Category:SVG maps of China
This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.
- SVG maps of China proper (3 F)
- SVG blank maps of China (25 F)
- SVG maps of Chongqing (46 F)
- SVG maps of Sichuan (4 F)
- SVG maps of Yunnan (5 F)
Media in category "SVG maps of China"
The following 190 files are in this category, out of 190 total.
2008 Chinese winter storms map en.svg 1,000 × 850; 275 KB
2008 Chinese winter storms map zh-hans.svg 1,000 × 850; 332 KB
2008 Chinese winter storms map zh-hant.svg 1,000 × 850; 343 KB
2016SongjiangTram.svg 2,060 × 1,443; 28 KB
Administrative divisions of China by HDI (2017).svg 512 × 427; 122 KB
Administrative divisions of China by HDI (2019).svg 512 × 427; 115 KB
Annual population growth rate by Chinese province.svg 1,300 × 850; 71 KB
Beijing 2008 olympic venue.svg 3,934 × 2,913; 1.17 MB
Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway route map zh-hans.svg 338 × 571; 449 KB
Beijing-Guangzhou Line 1.svg 338 × 571; 452 KB
Beijing-Hong Kong Line 1a.svg 338 × 571; 455 KB
Bohaisea.svg 571 × 488; 117 KB
Carte spatiale de la Chine.svg 1,993 × 1,690; 3.47 MB
Cezi.svg 629 × 814; 74 KB
CharmingConstituency.svg 730 × 762; 20 KB
China administrative (Indonesian).svg 857 × 699; 214 KB
China administrative claimed included bn.svg 857 × 699; 228 KB
China administrative claimed included mk.svg 857 × 699; 174 KB
China administrative claimed included.svg 857 × 699; 173 KB
China administrative offical.svg 857 × 1,000; 105 KB
China administrative PRC.svg 857 × 699; 164 KB
China administrative zh-hans.svg 857 × 699; 888 KB
China administrative zh-hant.svg 857 × 699; 1.18 MB
China administrative-ar.svg 857 × 699; 228 KB
China administrative.svg 857 × 699; 214 KB
China autonomous regions numbered mk.svg 857 × 699; 205 KB
China autonomous regions numbered.svg 857 × 699; 180 KB
China autonomous regions-ar.svg 857 × 699; 211 KB
China autonomous regions.svg 857 × 699; 149 KB
China direct-administered municipalities-ar.svg 857 × 699; 205 KB
China direct-administered municipalities.svg 857 × 699; 152 KB
China flooding - June 15, 2008.svg 857 × 699; 268 KB
China GDP by Province.svg 784 × 522; 1.56 MB
China HIV infection map (2005 new cases reported).svg 512 × 435; 92 KB
China HIV infection map (2015 new cases reported).svg 512 × 435; 92 KB
China Hong Kong 4 levels localisation.svg 1,000 × 850; 703 KB
China Köppen zh-TW.svg 1,152 × 990; 2.05 MB
China Köppen.svg 1,152 × 990; 2.14 MB
China LCC administrative map.svg 576 × 496; 3.41 MB
China map.svg 616 × 553; 224 KB
China municipalities numbered.svg 857 × 699; 187 KB
China Peking Hongkong Rail-en.svg 338 × 571; 456 KB
China province-level divisions-ar.svg 857 × 699; 561 KB
China province-level divisions.svg 857 × 699; 191 KB
China provinces highlighted-ar.svg 857 × 699; 417 KB
China provinces highlighted-kr.svg 857 × 699; 170 KB
China provinces highlighted.svg 857 × 699; 169 KB
China provinces numbered - id.svg 857 × 699; 269 KB
China provinces numbered with regional colors.svg 857 × 699; 153 KB
China provinces numbered with regional colors2.svg 857 × 699; 354 KB
China provinces numbered.svg 857 × 699; 211 KB
China Southeast adm location map.svg 1,389 × 1,091; 627 KB
China Southwest adm location map.svg 1,167 × 1,170; 507 KB
China's Zero degrees line in January.svg 1,000 × 850; 205 KB
ChinaHebeiXingtai.svg 529 × 656; 21 KB
ChinaHIVAIDSmap.svg 1,000 × 850; 279 KB
Chine -zones de culture - pomme de terre.svg 1,000 × 850; 261 KB
