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Malte Lochau
2020 – today
- 2025
- [c78]Malte Lochau, Benedikt Fauseweh, Ina Schaefer:
QSE 2025 Workshop Summary. Software Engineering Companion 2025: 15 - [c77]Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer:
Model-Based Testing of Quantum Computations. Software Engineering 2025: 31 - [c76]Hendrik Göttmann, Birte Caesar, Lasse Beers, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr, Alexander Fay:
Cost-Sensitive Precomputation of Real-Time-Aware Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Priced Timed Games. Software Engineering 2025: 33 - 2024
- [c75]Robert Müller
, Mathis Weiß
, Malte Lochau
Mapping Cardinality-based Feature Models to Weighted Automata over Featured Multiset Semirings. SPLC (A) 2024: 1-11 - [c74]Malte Lochau
, Ina Schaefer
Model-Based Testing of Quantum Computations. TAP 2024: 127-147 - [c73]Sabrina Böhm
, Sebastian Krieter
, Tobias Heß
, Thomas Thüm
, Malte Lochau
Incremental Identification of T-Wise Feature Interactions. VaMoS 2024: 27-36 - [c72]Lukas Güthing
, Mathis Weiß
, Ina Schaefer
, Malte Lochau
Sampling Cardinality-Based Feature Models. VaMoS 2024: 46-55 - [p4]Cecilia Carbonelli, Michael Felderer
, Matthias Jung, Elisabeth Lobe
, Malte Lochau, Sebastian Luber, Wolfgang Mauerer, Rudolf Ramler, Ina Schaefer, Christoph Schroth:
Challenges for Quantum Software Engineering: An Industrial Application Scenario Perspective. Quantum Software 2024: 311-335 - [i9]Robert Müller, Mathis Weiß
, Malte Lochau:
Mapping Cardinality-based Feature Models to Weighted Automata over Featured Multiset Semirings (Extended Version). CoRR abs/2407.04499 (2024) - [i8]Alexander Lieb, Hendrik Göttmann, Lars Luthmann, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr:
Checking Timed Bisimilarity with Virtual Clocks. CoRR abs/2412.15799 (2024) - 2023
- [j20]Michael Felderer
, Davide Taibi, Fabio Palomba, Michael Epping
, Malte Lochau, Benjamin Weder:
Software Engineering Challenges for Quantum Computing: Report from the First Working Seminar on Quantum Software Engineering (WSQSE 22). ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 48(2): 29-32 (2023) - [c71]Davide Basile, Maurice H. ter Beek, Hendrik Göttmann, Malte Lochau:
Mutant Equivalence as Monotonicity in Parametric Timed Games. FormaliSE 2023: 55-65 - [c70]Tobias Schüler
, Stephan Mennicke
, Malte Lochau
Abstract Domains for Database Manipulating Processes. RuleML+RR 2023: 222-237 - [c69]Hendrik Göttmann, Birte Caesar, Lasse Beers, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr, Alexander Fay:
Precomputing Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Timed Game Automata. Software Engineering 2023: 55-56 - [e2]Paolo Arcaini, Maurice H. ter Beek, Gilles Perrouin, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Miguel R. Luaces, Christa Schwanninger, Shaukat Ali, Mahsa Varshosaz, Angelo Gargantini, Stefania Gnesi, Malte Lochau, Laura Semini, Hironori Washizaki:
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A, SPLC 2023, Tokyo, Japan, 28 August 2023- 1 September 2023. ACM 2023 [contents] - [d5]Hendrik Göttmann
, Birte Caesar
, Lasse Beers
, Malte Lochau
, Andy Schürr
, Alexander Fay
Cost-Sensitive Precomputation of Real-Time-Aware Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Priced Timed Games. Version 1.3. Zenodo, 2023 [all versions] - [i7]Tobias Schüler, Stephan Mennicke
, Malte Lochau:
Abstract Domains for Database Manipulating Processes. CoRR abs/2308.03466 (2023) - 2022
- [j19]Jacopo Soldani
, Lars Luthmann, Nicolas Gottwald, Malte Lochau, Antonio Brogi
Compositional testing of management conformance for multi-component enterprise applications. Serv. Oriented Comput. Appl. 16(3): 209-225 (2022) - [c68]Hendrik Göttmann, Birte Caesar, Lasse Beers, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr, Alexander Fay
