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We are deeply touched by our readers who left sweet expressions of sympathy about our sweet boy.

I really enjoyed writing about his silly and cute antics over the years. He tried to make up to everyone too, even a big repairman guy was heard talking in a high sweet voice to Cosmo. He showed me his cat’s photo later.

No, he didn’t like the vet’s office, but we did! It was a practice of all women and we saw all of them over the years. We weren’t with him when he passed. Brian was a wreck. I haven’t seen him cry like that for years. He’s not well, so best he didn’t see that. We were assured their sweet attendants would pet him at the end. The vet said no one ever out their pet to sleep too early in her 20 years in practice.

Its so quiet here. No kitty underfoot! No meows!

When  our local cat cafe opens, We’ll go check it out. 🙂

Cosmo will be hard to top!

I was an old cat, at the age of 17. I was a millennium cat born in  2000. I crossed the rainbow bridge July 1, 2017 at the vet’s office in Kennett Square, PA. I was loved very much by my mom, dad and human brother. My grand beans cried for me too.

It happened quickly…the end. But the tumor on my face started growing in February. Mom said as long as I was eating and doing the things I always did, to leave me alone. I got closer to dad after his knee surgery at the end of May. It was easier to lay on his lap on the sofie, but I visited mom on her chair too. I was always glad to see her when she came back from somewhere.

My human bro moved around the time I got the tumor way down to Virginia for a new job. He was home visiting when the seizure hit me hard.

I finally saw the vet on June 30th and they made us wait a while. I laid on the floor near the exit. I only weighed 7.4 pounds and had one time weighed close to 15. My fur was lackluster and not pretty and more. My handsome face was all distorted on one side, my right eye almost closed and my third eyelid red. The vet gave me a shot of antibiotics and sent me home. That night I was restless and gobbled up two pouches of food. Then I calmed down in my bed. I was getting put down the basement as I pooed on the good rug in the living room-twice.

I was down that basement a long time that night. I looked out the window there for a while, but slept a lot. I got let up in the morning, ate and bugged them all for food again. I couldn’t let go of being hungry all the time. Something was not right. My head hurt. Mom let me eat some chicken salad off her finger a few times and suddenly I went crashing down on my side. I had to run, but I couldn’t. When I got up, I walked in circles. Dad picked me up and I was very weak. I had blood droplets coming out of my mouth a little.

They jammed me in the carrier again and there I was headed to the vet again. I cried the entire way. They let me out, and I laid right next to the exit door again. They were talking and crying, I knew the time was coming. Ma signed a paper and patted my head. Then the vet came in and took me away…..

It’s been a long, long time since I posted gang and this old iPad is being a pain as the keyboard keeps vanishing!
I’m alive and kicking. A little skinnier, but no worse for wear.
I was getting very hungry, but losing weight, but my blood work was okay. Just getting up there, I guess.
Ma said she would work
on this later.
Big biscuit making paw hugs!

Cosmo’s new toy #cat #Cosmo #toy #snack #retrieve

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This helps you make little movies of ‘gifs’ with either movies or still photos. This is me playing with my Christmas toy. I have to retrieve treats from cups of varying sizes and I learned to use the tallest cup quickly! This of course is sped up a bit…but sometimes I am that excited to get treats! Helps to have claws too!

Hey, sorry we haven’t updated for a while. My ma has had some issues with arthritis and she has had boo boos since September of last year. She is feeling better except for her right knee. She also goes to help out with little peeps at a preschool once a week. She still geocaches a few times a week! 

Very funny, right?

Looks like I am almost nose to nose with this lady I don’t even know.

Mom’s still doing the catching thing. Hogs the computer like you wouldn’t believe.

I look at the Koi pond on the iPad

Yes, I can make the fish swim away!

Hope all is well gang!


I’m not sure if it’s ‘really’ my birthday, but I came to live here 10 years ago. Ma and Sean and Dad too, were nice enough to bring me into their home after they had lost their girl cat Jade a month or so earlier.

Here’s what I got…


Just kidding…these are the only gourds Ma got from her garden and they smelled really interesting.

I just got served up some Fancy Feast for dinner. Not bad, not bad at all.

Ma and Dad have a new hobby thanks to ma’s friend in Canada. This is what I think it is. Ma looks at her computer and finds places to go look for treasures (boxes of junk-ha ha, ma). So they get in the car and disappear for a few hours and mostly come home sweaty and have to take a shower. What are they doing that for? It’s a game….yep, it is! I can’t go as I hear dogs love go with their people and they call them ‘geopups’. Ugh. It figures.

I was going through ma’s photos one day (when she was out on a hunt)and found this:

Why the heck would they use this? Ma said a cache was hidden inside! It’s probably a better idea than what it is suppose to be used for. She said it was near a vet’s office too. Good idea right….nope! Toss all those horrid carriers in a big bonfire…I’ll give you the match.

Hello! Sorry for my absence! My people have left me alone as they went on a few trips, the last one much longer than I’m use to-3 nights-whew! I should have known when I got a huge bowl of food and water it was going to happen. After ma came home, I was ‘glued to her hip’ as she says. I wanted to make sure she didn’t do that again.

I’m having some ear issues. I have had them all my life, but this yucky dark brown yeast started growing in my ear a lot more. Ma tried mineral oil and it seemed to make it worse and it was hard for me to clean off. I looked like a greaser from the 1950s!

Then she mentioned on Facebook that I had issues and her friend the vet said to use Lotrimin in them for 2 weeks. Do you know what humans use that for? I can’t even say it’s so gross. And ma is putting that in my ears! And after 2 weeks to wipe out with 10% white vinegar. That seems a bit nicer.

Here I am all cozy on ma’s bed. We’ve had such hot weather like most of the country for 8 days or so.

Cossy checking out my gardening

Originally uploaded by DianthusMoon

Ma has been busy outside and sorting out tons of clothes lately. I do get to go out! Here I am checking under the big evergreen tree and birdhouse (hee hee) for varmints. : ) Hope you all are having a nice spring!

Sorry it’s been a while gang! In February ma and dad were sick, so she forgot I needed to update this blog. And she was playing with that iPad thingie again and again. I get to play, but I mainly watch the mouse in the game below.

Yesterday I got up on Ma’s lap and she was playing a drawing game and Words with Friends. I enjoyed watching them as you can see:

Ma said to pardon her jammies. She isn’t working in the store and her schedule is messed up, thought she is looking for another PT job.

Here’s some pictures she did of me in apps:

Oh, this one was  ‘just’ taken with the iPad.

I have a few issues with leaving little watery vomit spots in the basement, though I throw up my entire meal about once a month. Is this bad?  I hope the treats for furballs helps if that is the issue. I am not skinny and have a good appetite.

I got to go outside and snoop around a few days ago! We’ve had warm and sunny weather. I stuck my nose down a mole hole (at least that is what ma thinks!)

Happy Spring!!

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