Chinese Eastern Railway-cn.svg 850 × 743; 42 KB
Chinese Eastern Railway-en.svg 909 × 793; 107 KB
Chinese Eastern Railway-ru.svg 850 × 743; 36 KB
Chinese Treaty Ports.svg 1,215 × 940; 1.81 MB
COVID-19 attack rate in Mainland China.svg 1,000 × 850; 237 KB
COVID-19 cases in Greater China.svg 1,000 × 850; 139 KB
COVID-19 cases in the People's Republic of China.svg 1,000 × 850; 108 KB
COVID-19 imported cases in Mainland China.svg 1,000 × 850; 109 KB
COVID-19 Incidence Map China 2020-01-22.svg 512 × 394; 1.33 MB
COVID-19 Outbreak Cases in Mainland China.svg 857 × 699; 139 KB
Divisions of Taihe.svg 1,060 × 640; 299 KB
Divixoin aministrative Cinn-a.svg 857 × 699; 177 KB
Désert de Dzoosotoyn Elisen.svg 728 × 608; 26 KB
Endonyms of China.svg 936 × 1,368; 9.64 MB
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.svg 343 × 350; 1.06 MB
Greater Tibet locator map.svg 1,181 × 940; 2.6 MB
Gushi County Blank Map no borde.svg 1,460 × 2,079; 71 KB
H1N1 China map by confirmed cases.svg 1,000 × 850; 212 KB
H1N1 China map.svg 857 × 699; 85 KB
Heihe Tengchonlijn.svg 1,692 × 1,184; 77 KB
Heihe-tengchong-line.svg 1,000 × 850; 216 KB
Himalaya political map EN.svg 1,481 × 1,000; 951 KB
Hong Kong Districts.svg 1,454 × 1,083; 151 KB
Hong Kong Location with coloured districts.svg 1,298 × 1,800; 237 KB
Hong Kong Location with districts.svg 1,298 × 1,800; 292 KB
Hong Kong Location.svg 1,270 × 640; 229 KB
Hong Kong Strategic Route Map coloured en.svg 1,607 × 1,170; 109 KB
Hong Kong Strategic Route Map coloured zh.svg 1,191 × 842; 151 KB
Huaxiasiyi.svg 672 × 456; 167 KB
Japanese China.svg 600 × 600; 649 KB
Jiangsu outline map.svg 512 × 479; 65 KB
Jiangxi administrative divisions 2levels-fr.svg 1,228 × 1,488; 418 KB
Jiangxi Anyuan.svg 1,228 × 1,488; 250 KB
Jiangxi.svg 1,228 × 1,488; 250 KB
Jintang.svg 629 × 814; 73 KB
Kaitak schn.svg 988 × 1,200; 199 KB
Kaitak tchn.svg 988 × 1,200; 230 KB
Kina.svg 1,097 × 1,035; 290 KB
Koppen-Geiger Map CHN future.svg 1,761 × 850; 4.98 MB
Kína adminisztratív térképe a vitatott területekkel.svg 857 × 699; 172 KB
Location Of Anfu.svg 512 × 683; 76 KB
Location of Nathula.svg 800 × 740; 70 KB
LocationPRChina.svg 1,000 × 500; 2.52 MB
Locator map of Fuqing.svg 1,400 × 1,400; 1,008 KB
Macau Location.svg 1,270 × 640; 230 KB
Map of animal gender markers in Chinese dialects.svg 2,515 × 3,006; 271 KB
Map of China coal resources.svg 290 × 234; 199 KB
Map of China en names.svg 290 × 234; 207 KB
Map of China NTHS Expressway G5 Jingkun.svg 4,161 × 3,426; 167 KB
Map of China NTHS Expressway G5012.svg 4,161 × 3,426; 167 KB
Map of Hong Kong-unpathed.svg 1,600 × 1,083; 235 KB
Map of Hong Kong.svg 1,600 × 1,083; 310 KB
Map of PRC with province names en.svg 1,219 × 1,025; 1.09 MB
Map of PRC with province names zh-cn.svg 1,217 × 1,023; 1.02 MB
Map of PRC with province names zh-tw.svg 1,218 × 1,024; 1.02 MB
Map of PRC without province names.svg 1,219 × 1,025; 1.05 MB
Map of Princess Sirindhorn's visit to China.svg 1,000 × 850; 150 KB
Map of Province in China 130000 河北省.svg 444 × 572; 8 KB
Map of Province in China 140000 山西省.svg 362 × 627; 7 KB
Map of Province in China 150000 内モンゴル自治区.svg 554 × 466; 11 KB
Map of Province in China 210000 遼寧省.svg 535 × 488; 9 KB
Map of Province in China 220000 吉林省.svg 564 × 454; 7 KB
Map of Province in China 230000 黒龍江省.svg 476 × 546; 8 KB
Map of Province in China 320000 江蘇省.svg 526 × 497; 9 KB
Map of Province in China 330000 浙江省.svg 525 × 499; 10 KB
