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Pro Liability Insurance


Refer Your Dive Friends For Membership

Refer a Dive Buddy to DAN

 You know the importance of DAN membership. Make sure your dive buddies do, too.
Refer someone for DAN membership to start them on a path to a lifetime of safe diving.

Step 1: Enter your email address or DAN member number in the box to the right.

Step 2: Click the button to generate your referral code.

Step 3: Copy and paste your code into an email or text, and encourage your dive buddies to join DAN. Click the Facebook icon to share the invitation on your personal page and use the QR code to share it on other social media sites.

DAN Customer Service

Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. ET

FAX: +1-919-490-6630


24/7 Emergency Hotline

In event of a dive accident or injury, call local EMS first then call DAN.

24/7 Emergency Hotline


(Collect calls accepted)

DAN must arrange transportation for covered emergency medical evacuation fees to be paid.

Medical Information Line

Get answers to your non-emergency-related health and diving questions.

Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET

+1-919-684-2948, Option 4

ONLINE: Ask A Medic

Allow 24-48 hours for a response.