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The Minecraft Player Locator Bar Will Help You Find Your Friends in Seconds
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Mojang has brought a new feature known as the player locator bar in the game that will help you find all your lost friends in the server. All your friends will be shown in the form of small squares with up or down arrows if they're far from you in terms of vertical height. With that said, if you want to know more about this feature jump right in.
Minecraft Live 2025 Announced; Check out the Event Date Here!
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Mojang has released a new trailer in their official YouTube channel, stating the confirmed date for the Minecraft Live 2025 event. In this event, you will get an exclusive look to all the new changes that are going to get introduced in the next major game drop. So be there at the time of the event.
Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A Tweaks Main Menu, Sheep Wool Texture, and More
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Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A is out for players to test all new features. Here you will find changes in the main menu, texture tweaks for sheep and test blocks, and many more. In this guide we will explore all these new features and changes.
Minecraft Spicewood Leak Reveals More Details for Alleged Minecraft Dungeons Sequel
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A group of Dataminers going by the name XOXLEAK has posted a new leak stating new main areas, points of interest and an image for the Project Spicewood. This game is said to be a successor to the beloved Minecraft Dungeons. In this guide we will explore what this game is all about and what all it has to offer according to the leaks.
40 Best Minecraft Mods You Must Install
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Minecraft has a plethora of mods available that provides you a new experience every time. You can bend the game to suit your needs as you feel like it and with so many options you will never have the opportunity to get bored. With that said, dive right in this guide and find out what are the best mods you must install right now.
Minecraft Snapshot 25W09A Brings New Fallen Trees to Java Edition
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This week's Minecraft Snapshot has arrived packed with a couple of new features and changes. Finally we have the fallen trees in Java which was already there in the Bedrock version. Next we have a few modifications to the Firefly Bush spawn locations, leaf litters, and other technical updates as well.
20 Best Minecraft House Ideas
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The first task once you spawn in Minecraft is to build a house. However, there can be loads of ways of building one, whether its a small and basic one, or a massive one with numerous decorative blocks. In this guide, we have brought you the best Minecraft house ideas that you can try and build in the game or take inspiration from.
Minecraft Diamond Level: Best Y Level to Find Diamonds
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Looking for the ultimate Overworld resource in Minecraft, Diamonds? These items have been the topmost symbol of wealth and power in the game, helping you to craft a bunch of high level and useful items, that not only help you attack and defend yourself, but also enchant your tools as well. So, if you are eager to fill your inventory with diamonds, hop on this article and explore the best levels where you will get these diamonds very easily.
Another week of Minecraft Snapshots and this one adds more to the surroundings of the game's world. We have new wolf sounds, and spawn egg tweaks. So, what are you waiting for, before you start the game, give this guide a read to know all that's new.
This week's Minecraft Snapshot has arrived a day late, but is packed with numerous new features and changes. Finally we have the much needed upgrade to the Wandering traders, their stocks revamped, the cartographers providing new maps, new sheep spawning rules and many more.
New Minecraft Movie Trailer Showcases Exploding Creeper and Villagers
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Warner Bros. is trying to hype up the Minecraft movie by dropping the latest trailer in the NBA All-Star Weekend taking place on February 14-16. The trailer is already up on YouTube and from the looks of it, the movie might turn out to be a good one. In this guide we will breakdown all that is shown in the trailer and state the views of the community as well.
Minecraft 1.21.60 Bedrock Makes 2025 Drop 1 Features Available for Testing
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If you are a Minecraft Bedrock player, you might have got left behind all those users on the Java edition who were receiving continuous updates from the Snapshots. But hold on tight because, Minecraft 1.21.60 drop now introduces all those new features into the game including the new pig variants, leaf animations, and new recipe for the Lodestone. With that said, jump right in to know more about these changes in the game.
All Confirmed Features Coming in the Next Minecraft Update
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The new Minecraft drop is closer than you can imagine and most likely it will be released by the first week of March. So, if you are excited for the next update as well, make sure you check out this guide as we have jotted down all the confirmed features released in the snapshots till now and that are going to be released in the next drop as well.
When Is the Next Minecraft Update? Here Is the Potential Release Date
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Are you excited about the next Minecraft update? In this article we will dive deeper into what could be the release date of the next Minecraft drop, studying the past trends, discuss the features of the next big update and finally predict a cool name for it.
Minecraft Cactus Flower: How to Get, Uses and More
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Minecraft Snapshot 25W06A brings in some new features including chicken variants, cactus flowers, and two types of dry grasses. Among these, the Cactus flowers, have a unique condition of getting spawned into the world, and grows only on top of the Cactus plants. To know more about these flowers, jump right in, and find out where to locate these, how to pick them up and all its uses in the game.
