“Kung Fu Rookie” Theatrical Poster
Director: Aman Ergaziyev
Cast: Timur Baktybayev, Irina Azhmukhamedova, Kuat Khamitov, Erkebulan Toktar, Riskul Konakbaev, Janelle Sergazina, Talgat Duisenov, Kuandyk Shakyrzhanov
Running Time: 79 min.
By Z Ravas
2023’s Kung Fu Rookie (AKA “Timuchin”) has a problem. No, it’s not the production values — the film looks sharp for a low-budget project out of Kazakhstan — nor is it the script necessarily, as this action/comedy has more than a few jokes and gags that land. No, it’s the fact that the whole movie is built around the idea that lead actor Timur Baktybayev is a walking, talking tribute to Jackie Chan… except instead of fighting like Jackie Chan, he moves like your best buddy with the beer paunch who says, “Hey, watch this” and then pretends to do a martial arts kick in your kitchen, nearly splitting his groin in the process.
Okay, okay, maybe I’m being a little harsh: Kung Fu Rookie proves it’s hard to pull off a compelling fight scene on camera, and you can tell the cast and crew here are trying. Let’s not forget that Kazakhstan isn’t exactly known for its thriving international action scene. And the setup is adequate for this kind of movie, as Timur Baktybayev’s character visits his uncle in the big city with the intention of joining the local police force. Before long, his uncle’s fruit stall draws Continue reading →
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