Joshua Eichorn will be giving a talk about jQuery at the Pheonix azPHP user group tonight. You can get more details here:
Monthly Archives: November 2006
Expandable Sidebar Menu Screencast
This is the first (of hopefully many) screencasts that will provide a quick tutorial to a simple demo of jQuery in action. I plan on doing at least 2-3 more based upon the talks that I’ve given lately – hopefully I can trickle those out over the next week(s) or so. (Oh, and sorry if I sound tired – that’s because I am.) Enjoy!
Or: Watch the original (.mov, 3.85MB) video. (I suspect that this version is much clearer – but not everyone supports Quicktime files)
File Downloads:
jQuery Button Contest Winners
The votes are in! Here are the winners of the jQuery Button Contest:
The Winners
- First Place Prize (93 votes): Two Books – Ajax Design Patterns and John Resig’s upcoming Pro JavaScript Techniques
Ned Collyer, Australia:HTML: (Copy this into your web site to use this button)
- Second Place Prize (83 votes): One Book – Foundations of Ajax
Cyril Demars, France:HTML: (Copy this into your web site to use this button)
- Third Place Prize (75 votes): $10 Cash to a PayPal account of your choosing!
Altstack, Japan:HTML: (Copy this into your web site to use this button)
I’m quite pleased with the results, there’s a good mix of sizes and styles – a little something for everyone. If each of the winners could contact me, we’ll arrange for your prizes right away.
Remember: Even if your favorite entry didn’t win, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use it to promote jQuery.
On another note: The redesign (and reorganization) of the jQuery web site is in full swing. There are a couple professional web designers who are graciously donating their time to make the new site come alive. Expect to see some more updates on this front very soon.
I’d like to, again, thank everyone for participating – this has been a fantastic contest. I’m immensely pleased, and I hope you are too!
Vote for the jQuery Button
Voting is now closed! Thanks, everyone, for your input! The results can be found here: jQuery Button Contest Winners.
The next round of the jQuery Button Contest is upon us! After some careful deliberation, the judges have narrowed the playing field of 123 jQuery button submissions down to just 30. We were completely overwhelmed with both the quality and quantity of submission and would like to personally thank everyone who participated. There were a ton of excellent entries but ultimately the following 30 buttons were chosen due to their clarity, composition, and originality.
Now it’s your turn to help! In order to narrow the results down to the final three, winning, buttons we need you to vote for which buttons that you like. You’re allowed to vote for as many buttons as you’d like, but only once.
Vote for your favorite buttons:
Your votes are tracked and only counted once – but feel free to vote for as many buttons as you wish.
The polls will be closed Monday 11:59pm (EST, GMT -0500). So get your voting in now – and make your decision count!