Thursday, March 20, 2025

Bitcoin's Fee Spikes

I've written several times, for example in Fixed Supply, Variable Demand, about the mechanism that causes the cost of transacting on a blockchain like Bitcoin's to suffer massive spikes at intervals. When no-one wants to transact, fees are low. When everyone does, they are high. Below the fold I look in detail at a typical Bitcoin fee spike.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Archival Storage

I gave a talk at the Berkeley I-school's Information Access Seminar entitled Archival Storage. Below the fold is the text of the talk with links to the sources and the slides (with yellow background).

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Oligopoly Publishers

Rupak Ghose's The $100 billion Bloomberg for academics and lawyers? is essential reading for anyone interested in academic publishing. He starts by charting the stock price of RELX, Thomson Reuters, and Wolters Kluwer, pointing out that in the past decade they have increased about ten-fold. He compares these publishers to Bloomberg, the financial news service. They are less profitable, but that's because their customers are less profitable. Follow me below the fold for more on this.