Precomputing reconfiguration strategies based on stochastic timed game automata. MoDELS 2022: 31-42 - [d4]Hendrik Göttmann
, Birte Caesar
, Lasse Beers
, Malte Lochau
, Andy Schürr
, Alexander Fay
Precomputing Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Timed Game Automata. Version 1.2. Zenodo, 2022 [all versions] - [d3]Hendrik Göttmann
, Birte Caesar
, Lasse Beers
, Malte Lochau
, Andy Schürr
, Alexander Fay
Precomputing Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Timed Game Automata. Version 1.2.1. Zenodo, 2022 [all versions] - [d2]Hendrik Göttmann
, Birte Caesar
, Lasse Beers
, Malte Lochau
, Andy Schürr
, Alexander Fay
Precomputing Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Timed Game Automata. Version 1.2.2. Zenodo, 2022 [all versions] - [i6]Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm, Sandro Schulze, Sebastian Ruland, Malte Lochau, Gunter Saake, Thomas Leich:
T-Wise Presence Condition Coverage and Sampling for Configurable Systems. CoRR abs/2205.15180 (2022) - [i5]Sebastian Ruland, Malte Lochau:
On the Interaction between Test-Suite Reduction and Regression-Test Selection Strategies. CoRR abs/2207.12733 (2022) - 2021
- [j18]Sebastian Ruland, Malte Lochau, Oliver Fehse, Andy Schürr:
CPA/Tiger-MGP: test-goal set partitioning for efficient multi-goal test-suite generation. Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 23(6): 853-856 (2021) - [c67]Tobias Pett, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer:
AutoSMP: an evaluation platform for sampling algorithms. SPLC (B) 2021: 41-44 - [c66]Hendrik Göttmann, Isabelle Bacher, Nicolas Gottwald, Malte Lochau:
Static Analysis Techniques for Efficient Consistency Checking of Real-Time-Aware DSPL Specifications. VaMoS 2021: 17:1-17:9 - [c65]Tobias Pett, Sebastian Krieter, Tobias Runge, Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer:
Stability of Product-Line Samplingin Continuous Integration. VaMoS 2021: 18:1-18:9 - 2020
- [j17]Géza Kulcsár
, Andrea Corradini, Malte Lochau:
A calculus of concurrent graph-rewriting processes. J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program. 110 (2020) - [c64]Jacopo Soldani, Lars Luthmann, Malte Lochau, Antonio Brogi
Testing Conformance in Multi-component Enterprise Application Management. ESOCC 2020: 3-18 - [c63]Sebastian Ruland
, Malte Lochau
, Marie-Christine Jakobs
HybridTiger: Hybrid Model Checking and Domination-based Partitioning for Efficient Multi-Goal Test-Suite Generation (Competition Contribution). FASE 2020: 520-524 - [c62]Malte Lochau
, Lars Luthmann
, Hendrik Göttmann
, Isabelle Bacher
Parametric Timed Bisimulation. ISoLA (2) 2020: 55-71 - [c61]Dennis Reuling, Udo Kelter, Johannes Bürdek, Malte Lochau:
On Automated N-way Program Merging for Facilitating Family-based Analyses of Variant-rich Software. SE 2020: 55-56 - [c60]Sebastian Ruland, Géza Kulcsár, Erhan Leblebici, Sven Peldszus
, Malte Lochau:
On Controlling the Attack Surface of Object-Oriented Refactorings. SE 2020: 89-90 - [c59]Hendrik Göttmann, Lars Luthmann, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr:
Real-time-aware reconfiguration decisions for dynamic software product lines. SPLC (A) 2020: 13:1-13:11 - [d1]Hendrik Göttmann
, Lars Luthmann
, Malte Lochau
, Andreas Schürr
Real-Time-Aware Reconfiguration Decisions for Dynamic Software Product Lines. Version 1.0.0. Zenodo, 2020 [all versions]
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j16]Mahsa Varshosaz, Lars Luthmann
, Paul Mohr
, Malte Lochau
, Mohammad Reza Mousavi:
Modal transition system encoding of featured transition systems. J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program. 106: 1-28 (2019) - [j15]Dennis Reuling, Malte Lochau, Udo Kelter:
From Imprecise N-Way Model Matching to Precise N-Way Model Merging. J. Object Technol. 18(2): 8:1-20 (2019) - [j14]Lars Luthmann
, Timo Gerecht, Andreas Stephan, Johannes Bürdek, Malte Lochau
Minimum/maximum delay testing of product lines with unbounded parametric real-time constraints. J. Syst. Softw. 149: 535-553 (2019) - [j13]Rafael Capilla
, Lidia Fuentes
, Malte Lochau:
Software variability in dynamic environments. J. Syst. Softw. 156: 62-64 (2019) - [j12]Lars Luthmann
, Stephan Mennicke
, Malte Lochau
Unifying modal interface theories and compositional input/output conformance testing. Sci. Comput. Program. 172: 27-47 (2019) - [j11]Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, Jens Meinicke, Gunter Saake:
Effective product-line testing using similarity-based product prioritization. Softw. Syst. Model. 18(1): 499-521 (2019) - [j10]Lars Luthmann
, Timo Gerecht, Malte Lochau
Sampling strategies for product lines with unbounded parametric real-time constraints. Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 21(6): 613-633 (2019) - [j9]Dennis Reuling
, Udo Kelter, Johannes Bürdek, Malte Lochau:
Automated N-way Program Merging for Facilitating Family-based Analyses of Variant-rich Software. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 28(3): 13:1-13:59 (2019) - [c58]Lars Luthmann
, Hendrik Göttmann
, Malte Lochau
Compositional Liveness-Preserving Conformance Testing of Timed I/O Automata. FACS 2019: 147-169 - [c57]Dennis Reuling, Udo Kelter, Sebastian Ruland, Malte Lochau:
SiMPOSE - Configurable N-Way Program Merging Strategies for Superimposition-Based Analysis of Variant-Rich Software. ASE 2019: 1134-1137 - [c56]Tobias Pett, Thomas Thüm, Tobias Runge, Sebastian Krieter, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer:
Product sampling for product lines: the scalability challenge. SPLC (A) 2019: 14:1-14:6 - [p3]Reiner Jung, Lukas Märtin, Jan Ole Johanssen, Barbara Paech, Malte Lochau, Thomas Thüm, Kurt Schneider, Matthias Tichy, Mattias Ulbrich:
Addressed Challenges. Managed Software Evolution 2019: 21-36 - [p2]Malte Lochau, Dennis Reuling, Johannes Bürdek, Timo Kehrer, Sascha Lity, Andy Schürr, Udo Kelter:
Model-Based Round-Trip Engineering and Testing of Evolving Software Product Lines. Managed Software Evolution 2019: 141-173 - [p1]Thomas Thüm, André van Hoorn, Sven Apel, Johannes Bürdek, Sinem Getir, Robert Heinrich, Reiner Jung, Matthias Kowal, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer, Jürgen Walter:
Performance Analysis Strategies for Software Variants and Versions. Managed Software Evolution 2019: 175-206 - [i4]Joel Greenyer, Malte Lochau, Thomas Vogel
Explainable Software for Cyber-Physical Systems (ES4CPS): Report from the GI Dagstuhl Seminar 19023, January 06-11 2019, Schloss Dagstuhl. CoRR abs/1904.11851 (2019) - [i3]Lars Luthmann, Hendrik Göttmann, Malte Lochau:
Compositional Liveness-Preserving Conformance Testing of Timed I/O Automata - Technical Report. CoRR abs/1909.03703 (2019) - [i2]Lars Luthmann, Hendrik Göttmann, Malte Lochau:
Checking Timed Bisimulation with Bounded Zone-History Graphs - Technical Report. CoRR abs/1910.08992 (2019) - 2018
- [c55]Sebastian Ruland
, Géza Kulcsár
, Erhan Leblebici
, Sven Peldszus
, Malte Lochau
Controlling the Attack Surface of Object-Oriented Refactorings. FASE 2018: 38-55 - [c54]Géza Kulcsár
, Malte Lochau
, Andy Schürr
Graph-Rewriting Petri Nets. ICGT 2018: 79-96 - [c53]Géza Kulcsár
, Andrea Corradini
, Malte Lochau
Equivalence and Independence in Controlled Graph-Rewriting Processes. ICGT 2018: 134-151 - [c52]Sebastian Ruland, Lars Luthmann
, Johannes Bürdek, Sascha Lity, Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, Márcio Ribeiro:
