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SIGCSE 1994: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Robert Beck, Don Goelman:
Proceedings of the 25th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 1994, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 10-12, 1994. ACM 1994, ISBN 0-89791-646-8 - John T. Paxton, Rockford J. Ross, J. Denbigh Starkey:
A methodology for teaching an integrated computer science curriculum. 1-5 - Russell L. Shackelford, Richard J. LeBlanc:
Integrating "depth first" and "breadth first" models of computing curricula. 6-10 - Allen B. Tucker, Peter Wegner:
New directions in the introductory computer science curriculum. 11-15 - James S. Collofello, Manmahesh Kantipudi, Mark A. Kanko:
Assessing the software process maturity of software engineering courses. 16-20 - Rym Mili, Ali Mili:
Teaching a first course on data structures: a software engineering approach. 21-25 - Adam Rifkin:
Teaching parallel programming and software engineering concepts to high school students. 26-30 - Robert M. Harlan:
The Automated Student Advisor: a large project for expert systems courses. 31-35 - Giorgio P. Ingargiola, Nathan Hoskin, Robert M. Aiken, Rajeev V. Dubey, Judith D. Wilson, Mary-Angela Papalaskari, Margaret Christensen, Roger Webster:
A repository that supports teaching and cooperation in the introductory AI course. 36-40 - Paul A. Luker, Dennis Rothermel:
The philosophy of artificial intelligence: a general studies course with particular benefits to computer science majors. 41-45 - Thomas L. Naps, Brian Swander:
An object-oriented approach to algorithm visualization - easy, extensible, and dynamic. 46-50 - Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield:
The top 10 reasons why object-oriented programming can't be taught in CS 1. 51-55 - Paul A. Luker:
There's more to OOP than syntax! 56-60 - Richard Rasala, Viera K. Proulx, Harriet J. Fell:
From animation to analysis in introductory computer science. 61-65 - Stephen Shum, Curtis R. Cook:
Using literate programming to teach good programming practices. 66-70 - Lisa M. Levy Kortright:
From specific problem instances to algorithms in the introductory course. 71-75 - William Myers:
Instructional uses of demonstration disks. 76-79 - Mack Thweatt:
CSI closed lab vs. open lab experiment. 80-82 - Dave A. Berque, Jeff Bogda, Brian Fisher, Tim Harrison, Nick Rahn:
The KLYDE workbench for studying experimental algorithm analysis. 83-87 - John R. Rabung:
Introducing computer concepts to novices by "practical" immersion. 88-91 - Nira Herrmann, Jeffrey L. Popyack:
An integrated, software-based approach to teaching introductory computer programming. 92-96 - Barry S. Fagin:
Two years of "The Digital World": portable courseware for technological literacy. 97-101 - Henry A. Etlinger, Michael J. Lutz:
Professional literacy: labs for advanced programming courses. 102-105 - James Robergé, Candice Suriano:
Using laboratories to teach software engineering principles in the introductory computer science curriculum. 106-110 - Thomas J. Scott, Lee H. Tichenor, Ralph B. Bisland, James H. Cross II:
Team dynamics in student programming projects. 111-115 - Richard T. Denman, David A. Naumann, Walter Potter, Gary Richter:
Derivation of programs for freshmen. 116-120 - Kung-Kiu Lau, Vicky J. Bush, Pete J. Jinks:
Towards an introductory formal programming course. 121-125 - Ryan L. McFall, Herbert L. Dershem:
Finite state machine simulation in an introductory lab. 126-130 - Michael Goldweber, John Barr, Chuck Leska:
A new perspective on teaching computer literacy. 131-135 - Joseph L. Zachary:
Tutorial-based teaching of introductory programming classes. 136-140 - David M. Arnow:
Teaching programming to liberal arts students: using loop invariants. 141-144 - Evelyn P. Rozanski:
Accreditation: does it enhance quality? 145-149 - Greg W. Scragg, Doug Baldwin, Hans Koomen:
Computer science needs an insight-based curriculum. 150-154 - John C. Knight, Jane C. Prey, William A. Wulf:
Undergraduate computer science education: a new curriculum philosophy & overview. 155-159 - Robert L. Tureman Jr.:
Computing laboratories and the small community college: defining the directed computing laboratory in the small college computing environment. 160-163 - Robert Geitz:
Concepts in the classroom, programming in the lab. 164-168 - S. Ron Oliver, John Dalbey:
A software development process laboratory for CS1 and CS2. 169-173 - David Finkel, Surendar Chandra:
NetCp - a project environment for an undergraduate computer networks course. 174-177 - David Magagnosc:
Simulation in computer organization: a goals based study. 178-182 - Michael Gschwind:
Reprogrammable hardware for educational purposes. 183-187 - Ben A. Calloni, Donald J. Bagert:
ICONIC programming in BACCII vs. textual programming: which is a better learning environment? 188-192 - Chris Buckalew, Alan Porter:
The lecturer's assistant. 193-197 - William A. Waller:
A framework for CS1 and CS2 laboratories. 198-202 - Charles Prince, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Travis Tull:
GATutor: a graphical tutorial system for genetic algorithms. 203-207 - Stephen A. Blythe, Michael C. James, Susan H. Rodger:
LLparse and LRparse: visual and interactive tools for parsing. 208-212 - Patrick Heck:
Dynamic programming for pennies a day. 213-217 - Ursula Wolz, Edward Conjura:
Integrating mathematics and programming into a three tiered model for computer science education. 223-227 - Sami Khuri:
Intractability: a geometric representation. 228-232 - Judith L. Gersting:
A software engineering "frosting" on a traditional CS-1 course. 233-237 - Owen L. Astrachan:
Self-reference is an illustrative essential. 238-242 - Kim B. Bruce:
Attracting (& keeping) the best and the brightest: an entry-level course for experienced introductory students. 243-247 - Barbara Kushan:
Preparing programming teachers. 248-252 - Debra A. Lelewer:
A seminar course in computer ethics. 253-257 - Valerie A. Clarke, G. Joy Teague:
A psychological perspective on gender differences in computing participation. 258-262 - Thomas Moore, Michael R. Wick, Blaine Peden:
Assessing student's critical thinking skills and attitudes toward computer science. 263-267 - Marguerite Hafen:
Developing writing skills in computer science students. 268-270 - Antonio M. Lopez Jr., Kenneth C. Messa Jr.:
An undergraduate research program in multi-paradigm software design. 271-275 - Paul T. Tymann, Doug Lea, Rajendra K. Raj:
Developing an undergraduate software engineering program in a liberal arts college. 276-280 - Adam Rifkin:
eText: an interactive environment for learning parallel programming. 281-285 - David Finkel, Chet Hooker, Scott Salvidio, Mark Sullivan, Christopher Thomas:
Teaching C++ to high school students. 286-289 - Doug Baldwin, Greg W. Scragg, Hans Koomen:
A three-fold introduction to computer science. 290-294 - Alan W. Biermann, Amr F. Fahmy, Curry I. Guinn, David M. Pennock, Dietolf Ramm, Peter Wu:
Teaching a hierarchical model of computation with animation software in the first course. 295-299 - Richard E. Pattis:
Teaching EBNF first in CS 1. 300-303 - Roberta Evans Sabin, Edward P. Sabin:
Collaborative learning in an introductory computer science course. 304-308 - Craig E. Wills, David Finkel, Michael A. Gennert, Matthew O. Ward:
Peer learning in an introductory computer science course. 309-313 - Sarah L. Sullivan:
Reciprocal peer reviews. 314-318 - Rajiv Tewari, David Gitlin:
On object-oriented libraries in the undergraduate curriculum: importance and effectiveness. 319-323 - Richard C. Holt:
Introducing undergraduates to object orientation using the Turing language. 324-328 - Glenn Meter, Philip Miller:
Engaging students and teaching modern concepts: literate, situated, object-oriented programming. 329-333 - Donald H. House, David Levine:
The art and science of computer graphics: a very depth-first approach to the non-majors course. 334-338 - Sami Khuri, Jason Williams:
Understanding the bottom-up SLR parser. 339-343 - Stephen J. Hartley:
Animating operating systems algorithms with XTANGO. 344-348 - Constantine Katsinis:
The development of a multi-processor personal computer in a senior computer design laboratory. 349-352 - R. James Duckworth:
Introducing parallel processing concepts using the MASPAR MP-1 computer. 353-356 - David J. John:
NSF supported projects: parallel computation as an integrated component in the undergraduate curriculum in computer science. 357-361 - Joe Kmoch, Mark Stehlik:
The creation and use of scoring standards (rubrics): experiences with the advanced placement computer science exam (abstract). 362-363 - Barbara Boucher Owens, Robert D. Cupper, Stuart Hirshfield, Walter Potter, Richard M. Salter:
New models for the CS1 course: what are they and are they leading to the same place? 364-365 - Viera K. Proulx, Harriet J. Fell, Richard Rasala, Johannes A. G. M. Koomen, Carol W. Wilson:
Using graphical presentation techniques in closed laboratory exercises (abstract). 366 - Louise E. Moses, Rachell D. Isles, Frances Grundy, Danielle R. Bernstein, Valerie A. Clarke, G. Joy Teague:
Too few women! Too few minorities! What can we do? (abstract). 367-368 - Henry MacKay Walker, Kim B. Bruce, James Bradley, Tom Whaley:
Describing the CS forest to undergraduates (abstract). 369-370 - Gail Chapman, Sarah Fix, Owen L. Astrachan, Joseph W. Kmoch, Michael J. Clancy:
Case studies in the advanced placement computer science curriculum (abstract). 371 - Dale Shaffer, George J. Davis, Keith Jolly, Martyn Roberts, Miriam Roy:
Opportunities in international teacher exchanges (abstract). 372 - Dave Cook, Eugene Bingue:
Tutorial introduction to Ada 9X (abstract). 373 - David Arnow, Owen L. Astrachan, James D. Kiper, Robert Workman, Paula A. Whitlock, Brent Auernheimer, John E. Rager:
Themes and tapestries: a diversity of approaches to computer science for liberal arts students. 374-375 - Mary J. Granger, Mary R. Vorgert, Joyce Currie Little, Lois Zells:
Creating an I-CASE environment: pitfalls and promises (abstract). 376-377 - Douglas R. Troeger:
Tutorial-formal methods in the first course (abstract). 378 - John Impagliazzo, J. Dennis Bjornson, Dennis J. Frailey, Jeanette Horan, Gerald H. Thomas:
An industry perspective on computer science accreditation (abstract). 379-380 - David G. Kay, Terry A. Scott, Peter C. Isaacson, Kenneth A. Reek:
Automated grading assistance for student programs. 381-382 - A. Michael Berman, Rick Decker, Dung X. Nguyen, Richard J. Reid, Eugene Wallingford:
Using C++ in CS1/CS2. 383-384 - John W. McCormick, Fintan Culwin, Nicholas J. DeLillo, Michael B. Feldman, Richard E. Pattis, Walter J. Savitch:
Teaching Ada by the book: the pedagogy of Ada in CS1. 385-386 - Steven Epstein, Marla Fischer, Forouzan Golshani, Catherine Ricardo:
Multimedia across the disciplines. 387-388 - Ernest A. Kallman, John P. Grillo:
Teaching ethics in IS courses (abstract): everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask. 389 - Sandra J. DeLoatch, Ernest C. Ackermann, John I. A. Urquhart, Lynn Ziegler:
Scaling up computer science with efficient learning (abstract). 390-391 - Renée A. McCauley, Evans J. Adams, Donald Gotterbarn, Linda M. Northrop, Hossein Saiedian, Stuart H. Zweben:
Organizational issues in teaching project-oriented software engineering courses (abstract). 392-393 - David W. Brown, Michael A. Sheets, Randy L. Myers, Jeremy A. Freed, Allan Cameron, Patricia Amavisca, Theresa Cuprak, Brian Pollack, Chris Stephenson:
A tale of two high school computer science programs and how the ACM model high school computer science curriculum may shape their future (abstract). 394-395 - Stuart Hirshfield, Owen L. Astrachan, John Barr, Karen Donnelly, David Levine, Mark McGinn:
Object-oriented programming (abstract): how to "scale up" CS 1. 396 - Thomas J. Scott, Ralph B. Bisland, Lee H. Tichenor, James H. Cross II:
Handling interpersonal issues for student team projects. 397-398 - Chris Nevison:
Teaching parallel computing on a message-passing architecture (abstract). 399 - Philip Miller, Michael J. Clancy, Andrea A. diSessa, Jeremy Roschelle, Michael Eisenberg, Mark Guzdial, Elliot Soloway, Mitchel Resnick:
The future of programming instruction (abstract). 400 - James Caristi, Nell B. Dale, Bill Marion, A. Joe Turner:
Assessment in computer science (abstract). 401-402 - Karl J. Klee, Richard H. Austing, Robert D. Campbell, Joyce Currie Little:
Articulation: who needs it? your students do! (abstract). 403 - Wayne D. Smith:
A laboratory to support a first course in data communications using personal computers and Turbo Pascal (abstract). 404 - Keith Barker, Andrew P. Bernat, Robert D. Cupper, Charles Kelemen, Allen B. Tucker:
Class testing the breadth-first curriculum: summary results for courses I-IV (abstract). 405-406 - Wendy A. Lawrence-Fowler, Richard H. Fowler:
An environment for CS integrating hypertext, program design and language facilities (abstract). 407 - David Hastings:
A scalable approach to integrating object oriented programming into the undergraduate liberal arts curriculum (abstract). 407 - Akhtar Lodgher, Hisham Al-Haddad:
A practical approach for teaching reuse in a data structures course using Ada (abstract). 407 - David K. Walker, Hamid Chahryar, James W. Moore, David S. Tucker:
Computer science lecture room demonstration experiment in event counting (abstract). 408 - Peter G. Jessup:
Teaching parallel computing with Multi-Pascal (abstract). 408 - Jim Green, Stacey B. Zaremba:
A target tracking system applied to swimming rats: an interdisciplinary project in computer science and psychology (abstract). 408 - Myles F. McNally:
Visualization of sorting algorithms (abstract). 408 - Anthony D. Berard Jr.:
Using the TOPAS solid modeling and animation system to animate science models (abstract). 409 - Vicki L. Almstrum, Cheng-Chih Wu, Debra Burton:
A resource for research in computer science education: the CSedRes toolbox (abstract). 409 - Harry F. Smith:
In pursuit of parallelism (abstract). 409 - Daniel E. Nohl:
Using profiling to analyze algorithms (abstract). 409 - David W. Brown:
High school participation in the Association for Computing Machinery (abstract). 410 - Matthew A. Ford, Elise N. Cassidente, J. Suzanne Rothrock, David W. Brown, Daniel Miller:
The role of gender in high school computer mediated communication (abstract). 410 - Marc W. Brooks, John R. Chang, Ryan C. Horner, David W. Brown:
Analysis of personal mail attributes in a computer mediated communication environment (abstract). 410 - Michael A. Sheets, Michael A. Vance, Jeremy A. Freed, David W. Brown:
Compuquake: upheaval of a virtual community (abstract). 410
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