dreampop and shoegaze world

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

hello. i've been really struggling these past few months. its been 4 months and ive still been unable to find a new job to replace the old one that fired me for being transgender. ive been depressed and paranoid and my psychosis has not been making it easier on my suicidal ideation (and easier on securing a job). i don't have many people who can help support me in this city and i need money for meds, food, and rent. i'm dangerously low on funds. i understand that im not really anyone to you but if you can afford to slip me a buck or two i'd deeply appreciate it. thank you. https://venmo.com/u/Lonestatus


PLEASEEEE help penny!!!! she means the absolute world to me

Pinned Post

its sad that most of the greatest philosophers were never able to ride the schoolbus in a seat to themselves while listening to their moms classic rock albums on their ipod all throughout middle and high school because thats where all the deepest thinking is happening bar none


What about the humble shower? I have entire debates in there. Sometimes I lose my mind a little bit.



Anonymous asked:

hi i checked out 2015 dreampop album The Glow by Gold Celeste and now i can tell you about it ! i think i've always like dreampop but i never knew what it was called until i checked out your blog so now i will have a much easier time finding music yayyy. as for The Album itself i liked it a lot. i listened to it while running errands so i probably will need to do a second listen to absorb more of it but i really really loved the sound. will probably buy it soon and if i find my CDs i might burn it so i can keep it in my glovebox to smile at whenever i want


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