CSA Cards

Regular price $95.00 Sale

CSA - Customs Self Assessment Program

Simplifying the entire border crossing process for low-riskpre-approved companies.

With more than $400 billion in goods crossing the border every year, finding innovative ways to identify and efficiently process low-risk goods is vital to Canada's prosperity and economic competitiveness.

Pre-approval commercial programs, such as the Customs Self Assessment (CSA) program, are examples of how the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is working with the trade community to process low-risk goods more quickly and efficiently.

The CSA program is designed for low-risk, pre-approved importers, carriers and registered drivers. To take advantage of the program, CSA-approvedimporters and carriers must use a registered driver to carry CSA-eligible goods into Canada in the highway mode.

The CSA program simplifies many of the import border requirements so that low-risk shipments can be processed more quickly and efficiently at the border, saving businesses time and money.

It also allows the CBSA to better focus its resources on identifying high-risk shipments that pose a potential threat to the health, safety or economic well-being of Canadians.

For more detailed information please visit: www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/csa-pad/menu-eng.html

  • Cards are 2.25" x 3.375"
  • 30mil synthetic laminated
  • Various formats available from CSA to CSA/Fast and CSA Lead Sheet (please send us sample or reference one of the images)
  • Please supply CSA Carrider Code, importer number and company name