Fostering companionship and joy
to dogs and their humans
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Hi, I'm Judy Moore
welcome to canine behavior counseling

As President of Canine Behavior Counseling I am dedicated to helping dog owners better understand their dogs’ responses to prevent dog bites. Dogs that become overly aroused, fear aggressive, or guard resources are those that I can help using a Positive Approach. 


As a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (IAABC), and a Certified Temperament Tester, (CARAT) I can help dog owners understand their dogs’ emotional sensitivities as well as other character traits, as behaviors are a response to how our dog’s feel. By providing you the proper information, management techniques and training skills, we can improve your dogs well being and enhance the relationship between you and you dog. 

You can get started training today with my comprehensive online training classes, Drop the Leash and Bite Prevention.


If you enjoy free positive dog training tips, you will surely want to subscribe to my Youtube channel. Each video clip is designed to educate you on dog behavior! YouTube Channel

In addition to Bite Risk Assessment Cases, writing monthly Blogs and creating YouTube content. I am creating online webinars,  training courses and prepare for upcoming  podcasts. Next Podcast os on Bite Prevention to be offered on December 12th 2024! 

I am also  writing a book, The Art of Canine Socialization.  A 7 step process of introducing dogs safely, which will help to prevent reactivity in our dogs.  Sign up for my Dog Training Newsletter to so you do not miss out!


Additional Positive Trainers in Maine:

Best regards,
Judy Rapp Moore, BS, CDBC, CCA, CPDT-KA
Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (IAABC)
Certified Temperament Assessor (CARAT


Judy is taking limited clients at this time.

To start training today, check out Judy’s online courses Bite Prevention or Drop The Leash

Convenient Online Classes

Start training today with our immensely detailed Bite Prevention and Drop the Leash Online Dog Training classes. Bite Intervention Training for Everyone – B.I.T.E. and Drop the Leash. Judy's classes will improve your dog’s behavior, reduce bites and strengthen your relationship in the process.

Judy is currently focusing on Aggression Cases.

If you have met with other trainers and are still puzzled by your dog's behavior, please schedule a consultation with Judy as she is happy to help you understand "why" your dog is acting a certain way. Judy specializes in helping you understand your dog’s temperament traits, which will be observed in his body language. This will help explain, for example, why your dog responds with confident activation or fearful inhibition and which of these responses can be counter conditioned.

Bite Risk Assessment

This Assessment is performed in Judy’s office and is for dogs who have bitten humans or dogs, resulting in two or more punctures.

CARAT Temperament Assessment

As a Certified CARAT Temperament Assessor and a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, I can identify temperament traits that may lead to separation anxiety, reactivity, and aggression in pups as early as 8 weeks of age. My assessment will guide your socialization priorities and help you prevent unwanted behaviors from developing.

Judy’s Blog & YouTube Channel

Having owned three dogs with bite histories, Judy's blog entries and YouTube Videos have a strong focus on dog Bite Prevention, dogs that bite humans, dog to dog aggression and resource guarding.

Kind words from my clients

Read the kind words from my past clients to get a feel for what you can expect from working with me.

about Judy

Click below to learn more about my certifications and positive approach.