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Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 94
Volume 94, Number 1, January 2009
- Enrico Zio, Jussi K. Vaurio:
Maintenance modelling and applications. 1 - Jan M. van Noortwijk:
A survey of the application of gamma processes in maintenance. 2-21 - Ana Isabel Sánchez, Sofía Carlos, Sebastián Martorell, José F. Villanueva:
Addressing imperfect maintenance modelling uncertainty in unavailability and cost based optimization. 22-32 - C. T. Barker, M. J. Newby:
Optimal non-periodic inspection for a multivariate degradation model. 33-43 - Mohamad Samrout, Eric Châtelet, R. Kouta, Nazir Chebbo:
Optimization of maintenance policy using the proportional hazard model. 44-52 - Michael Bartholomew-Biggs, Ming Jian Zuo, Xiaohu Li:
Modelling and optimizing sequential imperfect preventive maintenance. 53-62 - Massimo Concetti, Roberto Cuccioletta, Lorenzo Fedele, Giampiero Mercuri:
Tele-maintenance "intelligent" system for technical plants result management. 63-77 - Enrico Zio, Giulio Gola:
A neuro-fuzzy technique for fault diagnosis and its application to rotating machinery. 78-88 - Toshio Nakagawa, Satoshi Mizutani:
A summary of maintenance policies for a finite interval. 89-96 - Tony Rosqvist, Kari Laakso, Markku Reunanen:
Value-driven maintenance planning for a production plant. 97-110 - B. Jones, Ian D. Jenkinson, Jin Wang:
Methodology of using delay-time analysis for a manufacturing industry. 111-124
Volume 94, Number 2, February 2009
- Enrico Zio:
Reliability engineering: Old problems and new challenges. 125-141
- Abdelhakim Khatab, Nabil Nahas, Mustapha Nourelfath:
Availability of K-out-of-N: G systems with non-identical components subject to repair priorities. 142-151 - Wenfeng Zhang, Rajiv Shivpuri:
Probabilistic design of aluminum sheet drawing for reduced risk of wrinkling and fracture. 152-161 - A. C. Torres-Echeverría, Sebastián Martorell, Haydn A. Thompson:
Design optimization of a safety-instrumented system based on RAMS+C addressing IEC 61508 requirements and diverse redundancy. 162-179 - Marzio Marseguerra, Enrico Zio:
Monte Carlo simulation for model-based fault diagnosis in dynamic systems. 180-186 - Anderson J. Brito, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida:
Multi-attribute risk assessment for risk ranking of natural gas pipelines. 187-198 - Seung-Ryong Han, Seth D. Guikema, Steven M. Quiring, Kyung-Ho Lee, David Rosowsky, Rachel A. Davidson:
Estimating the spatial distribution of power outages during hurricanes in the Gulf coast region. 199-210 - Mohammad Modarres:
Advanced nuclear power plant regulation using risk-informed and performance-based methods. 211-217 - Jason L. Cook, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
Optimal design of cluster-based ad-hoc networks using probabilistic solution discovery. 218-228 - Ammar M. Sarhan:
Reliability equivalence factors of a general series-parallel system. 229-236 - Marco Ratto, Andrea Pagano, Peter C. Young:
Non-parametric estimation of conditional moments for sensitivity analysis. 237-243 - Diego J. Pedregal, María Carmen Carnero:
Vibration analysis diagnostics by continuous-time models: A case study. 244-253 - Gregory Levitin, Suprasad V. Amari:
Optimal load distribution in series-parallel systems. 254-260 - Terje Aven, I. T. Castro:
A delay-time model with safety constraint. 261-267 - Enrico Zio, Nicola Pedroni:
Building confidence in the reliability assessment of thermal-hydraulic passive systems. 268-281 - Shridhar Yamijala, Seth D. Guikema, Kelly Brumbelow:
Statistical models for the analysis of water distribution system pipe break data. 282-293 - Jon C. Helton, Jay D. Johnson, William Oberkampf:
Effect of delayed link failure on probability of loss of assured safety in temperature-dependent systems with multiple weak and strong links. 294-310 - José Orlando Gomes, David D. Woods, Paulo Victor R. de Carvalho, Gilbert J. Huber, Marcos R. S. Borges:
Resilience and brittleness in the offshore helicopter transportation system: The identification of constraints and sacrifice decisions in pilots' work. 311-319 - Kwang Yong Koh, Poong Hyun Seong:
SMV model-based safety analysis of software requirements. 320-331 - Nijs Jan Duijm:
Safety-barrier diagrams as a safety management tool. 332-341 - Márcio das Chagas Moura, Enrique López Droguett:
Mathematical formulation and numerical treatment based on transition frequency densities and quadrature methods for non-homogeneous semi-Markov processes. 342-349 - Serkan Eryilmaz:
Reliability properties of consecutive k-out-of-n systems of arbitrarily dependent components. 350-356 - Julien Clavareau, Pierre-Etienne Labeau:
A Petri net-based modelling of replacement strategies under technological obsolescence. 357-369 - Julien Clavareau, Pierre-Etienne Labeau:
Maintenance and replacement policies under technological obsolescence. 370-381 - Attila Csenki:
Stochastic demand patterns for Markov service facilities with neutral and active periods. 382-393 - Zhibin Tan:
A new approach to MLE of Weibull distribution with interval data. 394-403 - Terje Aven:
Identification of safety and security critical systems and activities. 404-411 - Paolo A. Bragatto, Paolo Pittiglio, Silvia Maria Ansaldi:
The management of mechanical integrity inspections at small-sized "Seveso" facilities. 412-417 - E. Deloux, Bruno Castanier, Christophe Bérenguer:
Predictive maintenance policy for a gradually deteriorating system subject to stress. 418-431 - Enrico Zio, Piero Baraldi, Nicola Pedroni:
Optimal power system generation scheduling by multi-objective genetic algorithms with preferences. 432-444 - Willy Røed, Ali Mosleh, Jan Erik Vinnem, Terje Aven:
On the use of the hybrid causal logic method in offshore risk analysis. 445-455 - Kouroush Jenab, K. Rashidi:
Operational reliability assessment of an aircraft environmental control system. 456-462 - Anduin E. Touw:
Bayesian estimation of mixed Weibull distributions. 463-473 - S. Roe, David Mba:
The environment, international standards, asset health management and condition monitoring: An integrated strategy. 474-478 - M. A. Herzog, Tshilidzi Marwala, P. Stephan Heyns:
Machine and component residual life estimation through the application of neural networks. 479-489 - Renyan Jiang, D. N. P. Murthy:
Impact of quality variations on product reliability. 490-496 - Delia Montoro-Cazorla, Rafael Pérez-Ocón, Maria del Carmen Segovia:
Replacement policy in a system under shocks following a Markovian arrival process. 497-502 - Baris Sürücü, Hakan S. Sazak:
Monitoring reliability for a three-parameter Weibull distribution. 503-508 - Xian-Xun Yuan, Mahesh D. Pandey:
A nonlinear mixed-effects model for degradation data obtained from in-service inspections. 509-519 - Mary Ann Lundteigen, Marvin Rausand:
Architectural constraints in IEC 61508: Do they have the intended effect? 520-525 - Wenbin Wang:
An inspection model for a process with two types of inspections and repairs. 526-533 - Yu Wang, Siu-Kui Au:
Spatial distribution of water supply reliability and critical links of water supply to crucial water consumers under an earthquake. 534-541 - Ozge Doguc, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
A generic method for estimating system reliability using Bayesian networks. 542-550 - Panagiotis Tsarouhas:
Classification and calculation of primary failure modes in bread production line. 551-557 - Sundeep Samson, James A. Reneke, Margaret M. Wiecek:
A review of different perspectives on uncertainty and risk and an alternative modeling paradigm. 558-567 - Claudio M. Rocco Sanseverino, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
Deterministic network interdiction optimization via an evolutionary approach. 568-576 - Kjell Hausken, Gregory Levitin:
Minmax defense strategy for complex multi-state systems. 577-587 - Gregory Levitin, Kjell Hausken:
False targets vs. redundancy in homogeneous parallel systems. 588-595 - Wei Yu, T. J. Harris:
Parameter uncertainty effects on variance-based sensitivity analysis. 596-603 - Willy Røed, Terje Aven:
Bayesian approaches for detecting significant deterioration. 604-610 - Nat Jack, Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar, D. N. Prabhakar Murthy:
A repair-replace strategy based on usage rate for items sold with a two-dimensional warranty. 611-617 - Qianmei Feng, Hande Sahin, Kailash C. Kapur:
Designing airport checked-baggage-screening strategies considering system capability and reliability. 618-627 - Dana Kelly, Curtis L. Smith:
Bayesian inference in probabilistic risk assessment - The current state of the art. 628-643 - Karen B. Marais, Joseph Homer Saleh:
Beyond its cost, the value of maintenance: An analytical framework for capturing its net present value. 644-657 - Shufang Song, Zhenzhou Lu, Hongwei Qiao:
Subset simulation for structural reliability sensitivity analysis. 658-665
- Maxim Finkelstein:
Virtual age of non-repairable objects. 666-669 - Song Xu, Zhizhong Li, Fei Song, Wei Luo, Qianyi Zhao, Gavriel Salvendy:
Influence of step complexity and presentation style on step performance of computerized emergency operating procedures. 670-674
- Willy Aspinall:
Rejoinder to "Discussion: Response to discussants" by Roger Cooke (Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2008;93: 775-777). 675-676
Volume 94, Number 3, March 2009
- Jon C. Helton, Cédric J. Sallaberry:
Conceptual basis for the definition and calculation of expected dose in performance assessments for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. 677-698 - Jon C. Helton, Cédric J. Sallaberry:
Computational implementation of sampling-based approaches to the calculation of expected dose in performance assessments for the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. 699-721 - Ung Jin Na, Masanobu Shinozuka:
Simulation-based seismic loss estimation of seaport transportation system. 722-731 - Sofia Panagiotidou, George Nenes:
An economically designed, integrated quality and maintenance model using an adaptive Shewhart chart. 732-741 - Amandine Marrel, Bertrand Iooss, Béatrice Laurent, Olivier Roustant:
Calculations of Sobol indices for the Gaussian process metamodel. 742-751 - Francesco Cadini, Enrico Zio, Diana Avram:
Model-based Monte Carlo state estimation for condition-based component replacement. 752-758 - T. V. Santosh, A. Srivastava, V. V. S. Sanyasi Rao, A. K. Ghosh, H. S. Kushwaha:
Diagnostic system for identification of accident scenarios in nuclear power plants using artificial neural networks. 759-762 - Gregory Levitin, Kjell Hausken:
Parallel systems under two sequential attacks. 763-772
- Nader Ebrahimi:
Bayesian framework for prediction of future number of failures from a single group of units in the field. 773-775
- Yu Liu, Hong-Zhong Huang:
Comment on "A framework to practical predictive maintenance modeling for multi-state systems" by Tan C.M. and Raghavan N. [Reliab Eng Syst Saf 2008;93(8): 1138-50]. 776-780 - Cher Ming Tan, Nagarajan Raghavan:
Reply to comments on "A framework to practical predictive maintenance modeling for multi-state systems". 781-782
- Rajesh Mishra, Sanjay Kumar Chaturvedi:
Comments on "An improved algorithm for connectivity analysis of distribution networks" [Reliab Eng Syst Saf 2007;92(10): 1295-302]. 783
Volume 94, Number 4, April 2009
- Franck Taillandier, Gérard Sauce, R. Bonetto:
Risk-based investment trade-off related to building facility management. 785-795
- Xiaomo Jiang, Sankaran Mahadevan:
Bayesian structural equation modeling method for hierarchical model validation. 796-809 - Chi-Hui Chien, Chun-Hung Chen, Yuh J. Chao:
A strategy for the risk-based inspection of pressure safety valves. 810-818 - Kash Barker, Yacov Y. Haimes:
Assessing uncertainty in extreme events: Applications to risk-based decision making in interdependent infrastructure sectors. 819-829 - Leandro dos Santos Coelho:
An efficient particle swarm approach for mixed-integer programming in reliability-redundancy optimization applications. 830-837 - A. C. Torres-Echeverría, Sebastián Martorell, Haydn A. Thompson:
Modelling and optimization of proof testing policies for safety instrumented systems. 838-854 - Seth D. Guikema:
