Perched upon the edge of the rolling Illinois prairie is the Village of Bethalto. Low green hills and picturesque farms frame this attractive community of nearly 10,000 residents, one of the three fastest-growing communities in Madison County. The peaceful setting and relaxed lifestyle make Bethalto an ideal place to raise a family. Yet, its close proximity to the rest of the St. Louis metropolitan area means that your family will never exhaust the tremendous variety of cultural opportunities and entertainment nearby.


The next Village Board meeting is April 14, 2025, at 7 pm.

Committee meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month, as needed, at 6pm.  All meetings are held in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and are open to the publicFor more meeting information, visit our Agendas & Minutes quick link at the bottom of our home page.

The Village is in the process of flushing its entire water system due to recent discolored water concerns.  This process will continue throughout March until completed.  Periods of stained water and/or low pressure can be expected during this process.  During periods of discoloration, you may want to refrain from laundering clothes.  Any questions can be directed to Water Plant Operator Jim Williams at (618) 570-5098.  We appreciate your patience and cooperation as this necessary task is completed. 

MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC AGGREGATION information can be found here

Municipal Electric Aggregation Frequently Asked Questions can be found here

A notice from the Village RE:  Door-to-Door Solicitors and Peddlers can be found here

Our water office is located in Village Hall, with our payment drop box at the rear of Village Hall.  Follow the signs at the back of the building,  We also offer online payments and convenient automatic debit so your payment is always on time.  Call (618) 377-8013 for information on these payment options or to sign up for service.  Our Building & Zoning Department is located within our water office and can be reached by calling 377-7697.

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Residential Water Line Material Survey
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Village Ordinances
Agendas and Minutes
Police Department
Fire Department
Village Maps
Chamber of Commerce
Splash Pad
Ballfield Reservations