Map of Province in China 340000 安徽省.svg 445 × 571; 10 KB
Map of Province in China 350000 福建省.svg 492 × 531; 10 KB
Map of Province in China 360000 江西省.svg 449 × 568; 9 KB
Map of Province in China 370000 山東省.svg 606 × 396; 10 KB
Map of Province in China 410000 河南省.svg 652 × 657; 21 KB
Map of Province in China 420000 湖北省.svg 816 × 582; 21 KB
Map of Province in China 430000 湖南省.svg 615 × 716; 20 KB
Map of Province in China 440000 広東省.svg 852 × 690; 23 KB
Map of Province in China 450000 广西壮族自治区.svg 834 × 717; 18 KB
Map of Province in China 460000 海南省.svg 363 × 343; 4 KB
Map of Province in China 510000 四川省.svg 1,107 × 1,012; 32 KB
Map of Province in China 520000 貴州省.svg 663 × 619; 16 KB
Map of Province in China 540000 チベット自治区.svg 1,991 × 1,154; 17 KB
Map of Province in China 610000 陝西省.svg 593 × 972; 19 KB
Map of Province in China 620000 甘粛省.svg 1,437 × 1,217; 24 KB
Map of Province in China 630000 青海省.svg 1,277 × 964; 16 KB
Map of Province in China 640000 寧夏回族自治区.svg 381 × 572; 10 KB
Map of Province in China 650000 新疆ウイグル自治区.svg 1,938 × 1,700; 19 KB
Map of the Northeast Jiangxi Soviet.png 2,988 × 2,040; 1.17 MB
Map of the Qinghai-Gansu sprachbund.svg 693 × 918; 341 KB
Map of Zhejiang 2017 County-level.svg 939 × 905; 2.38 MB
Mapa China.svg 290 × 234; 152 KB
Mapa da China (OCHA).svg 254 × 254; 696 KB
Megalópoles na China.svg 290 × 234; 152 KB
Nationalist China's Sphere of Interest, 1930-1950.svg 1,181 × 1,050; 3.83 MB
New silkroad.png 2,000 × 1,344; 363 KB
North China.svg 857 × 699; 181 KB
One-belt-one-road-ru.svg 512 × 344; 154 KB
One-belt-one-road.svg 457 × 307; 178 KB
Origin of ethnic Chinese Malaysians.svg 857 × 699; 308 KB
Petroleum regions - China map-fr.svg 728 × 608; 40 KB
PR China-SAR+SEZ-German.svg 1,086 × 849; 182 KB
PRC Province Population2 mk.svg 880 × 699; 286 KB
PRC Province Population2 sr.svg 857 × 699; 155 KB
Qiandaohu.svg 893 × 589; 592 KB
Qinling-Huaihe-line.svg 1,000 × 1,000; 242 KB
Regiones petroleras - China.svg 728 × 608; 40 KB
Rivers in China.svg 1,000 × 746; 1.93 MB
ROC Geo Regions Text.svg 677 × 535; 410 KB
ROC Retreat to Taiwan.svg 512 × 453; 62 KB
ROC vs PRC Consistant Romanization.svg 1,339 × 918; 1.71 MB
ROC vs PRC.svg 512 × 351; 1.35 MB
Shanghai administrative outline.svg 949 × 1,200; 32 KB
Shanghai Pudong (PVG ZSPD) ILS Approach.svg 823 × 894; 2.02 MB
ShanghaiMetro141228.svg 5,138 × 4,181; 471 KB
Sino-Soviet split 2008.svg 940 × 477; 1.55 MB
SongjiangTram 2016 plan with no map 20150604.svg 512 × 329; 26 KB
SongjiangTram 2016 plan with no map.svg 1,606 × 1,032; 14 KB
Taihe Wanhe Weizhi.svg 1,007 × 579; 103 KB
Taihe Yanxi Weizhi.svg 1,007 × 579; 103 KB
Taiwan-Volksrepublik China.svg 787 × 723; 1.13 MB
Tbus map of China.svg 512 × 435; 50 KB
The distribution map of Starbucks stores in Chinese cities.svg 975 × 820; 2.52 MB
Tibet claims.svg 1,070 × 695; 975 KB
Tsiiyiish bizi dine'e bikeyahdi keedahat'inigii.svg 500 × 477; 238 KB
Verstedelijking in China (nl).svg 1,692 × 1,184; 112 KB
World Heritage in China.svg 1,223 × 1,029; 1.41 MB
Xiannvhu.svg 1,388 × 935; 594 KB
Yangshao china.svg 864 × 744; 883 KB
Zh tw-Map SCO.svg 800 × 600; 1.15 MB
Zhongguo jingji bankuai (loyal).svg 857 × 699; 180 KB
Консульські округи України в КНР.svg 550 × 450; 50 KB
星巴克門市在中華城市的分佈示意圖.svg 975 × 820; 1.66 MB
星巴克门店在中华城市的分布示意图.svg 975 × 820; 1.65 MB
曾规划的三峡省范围.svg 250 × 215; 716 KB
胡楊河市地圖.svg 4,200 × 3,900; 83 KB
鐵門關市地圖.svg 2,005 × 1,043; 19 KB