Magic Shield
From The Bakugan Wiki
The Magic Shield BakuCore (Japanese: マジックシールド "Magic Shield") is one of the five types of BakuCores in the Bakugan Battle Planet game. The Magic Shield BakuCore primarily modifies (B-Power) at higher values compared to Shield BakuCores.
List of Magic Shield BakuCores[edit]
Battle Planet[edit]
Bakugan Battle Planet[edit]
Bakugan with One Magic Shield BakuCore[edit]
These Bakugan have one BakuCore that is the Magic Shield BakuCore as seen in their Character Card. For example, Pyrus Hydorous has /
as its Paired BakuCores.
Bakugan with Two Magic Shield BakuCores[edit]
These Bakugan have two BakuCores that is the Magic Shield BakuCore as seen in their Character Card.
Name | Paired BakuCores | Faction | B-Power | Damage Rating |
Pyrus Cloptor Ultra | 6 | |||
Pyrus Howlkor Ultra | 2 | |||
Aquos Pyravian Ultra | 2 | |||
Haos Vicerox | 5 |
Bakugan: Armored Alliance[edit]
Bakugan with One Magic Shield BakuCore[edit]
Bakugan with Two Magic Shield BakuCores[edit]
Name | Paired BakuCores | Faction | B-Power | Damage Rating |
Pyrus Auxillataur | 5 | |||
Darkus Sairus Ultra | 5 | |||
Haos Ryerazu | 2 |