Measuring effectiveness of sample-based product-line testing. GPCE 2018: 119-133 - [c51]Markus Weckesser, Malte Lochau, Michael Ries, Andy Schürr:
Mathematical Programming for Anomaly Analysis of Clafer Models. MoDELS 2018: 34-44 - [c50]Sven Peldszus, Géza Kulcsár, Malte Lochau, Sandro Schulze:
On Continuous Detection of Design Flaws in Evolving Object-Oriented Programs using Incremental Multi-Pattern Matching. Software Engineering 2018: 143-144 - [e1]Rafael Capilla, Malte Lochau, Lidia Fuentes:
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, VAMOS 2018, Madrid, Spain, February 7-9, 2018. ACM 2018, ISBN 978-1-4503-5398-4 [contents] - 2017
- [j8]Malte Lochau, Johannes Bürdek, Stefan Hölzle, Andy Schürr:
Specification and automated validation of staged reconfiguration processes for dynamic software product lines. Softw. Syst. Model. 16(1): 125-152 (2017) - [c49]Markus Weckesser, Malte Lochau, Michael Ries, Andy Schürr:
Towards complete consistency checks of Clafer models. FOSD 2017: 11-20 - [c48]Johannes Bürdek, Timo Kehrer, Malte Lochau, Dennis Reuling, Udo Kelter, Andy Schürr:
Reasoning about Product-Line Evolution using Complex Feature Model Differences. Software Engineering 2017: 67-68 - [c47]Markus Weckesser, Malte Lochau, Thomas Schnabel, Björn Richerzhagen, Andy Schürr:
On Automated Anomaly Detection for Potentially Unbounded Cardinality based Feature Models. Software Engineering 2017: 125-126 - [c46]Lars Luthmann
, Andreas Stephan, Johannes Bürdek, Malte Lochau:
Modeling and Testing Product Lines with Unbounded Parametric Real-Time Constraints. SPLC (A) 2017: 104-113 - 2016
- [j7]Johannes Bürdek, Timo Kehrer, Malte Lochau, Dennis Reuling, Udo Kelter, Andy Schürr:
Reasoning about product-line evolution using complex feature model differences. Autom. Softw. Eng. 23(4): 687-733 (2016) - [j6]Malte Lochau, Stephan Mennicke
, Hauke Baller, Lars Ribbeck:
Incremental model checking of delta-oriented software product lines. J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program. 85(1): 245-267 (2016) - [c45]Lars Luthmann
, Stephan Mennicke
, Malte Lochau:
Compositionality, Decompositionality and Refinement in Input/Output Conformance Testing. FACS 2016: 54-72 - [c44]Markus Weckesser, Malte Lochau, Thomas Schnabel, Björn Richerzhagen, Andy Schürr:
Mind the Gap! Automated Anomaly Detection for Potentially Unbounded Cardinality-Based Feature Models. FASE 2016: 158-175 - [c43]Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, Gunter Saake:
IncLing: efficient product-line testing using incremental pairwise sampling. GPCE 2016: 144-155 - [c42]Christian Krupitzer
, Felix Maximilian Roth, Christian Becker
, Markus Weckesser, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr:
FESAS IDE: An Integrated Development Environment for Autonomic Computing. ICAC 2016: 15-24 - [c41]Sven Peldszus
, Géza Kulcsár, Malte Lochau, Sandro Schulze
Continuous detection of design flaws in evolving object-oriented programs using incremental multi-pattern matching. ASE 2016: 578-589 - [c40]Malte Lochau, Johannes Bürdek, Stefan Bauregger, Andreas Holzer, Alexander von Rhein, Sven Apel
, Dirk Beyer:
On facilitating reuse in multi-goal test-suite generation for software product lines. Software Engineering 2016: 81-82 - [c39]Thomas Schnabel, Markus Weckesser, Roland Kluge, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr:
CardyGAn: Tool Support for Cardinality-based Feature Models. VaMoS 2016: 33-40 - [c38]Frederik Deckwerth, Géza Kulcsár, Malte Lochau, Gergely Varró, Andy Schürr:
Conflict Detection for Edits on Extended Feature Models using Symbolic Graph Transformation. FMSPLE 2016: 17-31 - [i1]Lars Luthmann, Stephan Mennicke, Malte Lochau:
