This test covers Basic Nursing Skills and contains 20 questions that are very similar to the real test.
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No matter what provider you're taking your CNA exam with (Prometric, Pearson Vue, Headmaster etc), you'll be asked to present 5 of these 22 practical Certified Nursing Assistant skills during the Skills Evaluation part of your CNA exam. The skills test usually takes 25-30 minutes depending on you provider. Videos courtesy of Prism HealthAide.
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Basic Nursing Skills
Over 210 questions for the state CNA exam
Basic Restorative Services
40 questions for the state CNA exam
Care of Cognitively Impaired Residents
30 questions for the state CNA exam
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
40 questions for the state CNA exam
Infection Control
18 questions for the state CNA exam
Legal & Ethical Behaviors
40 questions for the state CNA exam
Mental Health and Social Services Needs
51 questions for the state CNA exam
Personal Care Skills
70 questions for the state CNA exam
Resident's Rights
40 questions for the state CNA exam
Safety and Emergency Procedures
40 questions for the state CNA exam