All Minecraft Chicken Variants and Where to Find Them
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Are you up for another new feature in Minecraft? With the latest snapshot Minecraft brings in two new species of Chickens - the Warm and the Cold ones. While they spawn in their respective zones, the original white ones will now spawn in Temperate zones. Not only there are two new variants, we have two new eggs as well laid by the respective chickens. So with that, jump right in and find out yourself where you can find these new species in your Minecraft world.
Minecraft Snapshot 25W06A Adds New Chicken Variants, Dry Grass, Cactus Flower and More
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Mojang seems to be cooking this year with so many new updates, introducing all new variants of the older mobs which were in the game from a very long time. This week its the moment for the chickens, since there are two new variants - the cold and warm ones. Moreover, the eggs they lay, are of unique colors as well. With that said, jump right in, and find out more about all the changes you will get to see in the latest Minecraft Snapshot 25W06A.
Minecraft Firefly Bush: How to Get, Uses and More
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Minecraft Snapshot 25W05A might be one of the best updates of 2025 when it comes to Ambience. This update introduces desert ambient sounds and the Firefly Bushes that simply look out of this world. In this article, we will guide you with the locations where these bushes generally spawn and give their uses in the game.
All Minecraft Cow Variants and Where to Find Them
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Minecraft Snapshot 25W05A introduces four new changes into the game including the addition of two new cow variants. The variants are similar to the Pigs and spawn in warm and cold biomes respectively. In this article, you will find out all the biomes where you will find all the cow variants in the game.
40 Best Minecraft Seeds For Players to Explore (2025)
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Minecraft is such a beautiful game, one where you can craft anything and even modify it according to your needs. Moreover, you can even set the world that you would like to spawn in. With that said, we have compiled a list of the best 40 Minecraft seeds that will give you the best viewpoints, resources, and loot structures in the game.
Minecraft Snapshot 25W05A Brings New Cow Variants, Firefly Bush and More
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The newly released Minecraft Snapshot 25W05a brings about a host of additions to the game including a new Firefly Bush block, cow variants and more. Keep reading to know all about it.
Minecraft 25W04A Snapshot Reverts Old Movement Changes
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Minecraft has rolled out a new Snapshot namely 25W04A that includes a few technical changes and some bug fixes were reverted. These bugfixes previously caused several negative side effects in the game and a lot of players had raised several issues related to this. So read this article and find out all the changes introduced in this new update.
Minecraft 25W03A Snapshot Adds New Test Features: Here’s What’s New
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Minecraft Snapshot 25W03A brings in lots of new technical features and a couple of mobs and material changes in the game. If you ever wanted to experience what a Minecraft developer feels, you can do so now with this new feature. Find out all the new changes being added to the game explained in a detailed manner.
How to Make a Villager Breeder in Minecraft
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The Minecraft villager breeder farm design we’ll be creating is fairly simple. It includes a crop farm that will constantly produce food. The farmer villager will harvest the crops and share them with the other villager. They will see the beds on a separate platform and try to breed to fill every bed. However, they cannot reach the beds because of the trapdoors blocking their path. But baby villagers are short enough to pass by toward the beds. They will then fall in the hole and the water streams will move them further away.
How to Make Flint and Steel in Minecraft
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You can make flint and steel in Minecraft with one iron ingot and one flint. Place the two items in any slot of the 2x2 crafting grid and you'll get flint and steel. It can also appear in the chests of Nether fortresses and ruined portals. To use the flint and steel, right-click or use the secondary action button on a block with a solid surface. This will create fire on top of the block. You can also use it to ignite TNT and creepers and light Nether portals, campfires and candles.
All Minecraft Pig Variants and Where to Find Them
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Minecraft has added two new pig variants with its latest snapshot. There are a total of three pig variants in the game now. Keep reading to know what they look like and where to find them.
Minecraft Wildflowers: How to Get, Uses and More
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Minecraft Snapshot 25W02A has brought a new kind of flower called the Wildflower. Native to the Birch Forests and Meadows, these grow on the ground and look very similar to the Cherry Blossom petals. Feeling curious yet? Keep reading this article to find out how you can get these flowers and know all of its applications in the game.
Minecraft 25W02A Snapshot Adds a Ton of New Features: Here’s What’s New
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The first Minecraft Snapshot of 2025 has finally rolled out, bringing in new features to the game. The Snapshot introduces new Pig variants that spawn depending on the temperature of the biome. This update adds so much more to the flora of Minecraft with Wildflowers, Leaf falling animation and Leaf litters. So what are you waiting for, dive into this article and find out everything about the new changes introduced in the game.
How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft
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Smooth stone blocks don't have a crafting recipe, but instead a smelting recipe in Minecraft. You will need a furnace, fuel of your choice and stone blocks to make them. Place the stone blocks in the upper cell of the furnace UI and add fuel below them. After some time, the stone will smelt into smooth stone. From there, you can make a blast furnace and smooth stone slabs with them. They can also be placed in a stonecutter to give you a better deal on the slabs. Smooth stone blocks and their slabs are popular building blocks.
