Star Cars History
This is the history of the brand Star since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
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Star Engineering Company in 1883 released a large batch of bicycles. In 1897, its owner, Edward Lisle built the first car brand "Star", using the basic units of the car "Benz" of "3,5 HP ." In 1900 she made her debut with the motor model V2 and 3 -speed transmission , but the focus on the "Benz" deprived the company a large number of buyers. A year later, "Star" produced car with a 2- cylinder engine with side valves capacity of 7 hp, which served as a model for the motor company Panhard.
Almost at the same time there was another model with a single-cylinder engine "De Dion-Bouton". In 1903 he presented the first "Star" with a 4- cylinder engine that looks like a "Mercedes". Two years later saw the release of version with an engine displacement of 3261 cm3. The first "Star" with a 6- cylinder engine in a 6227 cm3 30 hp built in 1906. This model is available in 5 years. In 1909, the engine capacity was increased to 6981 cm3.
The following year, was shown the model " 15NR " with a 4- cylinder engine in a 2862 cm3. In 1912, it replaced the more well-known car "Star- 15.9NR " equipped with a 4-cylinder 3.0 -liter unit . In 1914, the "Star" showed him a unified model " 20.1NR " engine in 3817 cm3. Both cars were produced until 1921 . Then they changed the light model " HP 11.9 " with an engine displacement of 1795 cm3, increased in 1924 to 1945 cm3. This variant has been called " 12/25NR " and its development has become a sports car " 12/40NR " with brakes on all wheels. Increased engine power the updated model " 15NR " was achieved primarily through the use of overhead valve cylinder head.
In 1928, the company "Star" became part of "Guy" and reduced its program to two models: " 18/50NR " and " 20/60NR " with a 6- cylinder engines . In 1930, both machines are thoroughly modernized . They are sold under the name "Comet" and "Planet". They are equipped with hydraulic brakes on all wheels. However, production of vehicles was too expensive, and in March 1932 , the company "Star" was forced to cease operations.
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