We offer 3 different types of ads to choose from, and ONLY Buick automobile related ads will be accepted on this website!
THERE’S NO BETTER PLACE TO GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT YOUR BUICK OFFERS THAN HERE! {since the people here are already interested in Buicks}
* has been online for over 15 (turbocharged) years (started in 2007)!
* gets 500-600 (on average) visitors a day (some days spiking up to almost 900!), and growing in popularity DAILY! (1 million+ visits so far! Check the counter on the bottom of this page!)
* has numerous page 1 word search (& images) listings in Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., for TURBO BUICK REGAL GRAND NATIONAL associated keywords (meaning this website is highly listed in the search engines when Turbo Regal folk are looking specifically for various Grand National stuff!)
* quite popular website updated frequently with pictures, info, event coverage, videos, literature details, collectibles information, buick news, and much more varied details all specifically about the Turbo Regals!
* Each visitor, stays on this website (on average, according to stats) for less than 30 minutes & visits about 5 different pages. (which means they may have 5 different opportunities to see YOUR ad!)
We offer text link type (word) ads and 2 different kinds/sizes of banner display ads.
No matter what kind of products or services you offer for the Buick/automotive community, this is a great website to get the word out on your company, service, or products!
This is BUICK targeted marketing for you at it’s best!
Where else you gonna find 300+ Buick customers – RIGHT NOW , TODAY?
Since the people that come to this site are ALREADY interested in the Turbo Regal muscle cars, whether it be a Grand National, Turbo T, T-type, WE4, WH1, GNX, Limited, etc., no matter if they own a model from 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, or 1987, they are ALREADY HERE looking for BUICK info., parts, services, etc.
These are YOUR customers, past, present, or future!
They probably want what you have, so let them know you’re available to supply them with their BUICK needs. If YOU don’t, your competitors surely WILL!!
We offer very reasonable advertising on this Buick Grand National web site for this type of specific targeted traffic that YOUR Buick offers can definitely use!
Its simply a price that you won’t believe (even though it’s true), and you can’t get anywhere else!
{because hey, I need to be able to have extra $$$ to buy turbo buick parts too!}
SO don’t miss out on the incredible BUICK ADVERTISING deals we offer!
Just a quick question:
Does ANY of your other online advertising sources that you currently use {you are advertising, aren’t you?}, offer you an UNLIMITED amount of exposure, (NO Per click fees, NO impression fees, NO per view fees, NO daily/weekly/monthly/yearly charges, NO extra fees, etc., etc.) for just a ONE-TIME charge?
That’s right! ONLY pay ONE TIME & we’ll run your ad on this website FOREVER! Wait, What? Forever? YES! Forever – REALLY!
HOW can we only charge you one-time for your ad? Because we are also looking to provide our readers with the info & sources that they are seeking! So by giving you a great deal on advertising, we are also benefiting our readers in their search for Buick parts, etc! It’s truly a WIN-WIN-WIN for all of us!
AND, is your other advertising you’re using specifically geared to THIS type of BUICK traffic? (The exact kind you’ll get from THIS Buick website?)
Unless you’re also advertising on one of the Buick Regal forums, we doubt you’re getting the maximum value for your advertising dollars…
(but realize forums have their own set of HUGE fees & problems & rules & regulations, etc., too)
So, Exactly how many people come to the BTR website?
Check out a sampling of our visitor stats over the past few years:
The latest stats for this site:
(March – May 2023)
Here at we offer 3 types of advertising that you can utilize to get customers to visit YOUR website, and check out YOUR products & services.
They each have their advantages & disadvantages.
Here’s the 3 listed in order from good to best:
1- a text link (some words that when clicked take people to your website). Shown on the sidebar on every page on this website.
2- a header banner ad (a display {picture} ad that when clicked, send people to YOUR website [or where ever you want]). Shown at the top of the page, on ALL pages of this website, on the right side. ads are presented within a rotating box.
3- a sidebar banner ad (a display {picture} ad that when clicked take people to your website). Your ad shown ALL of the time (no rotation), on the right sidebar on the homepage & left sidebar on all other pages. Ads are shown on ALL of the pages on this website.
