So for my first post, I think it's important to tell a bit about my story, and how I got to this point. I was a three sport athlete in high school, always in great shape. Then I stopped playing sports in college, and found myself surrounded by an all you can eat buffet every day.
Naturally, I gained a lot of weight. After college, I started to work in TV news, and meals were usually on the go, and life was pretty stressful. So again, I gained more weight, and hardly ever worked out.
One day though, I had a really bad stomach ache. The next day it was still there, and the next day, and so on. The pain became unbearable, and there were many worse symptoms too. Before I knew it, I had dropped 30 lbs in about a month! I seriously was so weak that it was nearly impossible for me to walk up and down stairs. After a few doctor appointments, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I was put on some medication, went into remission, and all was great for a year...
But then it came back... and this time I dropped nearly 40 lbs in one month. After some new medication, I once again had the disease under control, and had my life back on track. But I was out of shape, and weak. I'd try working out, but had very little endurance, and saw no progress. Then one day, I saw the P90X commercial and decided to go for it.
The first week, was brutal for me. It took me 2 and a half hours to make it through Plyo (an hour workout). The second week was even harder. There were times when I very nearly gave in and quit, but I was determined to stick with it. It wasn't always pretty, but I kept pushing play, and pushing myself. Before I knew it, I was blasting through the workouts. Also equally as important, my diet was back on track thanks to what I read in the program.

After P90X, I went on to P90X+, then Insanity, then P90X2, then Asylum Volume 1 and 2, and Focus T25, and many hybrid programs of the workouts. 3 years ago, I could never imagine myself in the shape that I am today. There were times when it was too hard for me to brush my teeth. Now here I am jumping around like a crazy person with Shaun T. Best of all, I have been Crohn's symptom free for 5 years now, and I have no doubt that my diet and exercise play a crucial role in that. Beachbody programs and supplements have changed my life, and I know they can do the same for you. All you have to do is start, stick with it, and you will be able to do things you never imagined possible.