental sorts of occasions that can be included in driving to mosaicism in a people. Both of these, known to happen while new cells are being made up of current cells, this process is called cell division. There are two common sorts of cell division. The to begin with sort (called mitosis) permits our bodies to ceaselessly make unused cells as we require them. For illustration, the external layers, or cells, of our skin quagmire off as we bathe ourselves or as clothing rubs on our skin. The lost cells replace with new ones.

The new cell is made a current cell and new chromosomes are made from current chromosomes. When it makes a new cell and that already keeps extra amounts of everything it needs. Inside this cell, 46 all chromosomes goes from special series of changes where everyone makes a twin, or copy of itself. Then the cell splits in half, dividing its parts equally to make two new cells. It is important that each chromosome must separate from its twin so that there are chromosomes 46 in each new cell. A chromosome does not separate from its twin and both copies go into the same cell and this is called non-disjunction because these two copies fail to disjoint. Nondisjunction leads to the cell with extra and missing chromosomes.

1. Mitosis

The second type of cell division is called mitosis uses only for to make sperm or egg cells. Sperm and egg cells are made from the cell that has 23 pairs of chromosomes. The cells split, in another way from mitosis, so that two new cell with only 23 chromosomes are made them. Nondisjunction can occur in this process too, causing sperm and egg cell that have missing and extra chromosomes.

In one way the mosaicism arises is a nondisjunction event during mitosis. This occurs after conception.
Amid conception, a sperm and an egg cell and each with 23 chromosomes, come together, complete fertilization process.  After several cells have been made, one cell has trouble part its chromosomes mostly. The result can be one cell with 47 chromosomes and three chromosomes 21. This cell proceeds to make unused indistinguishable cells, through mitosis, and each new cell must also an extra chromosome 21. You may wonder if there is a cell that is missing chromosome 21? Yes, when nondisjunction happens, this sort of cell is too made. It is harder for the cell to live with lost a chromosome than an additional one, and this sort of cell more often than not doesn't survive or duplicate.

2. Nondisjunction

The moment groupings of occasions that can lead to Mosaicism includes nondisjunction happening twice. Firstly non-disjunction event happens when a sperm or egg cell is made. The sperm or egg cell has 24 chromosomes and with an additional chromosome 21. If we finish this would lead to a baby with trisomy 21, without mosaicism. In many cases, mosaicism is another nondisjunctional event happens after conception. As the cells of the embryo begin to make themselves copies, extra chromosome 21 is lost from one of the cells, and an unused cell is made with 46 chromosomes, instead of 47. Each this cell continue to double it that leads to a baby with two different type of cells or mosaicism.

By looking at the DNA information about the chromosomes we and other researchers have learned that the explanation involves two non-disjunctional events, one before and one
after conception, is the most visit way for mosaicism to happen, accounting to about 70% of cases. The other 30% more often than not happen by a single chromosome division issue in the developing life. Thinks about are by and by underway to memorize in case there are any contrasts in the advancement in the well being of cases with mosaicism emerging by distinctive mechanisms.

Remedies Of Mosaic Down Syndrome

Down syndrome mosaic is a lifelong condition. Services early in life mostly helps babies and children with mosaic down syndrome to improve their physical camp; intellectual abilities. Most of this type of services focus on helping children with Down syndrome increase to their full capability. These include occupational, speech and physical therapy, and they are mostly going through intervention class in each state. Children with mosaic down syndrome may also need extra help and attention in school. Many children are included in regular classes.


I'm an 52 years old South African woman and want to go for a blood test because I think I can possibly have mosaic down syndrome as I have suffered a lot at childhood and with learning disabilities at school and were never test or my mother didn't told me, where in SA can I go for such blood test and what is the name of the blood test?



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