12th PETRA 2019: Island of Rhodes, Greece

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Human affect, physiology & biosignal analysis

Activity recognition & human tracking

Multimodal interfaces and HCI

Wearable systems and monitoring devices

Accessibility tools, methods & applications

Reasoning systems and machine learning

Assistive robotic systems and HRI

Telepresence, virtual and augmented reality

Accepted posters (session P)

DAEM workshop: Workshop on designing assistive environments for manufacturing

AR4U workshop: Workshop on assistive robots: Technological challenges and the user perspective

SmartWork workshop: International workshop on smart, personalized and age-friendly working environments

RoboSense workshop: Robotic sensing in human-robot interaction workshop

AGENT workshop: Multimodal signal sensing and analysis for assistive environments for improving quality-of-life workshop

NOTION workshop: Human behavior monitoring, interpretation and understanding workshop

COACH workshop: Personalized coaching for the wellbeing of an ageing society workshop