Advocating for Birds and the Places They Need

Birds can’t vote,
but you can.


Join Audubon Action Fund to advocate for birds, people, and the places we need.

As the advocacy partner of the National Audubon Society, we are focused on creating durable bipartisan political support for Audubon’s conservation vision. That means promoting common-sense policy solutions that address the biggest threats to birds and the places they need now and into the future.


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By signing up, you are affirming your membership in the National Audubon Society Action Fund and your right to vote for a member of the Action Fund’s Board of Directors. You will receive emails from Audubon organizations about our conservation work and how you can help birds; you may unsubscribe at any time.

From top: Sandhill Cranes. Photo: Caroline Samson/Audubon Photography Awards; American Coots. Photo: Luke Franke/Audubon