The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless. ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Last night I finished editing a video chronicle of my 2024 garden. There was so much that I hadn’t shared last year for various reasons and it seemed a good idea to create a close look at the garden throughout the blooming year. I became lost in the lovely images of flowers and the sound of birdsong while editing – I uploaded the video to YouTube and went to bed. This morning, when I stepped outside with Pixie, I was shocked to find myself back in a cold snowy frozen world! Where were the flowers? Where was the color, the warmth, the birdsong? Perhaps reality is all in the mind, the imagination. If so, the garden of my imagination and memory is my preferred reality.
I’m preparing for minor shoulder surgery this week, so this post will be shorter than usual. Until I can return to the page, please enjoy my “alternate reality” of life in the garden.