5 Best Kids Yoga Videos on Youtube

Best Kids Yoga Videos on Youtube

Motivating kids to be active can be a struggle. While yoga is a hugely beneficial exercise for children of all ages, they aren’t interested in traditional asanas or highly structured yoga classes. Luckily, there are tons of engaging yoga videos out there produced especially for children. If your kid is addicted to screens, yoga DVDs and videos are an entertaining way to inspire your couch potatoes to get up and get moving. Here are some of our favorite free kids yoga videos on Youtube.

(While there are a lot of shorter yoga videos for kids around 3-5 minutes, this list focuses on longer “classes” for kids around 20-30 minutes.)

5 Fun Kids Yoga Videos on Youtube

1. Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids makes a huge wealth of yoga content specifically for kids (and makes some of our favorite yoga DVDs as well). Their Youtube Channel features hundreds of yoga videos in a variety of styles. They have beginner videos that focus on teaching how to do specific poses as well as full “classes” structured around stories and adventures (like the Kickapoo the Kangaroo class above). Because each class is more like watching an interactive story, these yoga videos are perfect for kids who eschew exercise. They even have videos based around kids favorite characters like Moana and Spiderman. No matter your children’s interests, you’ll find some yoga videos they’ll love in the Cosmic Kids library.

Some Cosmic Kids videos are also available on Amazon Prime.

2. Yoga For Kids with Alissa Kepas

Alo Yoga usually makes yoga and meditation content for adults, but they brought in instructor Alissa Kepas to make this special yoga video just for kids. If you find the bright colors and cartoonish-ness of Cosmic kids yoga annoying, this video the perfect option. Alissa tailors her routine for kids, making each pose engaging with interactive elements like making animal noises while still teaching the children the proper names and body positions for each pose. She’s full of positivity that brings a lot of fun and energy to her asanas. This routine is great for older kids who want to get more serious about yoga.

Recommended Age Range: Up to 8 years old

Class Length: 15 minutes.

3. Story Hive Yoga for Kids

Instructor Sophia Khan and two kid-sized helpers lead children through an energizing full-length yoga class. Like most kids yoga videos, Sophia gives thorough and playful instructions to keep kids engaged and help them understand the concepts. But this video is structured more like a traditional yoga class, with breathing exercises, setting an intention, warming up, and cooling down. Bold illustrations add extra fun for children without becoming too cartoonish. This video is a little more playful than the Alissa Kepas one.

This class is good for older kids who have the patience and attention span for a full 30-minute yoga class.

Class Length: 25 minutes

Make sure your kids have the right gear to practice yoga safely.

This children’s yoga mat from Gaiam is perfectly sized for young yogis.

The sticky surface helps them hold poses and cushions against hard floors in your home.

4. Play in the Park Yoga for Kids

Yoga with Adriene is one of our favorite Yoga channels, so of course, her routine for kids is one of the best! This video doesn’t have any fancy animations or stories to keep kids engaged, but Adriene’s playful and positive personality translates well to instruction for children. She explains each pose in kid-friendly language but avoids talking down to them. This full-length class is perfect for kids of anyway, but will really be appreciated by old kids and pre-teens who feel too old for other kids yoga videos.

Class Length: 30 Minutes

5. Yoga for Beginner Kids

If you have a preschool age kid but want a yoga video for them that isn’t based on cartoons and stories, this video for beginners is perfect. The instructor guides a class of four children through a child-focused routine that’s easy to follow at home. Each pose is modified with instructors for children that keep them engaged and add some extra fun. Full of big energy, this will help get your kids moving without grating you with annoying music and characters.

Recommended Age Range: 3 to 5 years old

Class Length: 20 minutes

Looking for more ways to inspire your children to get moving? Check out these yoga DVDs for kids and families and yoga videos for kids on Amazon Prime. Encourage their practice with these yoga and meditation gifts for kids. Teach them about mindfulness with these meditation videos for kids. Motivate your kids to stay active and get exercise with these activity trackers for kids.

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