Compositionality, Decompositionality and Refinement in Input/Output Conformance Testing - Technical Report. CoRR abs/1606.09035 (2016) - 2015
- [c37]Johannes Bürdek, Malte Lochau, Stefan Bauregger, Andreas Holzer, Alexander von Rhein, Sven Apel, Dirk Beyer
Facilitating Reuse in Multi-goal Test-Suite Generation for Software Product Lines. FASE 2015: 84-99 - [c36]Sven Peldszus
, Géza Kulcsár, Malte Lochau, Sandro Schulze:
Incremental Co-Evolution of Java Programs based on Bidirectional Graph Transformation. PPPJ 2015: 138-151 - [c35]Anthony Anjorin, Karsten Saller, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr:
On Modularizing Triple Graph Grammars with Rule Refinement. Software Engineering & Management 2015: 95-96 - [c34]Dennis Reuling, Johannes Bürdek, Serge Rotärmel, Malte Lochau, Udo Kelter:
Fault-based product-line testing: effective sample generation based on feature-diagram mutation. SPLC 2015: 131-140 - [c33]Géza Kulcsár, Sven Peldszus, Malte Lochau:
Object-oriented Refactoring of Java Programs using Graph Transformation. TTC@STAF 2015: 53-82 - [c32]Sven Peldszus, Géza Kulcsár, Malte Lochau:
A Solution to the Java Refactoring Case Study using eMoflon. TTC@STAF 2015: 118-122 - [c31]Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, Thomas Leich, Gunter Saake:
A Survey on Modeling Techniques for Formal Behavioral Verification of Software Product Lines. VaMoS 2015: 80 - [c30]Lars Luthmann
, Stephan Mennicke
, Malte Lochau:
Towards an I/O Conformance Testing Theory for Software Product Lines based on Modal Interface Automata. FMSPLE 2015: 1-13 - [c29]Géza Kulcsár, Frederik Deckwerth, Malte Lochau, Gergely Varró, Andy Schürr:
Improved Conflict Detection for Graph Transformation with Attributes. GaM 2015: 97-112 - 2014
- [j5]Malte Lochau, Johannes Bürdek, Sascha Lity, Matthias Hagner, Christoph Legat, Ursula Goltz, Andy Schürr:
Applying Model-based Software Product Line Testing Approaches to the Automation Engineering Domain. Autom. 62(11): 771-780 (2014) - [j4]Malte Lochau, Sascha Lity, Remo Lachmann, Ina Schaefer, Ursula Goltz:
Delta-oriented model-based integration testing of large-scale systems. J. Syst. Softw. 91: 63-84 (2014) - [c28]Anthony Anjorin
, Karsten Saller, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr:
Modularizing Triple Graph Grammars Using Rule Refinement. FASE 2014: 340-354 - [c27]Hauke Baller, Malte Lochau:
Towards incremental test suite optimization for software product lines. FOSD 2014: 30-36 - [c26]Hauke Baller, Sascha Lity, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer:
Multi-objective Test Suite Optimization for Incremental Product Family Testing. ICST 2014: 303-312 - [c25]Malte Lochau, Stephan Mennicke
, Hauke Baller, Lars Ribbeck:
DeltaCCS: A Core Calculus for Behavioral Change. ISoLA (1) 2014: 320-335 - [c24]Malte Lochau, Sven Peldszus
, Matthias Kowal, Ina Schaefer:
Model-Based Testing. SFM 2014: 310-342 - [c23]Stephan Mennicke
, Malte Lochau, Julia Schroeter, Tim Winkelmann:
Automated verification of feature model configuration processes based on workflow Petri nets. SPLC 2014: 62-71 - [c22]Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Thomas Thüm, Jens Meinicke, Malte Lochau, Gunter Saake:
Similarity-based prioritization in software product-line testing. SPLC 2014: 197-206 - [c21]Johannes Bürdek, Sascha Lity, Malte Lochau, Markus Berens, Ursula Goltz, Andy Schürr:
Staged configuration of dynamic software product lines with complex binding time constraints. VaMoS 2014: 16:1-16:8 - 2013
- [b1]Malte Lochau:
Model-Based Conformance Testing of Software Product Lines. University of Braunschweig - Institute of Technology, Verlag Dr. Hut 2013 - [c20]Sandro Schulze
, Malte Lochau, Saskia Brunswig:
