BBX UK - Account Options

BBX Accounts

Let me ask you a question.

Would you prefer to see your spare capacity go to waste


Receive a banana and a new customer?

What do you get for a BBX Account?

  • Dedicated account manager who:
    1. Promotes your spare capacity into the global BBX network.
    2. Saves cash in your business or improves your lifestyle by connecting you with suppliers of goods and services in the BBX network.
    3. Networks you with fellow business owners on the platform and shares trading tips.
  • An interest free credit line up to one hundred thousand pounds to spend in our community.
  • Guaranteed extra business. The only way you repay any purchase is by the sale of your spare capacity. Click here to view our guarantee.
  • Earn a monthly CASH residual income by spreading the BBX word – see Ambassador programme.
  • No account receivable or no bad debt as every transaction is guaranteed provided authorisation is obtained.
  • Opportunity to network with thousands of like minded business owners.
  • Every time you BBX It you save valuable cash.

Choose your account…

We have three account options available with various benefits. Hover your cursor over each card (or tap on touch screen) to see further details.

    • Micro
      Turnover less than £85,000
    • One off Sign-up Fee
    • New sales success fee
      14% (£GBP) + 1% DTC.
    • Up to 1,000 DTC
      Interest free
      credit line 1.
    • Monthly account fee of
      £37 + 17 DTC2
    • Bronze
    • One off Sign-up Fee
    • New sales success fee
      14% (£GBP) + 1% DTC.
    • Up to 5,000 DTC
      Interest free
      credit line 1.
    • Monthly account fee of
      £37 + 17 DTC2
    • Gold
    • One off Sign-up Fee
    • New sales success fee
      10% (£GBP) + 1% DTC.
    • Up to 25,000 DTC
      Interest free
      credit line 1.
    • Monthly account fee of
      £47 and 17 DTC2
    • Black
    • One off Sign-up Fee
    • New sales success fee
      6.5% (£GBP) + 1% DTC .
    • Up to 100,000 DTC
      Interest free
      credit line 1.
    • Monthly account
      fee of £97 + 17 DTC

All prices quoted are plus VAT.

You can upgrade your account at any time. Simply pay the difference in set-up fee.

* This is an initial once only lifetime marketing fee. It comes with a 100% money back guarantee.
1 Credit lines are assessed on your company’s credit history and its ability to trade in the network.
2 Monthly account fee includes a dedicated, commission-based account manager who actively promotes your products or services through ongoing telemarketing, email campaigns, and social media posts on Facebook and LinkedIn. You’ll also gain valuable networking opportunities, word-of-mouth advertising, and meaningful connections with like-minded business owners. Additional benefits include SEO enhancements through backlinks and support from a procurement manager, all designed to help grow your business.
Note of the 17 DTC 8.50 is credited towards the Debt Reserve Fund (DRF) which protects the network and its account holders from unpaid credit lines that BBX is unable to recover).

BBX Rewards – get up to 20% off your high street stores

If you open one of the above accounts you qualify for BBX Rewards & Fuel Card. Click here for more details.

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FREE Spare Capacity Calculators
* Calculate the Maximum Capacity of your business
* Calculate the amount of Spare Capacity you have each year
* View our tools available to capture Spare Capacity
* Calculators available for all business types
How much cash are you leaving on the table each year?
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