Natural disaster risk analysis for critical infrastructure systems: An approach based on statistical learning theory. 855-860 - Gionata Carmignani:
An integrated structural framework to cost-based FMECA: The priority-cost FMECA. 861-871 - K. Durga Rao, V. Gopika, V. V. S. Sanyasi Rao, H. S. Kushwaha, Ajit Kumar Verma, Ajit Srividya:
Dynamic fault tree analysis using Monte Carlo simulation in probabilistic safety assessment. 872-883 - Roger Flage, Terje Aven:
On treatment of uncertainty in system planning. 884-890 - Ranjan Kumar, Kazuhiro Izui, Masataka Yoshimura, Shinji Nishiwaki:
Multi-objective hierarchical genetic algorithms for multilevel redundancy allocation optimization. 891-904
Volume 94, Number 5, May 2009
- Rodrigo J. P. Ferreira, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante:
A multi-criteria decision model to determine inspection intervals of condition monitoring based on delay time analysis. 905-912 - Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez, Claudio M. Rocco Sanseverino:
Stochastic network interdiction optimization via capacitated network reliability modeling and probabilistic solution discovery. 913-921 - Paloma Main, Hilario Navarro:
Analyzing the effect of introducing a kurtosis parameter in Gaussian Bayesian networks. 922-926 - Kaigui Xie, Roy Billinton:
Tracing the unreliability and recognizing the major unreliability contribution of network components. 927-931 - X. Wang, Masoud Rabiei, J. Hurtado, Mohammad Modarres, P. Hoffman:
A probabilistic-based airframe integrity management model. 932-941 - Erzsébet Németh, Tamás Bartha, Csaba Fazekas, Katalin M. Hangos:
Verification of a primary-to-secondary leaking safety procedure in a nuclear power plant using coloured Petri nets. 942-953 - Irene Eusgeld, Wolfgang Kröger, Giovanni Sansavini, Markus Schläpfer, Enrico Zio:
The role of network theory and object-oriented modeling within a framework for the vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures. 954-963 - Shin-Jon Ju:
On the distribution type of uncertain inputs for probabilistic assessment. 964-968 - Kilyoo Kim, Sanghoon Han:
A study on importance measures and a quantification algorithm in a fire PRA model. 969-972 - Kjell Hausken, Gregory Levitin:
Protection vs. false targets in series systems. 973-981 - Yann Dijoux:
A virtual age model based on a bathtub shaped initial intensity. 982-989 - Corwin L. Atwood, Dana Kelly:
The binomial failure rate common-cause model with WinBUGS. 990-999 - Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh:
Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization. 1000-1018
- So Young Sohn, Kyung Bok Yoon, In Sang Chang:
Correction to "Random effects model for the reliability management of modules of a fighter aircraft" [Reliab Eng Syst Saf 91(4) (2006) 433-437]. 1019
Volume 94, Number 6, June 2009
- Alexander Antonov, Valeriy Chepurko, Alexander Polyakov, Andrei Rodionov:
Application of generalised linear model for time-dependent trend assessment - A case study for the ageing PSA network. 1021-1029 - Yun Hyung Chung, Wan Chul Yoon, Daihwan Min:
A model-based framework for the analysis of team communication in nuclear power plants. 1030-1040 - Ricardo Bolado-Lavin, William Castaings, Stefano Tarantola:
Contribution to the sample mean plot for graphical and numerical sensitivity analysis. 1041-1049 - Sergio B. Guarro, Michael K. Yau:
On the nature and practical handling of the Bayesian aggregation anomaly. 1050-1056 - Haitao Guo, Simon J. Watson, Peter Tavner, Jiangping Xiang:
Reliability analysis for wind turbines with incomplete failure data collected from after the date of initial installation. 1057-1063 - Arun K. Nayak, Vikas Jain, M. R. Gartia, Hari Prasad, A. Anthony, S. K. Bhatia, R. K. Sinha:
Reliability assessment of passive isolation condenser system of AHWR using APSRA methodology. 1064-1075 - Aref Majdara, Toshio Wakabayashi:
Component-based modeling of systems for automated fault tree generation. 1076-1086 - Ettore Bompard, Roberto Napoli, Fei Xue:
