I decided to create this work so as to experiment and learn more on hair grooming, texturing and surfacing in general. Although the stubborn hair obeyed me 80% only, lol which am not so happy with, but i am a bit satisfied with this result. what do you think?
For full resolutiion check out my artstation page
Concept art by Tooth Wu. (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/5X6NJ)

…and a good man he is. :smiley: - his hair is cRaaaAAA–zy!! Love it.

Thanks a lot :smiley: jim

Hi Chukx! This looks amazing! I’m just starting out so forgive me for asking, do you have any reference in stylized texture skin like the one you did above? Thank you.

I didnt have any reference for the skin texture though, but i knew what i was going for (like guzz soares’s skin painting style something like this image). And also I mainly got references for sculpting the details.

wow great work !!!

thanks befx


you’re welcome :slight_smile: