Unleashing the Energy Revolution

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Jobs Created

$ 0 M+

Total Investment Secured

0 +

Companies Served

We empower founders
to launch energy technology solutions.

Our purpose is hosting a signature entrepreneur program to bring viable solutions to energy security challenges from unexpected places. From reducing carbon emissions, to ensuring people have access to ample and stable electricity, energy tech helps support our society and pushes us towards a better future. We believe anyone, anywhere can be a catalyst for change, and it’s our mission to empower the entrepreneurs who are working to create a sustainable and secure energy future.

BRITE CEO interacting with a startup founder

We seek collaboration
with those who believe in advancing energy technology.

BRITEnetwork is the fastest growing professional network of those who are seeking a competitive advantage throughout the “energy revolution,” the biggest economic transition in history. Participating members gain curated access to the technologies, people, and funding opportunities that will empower them to successfully navigate their strategic and economic futures.

For Startups

Learn more about what we can do for you in our signature entrepreneur programs.

support our mission

Make a tax-deductible donation to support energy innovation.

join britenetwork

Commit to leveraging the collective energy network in one of the fastest mobilizing industries in the world.

We measure our success by our member's success.
A win for BRITE means a win for the future of energy.

Brite logo PNG

Our culture
drives what
we do.

Our values shape every action we take and decision we make.

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