Assessment of information impacts in power system security against malicious attacks in a general framework. 1087-1094 - Claire Palmer, Paul W. H. Chung:
An automated system for batch hazard and operability studies. 1095-1106 - Lisa M. Bartlett, E. E. Hurdle, E. M. Kelly:
Integrated system fault diagnostics utilising digraph and fault tree-based approaches. 1107-1115 - Andrija Volkanovski, Marko Cepin, Borut Mavko:
Application of the fault tree analysis for assessment of power system reliability. 1116-1127
- Janne Viertävä, Jussi K. Vaurio:
Testing statistical significance of trends in learning, ageing and safety indicators. 1128-1132
Volume 94, Number 7, July 2009
- Andrea Saltelli:
Editorial. 1133-1134 - Sergei S. Kucherenko, Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez, Constantinos C. Pantelides, Nilay Shah:
Monte Carlo evaluation of derivative-based global sensitivity measures. 1135-1148 - Andrea Saltelli, Francesca Campolongo, Jessica Cariboni:
Screening important inputs in models with strong interaction properties. 1149-1155 - Gilles Pujol:
Simplex-based screening designs for estimating metamodels. 1156-1160 - Thierry Crestaux, Olivier P. Le Maître, Jean-Marc Martinez:
Polynomial chaos expansion for sensitivity analysis. 1161-1172 - Davood Shahsavani, A. Grimvall:
An adaptive design and interpolation technique for extracting highly nonlinear response surfaces from deterministic models. 1173-1182 - Daniel Busby:
Hierarchical adaptive experimental design for Gaussian process emulators. 1183-1193 - Bertrand Iooss, Mathieu Ribatet:
Global sensitivity analysis of computer models with functional inputs. 1194-1204 - Qiao Liu, Toshimitsu Homma:
A new computational method of a moment-independent uncertainty importance measure. 1205-1211 - Debora Gatelli, Sergei S. Kucherenko, Marco Ratto, Stefano Tarantola:
Calculating first-order sensitivity measures: A benchmark of some recent methodologies. 1212-1219 - Elke Hermans, Filip Van den Bossche, Geert Wets:
Uncertainty assessment of the road safety index. 1220-1228 - Jakin K. Ravalico, Holger R. Maier, Graeme C. Dandy:
Sensitivity analysis for decision-making using the MORE method - A Pareto approach. 1229-1237 - María Jesús Rufo, C. J. Pérez, Jacinto Martín:
Local parametric sensitivity for mixture models of lifetime distributions. 1238-1244
Volume 94, Number 8, August 2009
- R. Jiang:
An accurate approximate solution of optimal sequential age replacement policy for a finite-time horizon. 1245-1250 - J. J. Xiong, R. Ajit Shenoi:
A durability model incorporating safe life methodology and damage tolerance approach to assess first inspection and maintenance period for structures. 1251-1258 - Jacob M. Torres, Kelly Brumbelow, Seth D. Guikema:
Risk classification and uncertainty propagation for virtual water distribution systems. 1259-1273 - Thierry Alex Mara:
Extension of the RBD-FAST method to the computation of global sensitivity indices. 1274-1281 - Takeshi Matsuoka:
An exact method for solving logical loops in reliability analysis. 1282-1288 - Hossam A. Gabbar, Hanaa E. Sayed, Ajiboye S. Osunleke, Hara Masanobu:
Design of fault simulator. 1289-1298 - D. Bocchetti, Massimiliano Giorgio, Maurizio Guida, Gianpaolo Pulcini:
A competing risk model for the reliability of cylinder liners in marine Diesel engines. 1299-1307 - Rodrigo Pascual, G. Del Castillo, Darko M. Louit, Peter F. Knights:
Business-oriented prioritization: A novel graphical technique. 1308-1313 - Mark Bebbington, Chin-Diew Lai, Ricardas Zitikis:
Balancing burn-in and mission times in environments with catastrophic and repairable failures. 1314-1321 - Moshe Kenzin, Esther Frostig:
M out of n inspected systems subject to shocks in random environment. 1322-1330 - Rosario Ceravolo, Miriam Pescatore, Alessandro De Stefano:
Symptom-based reliability and generalized repairing cost in monitored bridges. 1331-1339 - Qinghui Suo, Mark G. Stewart:
Corrosion cracking prediction updating of deteriorating RC structures using inspection information. 1340-1348 - Pentti Kujala, Maria Hänninen, Tommi Arola, Jutta Ylitalo:
