CENSolutions are the UK’s largest supplier of product certification, within The Fenestration Industry, our “CMS Quality Mark for IGU’s – EN 1279” has been recognised by The NHBC since 2006. Soon followed by our “CMS Quality Mark for Windows & Doors – EN 14351/BS 6375/PAS 24:2016” in 2014. Our CMS Mark meets with the approval of other bodies such as The NIHE, LHC and other key specifiers and architects & in a working partnership with E.R. Certification & E.R.C. Testing we can help guide companies to achieve ‘Secured by Design’ accreditation. Our aim is to ensure our clients are not only fully compliant with the standards relevant to their products, but to also ensure that they have the systems and procedures in place to help their company grow.
We are proud to announce we have now been looking after our customers needs for 20 Years
Window & External Door
Weather Performance
BS 6375 Window & Door Weather Performance Testing
Performance of windows and doors.
Classification for weathertightness and guidance on selection and specification.
CENSolutions offer a full service for compliance, certification and testing for the weather performance of windows and doors.
We can certify & test PVC, Aluminium, and Timber Windows & External Doors
Windows & Doors
Approved Document Q Compliance
PAS 24:2022 Window & Door Enhanced Security Testing
Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets & windows. Doorsets & windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings & other buildings exposed to comparable risk.
CENSolutions offer a full service for compliance, certification and testing for the enhance security performance of windows and doors.
Changes to BS EN 1279 Insulated Sealed Glass Units
The mandatory product standard for the manufacture of Double-Glazed Sealed Units has been amended it became mandatory on the 19/03/20
This hEN standard – EN 1279:2018 has several changes that will affect Sealed Unit Manufacturers and requires urgently addressing.
As the UK’s leading provider of insulated sealed unit certification & testing, CENSolutions can guide your business to compliance with the new version of the product standard.