International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC)


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43rd SCCC 2024: Temuco, Chile

42nd SCCC 2023: Concepcion, Chile

41st SCCC 2022: Santiago, Chile

40th SCCC 2021: Coquimbo, Chile

39th SCCC 2020: Coquimbo, Chile

38th SCCC 2019: Concepcion, Chile

37th SCCC 2018: Santiago, Chile

36th SCCC 2017: Arica, Chile

35th SCCC 2016: Valparaíso, Chile

34th SCCC 2015: Santiago, Chile

33rd SCCC 2014: Talca, Maule, Chile

32nd SCCC 2013: Temuco, Cautin, Chile

31st SCCC 2012: Valparaíso, Chile

30th SCCC 2011: Curico, Chile

29th SCCC 2010: Antofagasta, Chile

28th SCCC 2009: Santiago, Chile

27th SCCC 2008: Punta Arenas, Chile

26th SCCC 2007: Iquique, Chile

25th SCCC 2005: Valdivia, Chile

24th SCCC 2004: Arica, Chile

23rd SCCC 2003: Chillan, Chile

22nd SCCC 2002: Copiapo, Chile

21st SCCC 2001: Punta Arenas, Chile

20th SCCC 2000: Santiago, Chile

19th SCCC 1999: Talca, Chile

18th SCCC 1998: Antofagasta, Chile

17th SCCC 1997: Valpariso, Chile