64 Classic BOSS Pedal Settings - at the press of a couple of switches! 


There was one thing that BOSS very cleverly incorporated into the ME-5 and that was MIDI. With its ability to recieve control Change information via standard System Exclusive (SYSEX), it meant that all the parameters and settings, locations and presets, could all be uploaded and downloaded to the unit 'on-the-fly' and edited via software on a computer or dedicated sequencer!


This has also meant that over 28 years on and you can still use this facility reliably either live or in the Studio. You can also very easily and remarkably quickly, use it to upgrade your old pre-sets to Modern or Vintage Patches!!

Midi OUT & Midi IN can control the ME5 via CUBASE or other DAW on a PC or MAC

NEW for 2021 - Access your ME-5 from your Smartphone!

Change your BOSS ME-5 patches via your Smartphone using REAL Patch names and not having to dance around on the footswitches guided by obscure Bank nos. only!


App and 'Patch Names Settings File' - Add it to your ME-5 setup Today!