Below, we explain each ad & how it works, in its entirety:
“Text Link Ad” – TEXT LINK ADS: (#1 from the list above)
You can get an (up to) 5 word text link type ad for just 40 bucks!
{A one-time $40 charge for a permanent ad link}.
Your text link ad will be listed on the left sidebar of EVERY page on this website and these links are “follow” type links – so the search engines will love you! These ad links are great if you are trying to ‘rank’ for a specific type word or phrase in the search engines. These ads will also bring you some traffic (people who will come to your website). Not as good as either of our display ads (details below) as far as visibility, but it’s better than having no advertising at all.
Here’s a picture of where these text link ads are located on THIS website:
(you can scroll midway down on this page to see the actual text ads, inside the “3.8 Liter Friends” box, on the left hand side)
“Header Banner Ad” – 468×60 HEADER BANNER AD:
(#2 from the list above)
Got an existing banner ad you want to display on our website?
When you purchase a header banner ad, it will be shown on EVERY page of this website, (inside our rotating banner ad system)!
Ads are shown at the top of the page, on the right side, on ALL of the pages on this website (next to the big interior view of the Grand National on the left side).
The size of the ad is 468 (pixels) wide x 60 (pixels) tall.
We can host (store online) the ad for you or pull it from your own servers (or from wherever else you have it hosted).
If you already have a banner ad created, great, we’ll use that if you want.
If not, we can make one for you if you need it (FREE), just email us AFTER you order your header banner ad below.
The ONE-TIME cost (not per impression, not per view, not per click, not per day/month/year!) to have your banner ad placed into our header banner system is only $200! (that’s less than 50 cents a day – and remember, after the first year, it costs you NOTHING…)
This includes unlimited impressions, unlimited clicks, unlimited views, unlimited exposure! and your header banner ad will remain on this website & in our system FOREVER!
You’ll get YEARS of unlimited advertising from this offer for just one low price – paid JUST one time!
> Now THAT’S a DEAL! <
Header banner ads are shown within a rotating slider box {along with everyone else’s header banner ad that is in our system} on EVERY single page of this website.
There’s well over 2500+ pages on this website, so rest assured that viewers to this website WILL see your header banner ad!
A truly EXCELLENT investment for your buick advertising dollars!
This type of display ad is much better than our text link ad (above), but not as good as the sidebar ad (below) since header banner ads are shown on a rotating basis.
Here’s a picture of where the header banner ads are located on THIS website:
(you can scroll all the way to the top of this page to see an actual header banner ad – watch it rotate!)
>>> As a FREE BONUS: YOUR ad will also be featured on the Turbo Buick Parts for sale page!
(Your ad is ALWAYS shown within the listing on that page {it is NOT rotated} whenever someone looks at this page! Go see the other fine Buick Vendors that you’ll be listed along side with!) <<<
“Sidebar Display Ad” – 125X125 DISPLAY AD ON THE SIDEBAR: (#3 from the list above)
These 125X125 sized sidebar ads are displayed on EVERY single page of THIS website!
Unlike the header banner ads above, YOUR AD is ALWAYS shown on EVERY single page of this website (there’s NO rotation of these ads, they are permanently positioned on ALL of the webpages on this site, meaning customers WILL definitely see YOUR ad no matter what page they are looking at).
Ad placement is on a first come first served basis, so your ad will be placed in the next available spot under the “Turbo Buick Regal Dealers” heading (see pic below to see actual ad section where your ad will appear).
There are only a limited amount of spaces available in this section (“6” spots), so if you want to make sure Your fellow BUICK community sees YOUR offerings, THIS is definitely where you want YOUR ad to appear!
This special ad section is on the right side of the page on the homepage, and on the left side on every other page of this website.
>>> Along with your 125×125 sidebar display ad being displayed in this special section, we will also announce your company (or product, service, etc.) in a special separate post (all by itself, for YOUR item only) on this website (that will FOREVER be included within this website!), for free!
(the post will have a direct link to YOUR website [or specific product page, ebay listing, etc.] within the announcement, so you get even more viewers going to YOUR website to see YOUR stuff!)
>>> Your ad will also be placed on the Turbo Buick Parts For Sale page. (YOUR ad is ALWAYS visible on this page).