Implementing refactorings for FOP: lessons learned and challenges ahead. FOSD 2013: 33-40 - [c19]Michael Dukaczewski, Ina Schaefer, Remo Lachmann, Malte Lochau:
Requirements-based delta-oriented SPL testing. PLEASE@ICSE 2013: 49-52 - [c18]Karsten Saller, Malte Lochau, Ingo Reimund:
Context-aware DSPLs: model-based runtime adaptation for resource-constrained systems. SPLC Workshops 2013: 106-113 - 2012
- [j3]Matthias Gietzelt
, Ursula Goltz, Daniel Grunwald, Malte Lochau, Michael Marschollek
, Bianying Song, Klaus-Hendrik Wolf
Arden2ByteCode: A one-pass Arden Syntax compiler for service-oriented decision support systems based on the OSGi platform. Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 106(2): 114-125 (2012) - [j2]Malte Lochau, Sebastian Oster, Ursula Goltz, Andy Schürr:
Model-based pairwise testing for feature interaction coverage in software product line engineering. Softw. Qual. J. 20(3-4): 567-604 (2012) - [c17]Jochen Kamischke, Malte Lochau, Hauke Baller:
Conditioned model slicing of feature-annotated state machines. FOSD 2012: 9-16 - [c16]Sascha Lity, Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer, Ursula Goltz:
Delta-oriented model-based SPL regression testing. PLEASE@ICSE 2012: 53-56 - [c15]Ina Schaefer, Malte Lochau, Martin Leucker
Approaches for Mastering Change. ISoLA (1) 2012: 127-130 - [c14]Malte Lochau, Jochen Kamischke:
Parameterized Preorder Relations for Model-Based Testing of Software Product Lines. ISoLA (1) 2012: 223-237 - [c13]Julia Schroeter, Malte Lochau, Tim Winkelmann:
Multi-perspectives on Feature Models. MoDELS 2012: 252-268 - [c12]Harald Cichos, Malte Lochau, Sebastian Oster, Andy Schürr:
Reduktion von Testsuiten für Software-Produktlinien. Software Engineering 2012: 143-154 - [c11]Karsten Saller, Sebastian Oster, Andy Schürr, Julia Schroeter, Malte Lochau:
Reducing feature models to improve runtime adaptivity on resource limited devices. SPLC (2) 2012: 135-142 - [c10]Julia Schroeter, Peter Mucha, Marcel Muth, Kay Jugel, Malte Lochau:
Dynamic configuration management of cloud-based applications. SPLC (2) 2012: 171-178 - [c9]Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer, Jochen Kamischke, Sascha Lity:
Incremental Model-Based Testing of Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines. TAP@TOOLS 2012: 67-82 - [c8]Michaela Steffens, Sebastian Oster, Malte Lochau, Thomas Fogdal:
Industrial evaluation of pairwise SPL testing with MoSo-PoLiTe. VaMoS 2012: 55-62 - 2011
- [c7]Harald Cichos, Sebastian Oster, Malte Lochau, Andy Schürr:
Model-Based Coverage-Driven Test Suite Generation for Software Product Lines. MoDELS 2011: 425-439 - [c6]Sebastian Oster, Marius Zink, Malte Lochau, Mark Grechanik
Pairwise feature-interaction testing for SPLs: potentials and limitations. SPLC Workshops 2011: 6 - [c5]Sebastian Oster, Ivan Zorcic, Florian Markert, Malte Lochau:
MoSo-PoLiTe: tool support for pairwise and model-based software product line testing. VaMoS 2011: 79-82 - 2010
- [j1]Klaus Schmid, Holger Eichelberger, Ursula Goltz, Malte Lochau:
Evolving Adaptable Systems: Potential and Challenges. Softwaretechnik-Trends 30(2) (2010) - [c4]Malte Lochau, Ursula Goltz:
Feature Interaction Aware Test Case Generation for Embedded Control Systems. MBT@ETAPS 2010: 37-52
2000 – 2009
- 2008
- [c3]Malte Lochau, Henning Günther:
A Static Aspect Language for Modelica Models. EOOLT 2008: 47-57 - [c2]Christoph Knieke, Michaela Huhn, Malte Lochau:
Modeling and Validation of Executable Requirements Using Live Activity Diagrams. SERA 2008: 51-58 - [c1]Christoph Knieke, Michaela Huhn, Malte Lochau:
Executable Requirements Specification: Formal Semantics of Live Activity Diagrams. TASE 2008: 109-112
Coauthor Index
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