What is Aqua Affinity in Minecraft? Explained
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Aqua affinity is a Minecraft enchantment that you can place on any helmet and it negates the mining speed reduction underwater. You may get it from the enchanting table while enchanting a helmet. Moreover, you can also find enchanted books with this enchantment and combine it with the helmet in an anvil. The moment you equip the helmet, aqua affinity becomes active and you can mine faster underwater. This enchantment has only one level.
How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft
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Honeycomb is one of two different products bees create in Minecraft. To obtain it, you'll a full bee nest or beehive, shears and a campfire. Find a naturally generated bee nest that is completely filled with honey. Then, place a campfire of any type below the nest and the smoke will rise up to it. Right-click the bee nest with crafted shears to extract the honeycomb. It'll drop from any side of the bee nest, so find it and collect it. You can also shear a full beehive block and you'll get honeycomb.
Minecraft 2? Creator Notch Teases a Spiritual Successor
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Minecraft creator Notch expressed interest in making Minecraft 2 after he started a poll on X asking the community for how they feel. Over 75% of the community voted yes and we just might see a Minecraft 2.
How to Get Resin in Minecraft
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Resin is the latest addition in Minecraft exclusive to the Pale Garden Biome but players may also find some traces of Resin inside the chests of the Woodland Mansion. Discover all the new blocks and bricks you can craft in the game using Resin as well as how it can be used to give your armor a lava colored pattern.
How to Make Eyeblossom Dye in Minecraft
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The Minecraft winter drop presents a new form a flower known as the Eyeblossoms. These have unique characteristics as they open in the day and close in the night. Both can be collected and used to make stews as well as dyes. Find out what different colored dyes you can craft from these Eyeblossom flowers in this article.
How to Make Resin Armor Trim in Minecraft
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The introduction of Resin in Minecraft has led to a new smithing ingredient, the Resin Bricks. The Resin armor trim looks very similar to the color of lava in the game and as if you are wearing a lava patterned armor. Discover, how you can make a Resin armor trim in Minecraft through this article.
5 Best Uses of Resin in Minecraft
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The Minecraft Winter drop is near and you might have already checked out what all features are going to be added into this new drop. The Resin is a new material going to be added in this new update and you might wanna check out some of the best ways of how to use this item in the game. Check out this article to find out all different ways that you can use Resin in the game.
Minecraft Eyeblossom Flowers: Where to Find, How to Get, and More
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The Minecraft winter drop has a new form of flower, the Eyeblossom. Native to the Pale Garden Biome, this flower has two types - the Open and the Closed one. Both have their unique visuals and produce a different kind of stew having unique effects. Discover where to find this unique flower and use them in your world.
5 Cool Things About the New Eyeblossom Flowers in Minecraft
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There is a new unique flower in Minecraft in this Winter update which is the Eyeblossoms. Find out some unique and interesting facts about this flower, including what items you can craft from it, how does it react to the environment and much more.
How to Make Resin Bricks in Minecraft
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The Minecraft winter drop is around the corner and you might start experimenting with the new features that were previously introduced in the snapshots. The Resin bricks are among the new features and so, you might want to know more about it. Go through this article and find out how to make the bricks and where to use them in the game.
How to Get Silk Touch Enchantment in Minecraft
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One of the most unique tool enchantments in Minecraft is silk touch. It allows you to break and obtain blocks in item form that are otherwise not obtainable. The examples are grass blocks, stone blocks, glass blocks and others. You may get this enchantment through the enchanting table. Place the tool and lapis inside and view your offers. Moreover, you can get a silk touch enchanted book and apply it to a tool in an anvil. Finally, you may also find a tool already enchanted with silk touch in structure chests.
How to Find the Pale Garden Biome in Minecraft
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The Pale Garden is a very unique and eerie forest Minecraft biome in the Overworld that includes pale oak trees, pale moss blocks and carpet, pale hanging moss and the Creaking Heart blocks. You can find it most easily by exploring your world. Try sticking to the higher terrain, so you can spot the pale oak trees. Furthermore, you can enable the cheats in your world and use the locate command to find the closest Pale Garden. Finally, you may use the seed finder tool Chunk Base and highlight the Pale Garden biome.
How to Get and Use Creaking Heart in Minecraft
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Creaking heart is a unique block that controls the Creaking Minecraft mob and is its greatest weakness. The only way to kill this mob is by breaking the creaking heart connected to it. This block naturally spawns only inside the Pale Garden biome, specifically inside pale oak trees. You may use this block to summon the Creaking mob wherever you want by placing it in between and aligned with two pale oak logs. Also, both of its stages look great, so the creaking heart can also be used in building and decoration.