ICCA 2010: Xiamen, China

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WeC1: Control Applications

WeC2: Flight Vehicles I

WeC3: Advancements in Robotics and Mechatronics

WeC4: Complex Systems I (Regular Session)

WeC5: Stochastic Control and Estimation for Networked Control Systems (Invited Session)

WeC6: Fuzzy and Neural Systems I

WeC7: Robust Control and Systems I (Regular Session)

WeD1: Learning Systems (Regular Session)

WeD2: Flight Vehicles II (Regular Session)

WeD3: Robotics I (Invited Session)

WeD4: Complex Systems II (Regular Session)

WeD5: Automated Guided Vehicles (Regular Session)

WeD6: Fuzzy and Neural Systems II (Regular Session)

WeD7: Robust Control and Systems II (Regular Session)

ThA1: Space Vehicle Systems I (Regular Session)

ThA2: Sensor/Data Fusion I (Regular Session)

ThA3: Robotics II (Regular Session)

ThA4: Process Control and Automation (Regular Session)

ThA5: Sensor Networks and Networked Control I (Regular Session)

ThA6: Integrated Manufacturing (Regular Session)

ThA7: Filters and Filtering I (Regular Session)

ThB1: Space Vehicle Systems II (Regular Session)

ThB2: Sensor/Data Fusion II (Regular Session)

ThB3: Robotics III (Regular Session)

ThB4: Biomedical Systems and Instrumentation (Invited Session)

ThB5: Sensor Networks and Networked Control II (Regular Session)

ThB6: Mechatronics (Invited Session)

ThB7: Filters and Filtering II (Regular Session)

ThC1: Aerospace Guidance and Control (Invited Session)

ThC2: New Methodologies for Estimation and Identification (Invited Session)

ThC3: Robotics IV (Regular Session)

ThC4: Systems Biology (Invited Session)

ThC5: Sensor Networks and Networked Control III (Regular Session)

ThC6: Fuzzy Systems (Regular Session)

ThC7: Model Predictive Control (Regular Session)

ThCP1: System Modeling (Interactive Session)

ThCP2: Intelligent and AI Based Control (Interactive Session)

ThCP3: Systems, Signals and Control (Interactive Session)

ThCP4: Control Applications and Robotics (Interactive Session)

FrA1: Discrete Event Systems (Regular Session)

FrA2: Factory Modelling and Automation I (Regular Session)

FrA3: Optimal Control I (Regular Session)

FrA4: Fault Detection I (Regular Session)

FrA5: Micro and Nano Systems (Regular Session)

FrA6: Synchronization of Networks (Regular Session)

FrA7: Data-Driven Control and Diagnosis (Invited Session)

FrB1: Linear Systems I (Regular Session)

FrB2: Factory Modelling and Automation II (Regular Session)

FrB3: Optimal Control II (Regular Session)

FrB4: Fault Detection II (Regular Session)

FrB5: Nonlinear Systems and Control I (Regular Session)

FrB6: System Modelling and Identification I (Regular Session)

FrB7: Intelligent Systems and Control (Invited Session)

FrC1: Linear Systems II (Regular Session)

FrC2: Multi-Agent Systems I (Regular Session)

FrC3: Adaptive Control I (Regular Session)

FrC4: Fault Detection III (Regular Session)

FrC5: Nonlinear Systems and Control II (Regular Session)

FrC6: System Modelling and Identification II (Regular Session)

FrC7: Networked Dynamical Systems I (Invited Session)

FrD1: Motion Control (Regular Session)

FrD2: Multi-Agent Systems II (Regular Session)

FrD3: Adaptive Control II (Regular Session)

FrD4: Fault Detection IV (Regular Session)

FrD5: New Trends in Intelligent Nonlinear Control of Robotic Systems (Invited Session)

FrD6: System Modelling and Identification III (Regular Session)

FrD7: Networked Dynamical Systems II (Invited Session)