I tried to change “blenderbuttons” PNG file with blender’s icons via User preferences > Theme. There is a field where we can specify path to a modified (or personal) PNG file with icons.

But nothing happened in my case.

I’m not able to find any information where the original file is stored, or where can we download actual icons used in version like 45000.
I tried search pin this forum, wiki, google . . .

Thanks for help

The original icons are compiled into blender so does not exist as a file you can directly change.
Here is a link to the icon image in the source https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender/release/datafiles/blender_icons.png


thanks for info, that is what I found too, but when I tried to use this file as “new” file - nothing happened.
(I did some changes on icons, I specified path for this file in user preferences -theme, I saved as default . . .)

Does anybody have succes to attempt new icons file via user preferences?
Thanks for any tip.

As Richard stated before the *.png file is compiled (copied) directly into the Blender program code.

If you want to use your own icons you have to fill them into a new *.png file maintaining the layout of the original *.png file.
Then you have to compile Blender for yourself, substituting the original icon PNG file with your new creation.

OK, I really appreciate your help guys, but it’s a bit walk in a circles :slight_smile:
What is this “User Preferences” > “Theme” > “Icons” field (at the bottom)?

I thought it’s a place where I can locate new UI icons file, but I tried to change UI icons file, than I thought it’s about icon of saved blend file, but I can’t see any changes.

Thanks for help.

Nobody has an idea what it is? Hm . . . It doesn’t look like a good feature :slight_smile:

I’m curious about this user pref as well…still nobody knows what this is??

I think within blender process using make/cmake; there is command call datatoc in linux which put the png sheet into binary.