These special sidebar display ad spaces are being offered on a limited basis to BUICK dealers/vendors only, at a ONE-TIME cost of just $375 to get (many) YEARS worth of special targeted advertising!
{This is a one-time ONLY charge for a permanent ad here on this website!}.
Doesn’t your BUICK business deserve this type of AWESOME advertising???
Are we CRAZY to offer an advertising deal like THIS for an ad that runs FOREVER??
Maybe, but you should definitely jump on this offer before we come to our senses!!!
Order NOW before all of the limited spots are taken!
Here’s a picture of where the sidebar ads are shown (on the homepage):
(you can scroll up to the top of this page & see them on the left side of this page on the sidebar)
Even though our traffic now averages 400+ visitors per day (as of September 2021):
Let’s say for an example, “ONLY” 300 people a day see your ad:
1st year exposure = 109,500 people could see YOUR ad!
2nd year accumulative total = 219,000 visitors!
3 years, YOUR AD could have been seen by more than 328,500 people!!!
And, over the course of 5 years: 547,500! (thats half a million!!!)
Think you might get some extra business from THAT kind of exposure???
(and that doesn’t even include all of the extra views you’ll get from the free extra post that we’re including in this special offer when you order a “sidebar display ad”!)
[PLUS, don’t forget YOUR AD will run for many more years to come after that!]
{If you are seriously in business for the long haul – THIS is absolutely where it’s at!}
NOW IMAGINE, this website is growing daily in terms of the number of visitors, (and right now it often gets occasional huge spikes in traffic every so often), so by getting well more than just 400 people a day viewing it, you do the math based on the above example and then figure out how many people could come visit YOUR website & offerings!
You want to sell YOUR Buick stuff? Order an ad below! TODAY!
Click the link below & in the “Order Notes” section within the store cart, include the words you want used (up to 5), these will be “linked” {used as “keywords”} to send people to your website.
Also include the URL {your website address} you want these words to be directed to.
(where you want people to go to when they click your text ad)
[sample format to send us in the “order notes” section:
KEYWORD: turbo buicks for sale – URL:
~ which will look like this when we print it (hover to see the website url the link goes to): turbo buicks for sale
If you’d just like your website to be shown instead of keywords, no problem, just use this format: KEYWORD: – URL:
~ and it will look like this when we print it:
Purchase your (up to 5 words) text ad below using Paypal.
(you DO NOT need a paypal account to pay through paypal, you can use ANY major credit card to pay).
Click HERE to order!
Click the link below & in the “Order Notes” section within the store cart, please indicate WHERE (the URL) your banner ad is hosted (online) at right now, and let us know if we are pulling (using) the ad from THAT server, or you want us to host it for you (free).
{there’s no advantage to having us host it for you if it is already online somewhere else right now}.
If it is NOT online right now, but you have a banner already made you want to use, you will need to email us a copy of your banner AFTER you make payment and we will host it (hosting means storing your image online) for you (no additional charge).
When you send it to us, please include the paypal transaction # for your purchase.
If you do not already have a header banner ad & need one created, email us AFTER you have purchased below.
ALSO BE SURE to indicate where you want people to go (your website URL or elsewhere) when someone clicks on your banner!
Purchase your header banner ad below using Paypal.
(you DO NOT need a paypal account to pay through paypal, you can use ANY major credit card to pay).
Click HERE to order!
Click the link below & in the “Order Notes” section within the store cart, please indicate WHERE (the URL) your display ad is hosted (online) at now, and let us know if we are pulling the ad from THAT server, or you want us to host it for you (free).
{there’s no advantage to having us host it for you if it is already online somewhere else now}.
If it is NOT online right now, you will need to email us a copy of your display ad AFTER you make payment below.
When you send it to us, please include the paypal transaction # for your purchase.
If you do not already have a sidebar display ad (125×125 pixels in size) & need one created, email us AFTER you have purchased below. (we’ll make one for you FREE).
ALSO BE SURE to indicate where you want people to go (your website URL, etc.) when someone clicks on your display ad!
Purchase your sidebar display ad below using Paypal.
(you DO NOT need a paypal account to pay through paypal, you can use ANY major credit card to pay).
Click HERE to order!
If you have any other questions, feel free to email us using our contact form