IPDPS 2012: Shanghai, China - Workshops

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Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop - HCW

Optimization and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Platforms

Scheduling and Mapping in Heterogeneous Environments I

Algorithms and Methods for Scientific Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms

Heterogeneous Parallel and Distributed Programming

Scheduling and Mapping in Heterogeneous Environments II

Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop - RAW

Physical Design of Partially Reconfigurable Architectures

Network on Chip for Reconfigurable Hardware

General Session 1

Improving Security and Computing Efficiency of Reconfigurable Systems

Applications and Special Purpose Architectures with Reconfigurable Hardware 1

Applications and Special Purpose Architectures with Reconfigurable Hardware 2

General Session 2

Tools for Partially Reconfigurable FPGAs

High-Level Parallel Programming Models & Supportive Environments - HIPS

Case Studies


Tools, Compilers and Libraries

Nature Inspired Distributed Computing - NIDISC

Large-scale Distributed Systems

Hybrid Metaheuristics

Metaheuristics Parallelization and Application

High Performance Computational Biology - HiCOMB

Next-Generation Data Analysis

Analysis of Evolution

Sequence and Structure

GPU Approaches

Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Models - APDCM

Programming Models

Parallel Architectures and GPUs

Wireless Networks

Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

Communication Architecture for Scalable Systems - CASS

Messaging Layers

Routing and Data Transfer

High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing - HPPAC

Capping and Scheduling

Power Efficient Hardware

Energy Workloads

Power and Energy Profiling and Metrics

High-Performance Grid and Cloud Computing - HPGC

Applications/Performance Analysis


Grid/Cloud Infrastructure

System Management Techniques, Processes, and Services - SMTPS

Security and Trust of Distributed Networking Systems - STDN




NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education - EduPar

Curricular Change and Adoption

Novel Ways of Teaching

Models for Incorporating

Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing - PDSEC

Parallel Programming Techniques

Numerical Algorithms

Network and Cloud Computing

Science and Engineering Applications

Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems - DPDNS

Dependable Wireless and Sensor Networks

Architectures and Cloud

Dependability Analysis and Verification

Multi-Threaded Architectures and Applications - MTAAP

Runtime and Scheduling

Algorithms and Applications


Large-Scale Parallel Processing - LSPP


Specialized Systems


Parallel Computing and Optimization - PCO

Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Parallel Optimization Algorithms

Parallel Metaheuristics

Issues in Optimization of Parallel or Distributed Systems

Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems - ASHES

Modeling and Optimization

Programming Models

Accelerated Applications

Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning and Inference Problems - ParLearning

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 3

High Performance Data Intensive Computing - HPDIC

GPU/GPGPU Applications for Data Intensive Computing

MapReduce and Hadoop


Cloud, Grid, Virtualization, and Miscellaneous

Workflow Models, Systems, Services and Applications in the Cloud - CloudFlow


Cloud Computing


Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing - JSSPP

Large Scale Distributed Service-oriented Systems - LSDSS

Service Technology

Large Scale Service System

Service Process and Application

Multicore and GPU Programming Models, Languages and Compilers - PLC

Compilers for Multicore-SIMD Processors and GPUs

Runtime Implementation and Performance Predication

Programming for MultiCore Processors and GPUs

PhD Forum