Analysis of the marine traffic safety in the Gulf of Finland. 1349-1357 - Maxim Finkelstein:
On systems with shared resources and optimal switching strategies. 1358-1362
- Winfrid G. Schneeweiss:
A short Boolean derivation of mean failure frequency for any (also non-coherent) system. 1363-1367
Volume 94, Number 9, September 2009
- Terje Aven, Jan Erik Vinnem, Carlos Guedes Soares:
ESREL 2007. 1369-1370 - E. E. Hurdle, Lisa M. Bartlett, J. D. Andrews:
Fault diagnostics of dynamic system operation using a fault tree based method. 1371-1380 - Salvatore Distefano, Antonio Puliafito:
Reliability and availability analysis of dependent-dynamic systems with DRBDs. 1381-1393 - Igor Nai Fovino, Marcelo Masera, Alessio De Cian:
Integrating cyber attacks within fault trees. 1394-1402 - Fabrizio Baiardi, Claudio Telmon, Daniele Sgandurra:
Hierarchical, model-based risk management of critical infrastructures. 1403-1415 - Manuel Kaegi, Ralf Mock, Wolfgang Kröger:
Analyzing maintenance strategies by agent-based simulations: A feasibility study. 1416-1421 - Francesco Flammini, Stefano Marrone, Nicola Mazzocca, Valeria Vittorini:
A new modeling approach to the safety evaluation of N-modular redundant computer systems in presence of imperfect maintenance. 1422-1432 - Ben J. M. Ale, L. J. Bellamy, R. van der Boom, J. Cooper, Roger M. Cooke, Louis H. J. Goossens, A. R. Hale, Dorota Kurowicka, O. Morales, A. L. C. Roelen, J. Spouge:
Further development of a Causal model for Air Transport Safety (CATS): Building the mathematical heart. 1433-1441 - Giacomo Antonioni, Sarah Bonvicini, Gigliola Spadoni, Valerio Cozzani:
Development of a framework for the risk assessment of Na-Tech accidental events. 1442-1450 - Eva Doménech, Isabel Escriche, Sebastián Martorell:
An approach for assessing CCP effectiveness in food production applications by predictive QRA modelling. 1451-1460 - Ivo Häring, M. Schönherr, C. Richter:
Quantitative hazard and risk analysis for fragments of high-explosive shells in air. 1461-1470 - John Stoop, Sverre Roed-Larsen:
Public safety investigations - A new evolutionary step in safety enhancement? 1471-1479 - Sebastian P. Kuniewski, Johannes A. M. van der Weide, Jan M. van Noortwijk:
Sampling inspection for the evaluation of time-dependent reliability of deteriorating systems under imperfect defect detection. 1480-1490 - Terje Aven, Roger Flage:
Use of decision criteria based on expected values to support decision-making in a production assurance and safety setting. 1491-1498
Volume 94, Number 10, October 2009
- Helge Langseth, Thomas D. Nielsen, Rafael Rumí, Antonio Salmerón:
Inference in hybrid Bayesian networks. 1499-1509 - Halil Karadeniz, Vedat Togan, Ton Vrouwenvelder:
An integrated reliability-based design optimization of offshore towers. 1510-1516 - Giacomo Galante, Gianfranco Passannanti:
An exact algorithm for preventive maintenance planning of series-parallel systems. 1517-1525 - J. Singaravelu, D. Jeyakumar, B. Nageswara Rao:
Taguchi's approach for reliability and safety assessments in the stage separation process of a multistage launch vehicle. 1526-1541 - Hyun Gook Kang, Ho-Gon Lim, Ho Jung Lee, Man Cheol Kim, Seung-Cheol Jang:
Input-profile-based software failure probability quantification for safety signal generation systems. 1542-1546 - Jaime Santos-Reyes, Samuel Olmos-Peña, Rafael Alvarado-Corona, Luis Hernández-Simón:
Applying MORT to the analysis of the "Tláhuac" incident. 1547-1556 - Jun Su Ha, Poong Hyun Seong:
A human-machine interface evaluation method: A difficulty evaluation method in information searching (DEMIS). 1557-1567 - Zhigang Tian, Gregory Levitin, Ming Jian Zuo:
A joint reliability-redundancy optimization approach for multi-state series-parallel systems. 1568-1576 - Ernesto Salzano, Anita Garcia Agreda, Antonio Di Carluccio, Giovanni Fabbrocino:
Risk assessment and early warning systems for industrial facilities in seismic zones. 1577-1584 - Zhaojun Li, Haitao Liao, David W. Coit:
A two-stage approach for multi-objective decision making with applications to system reliability optimization. 1585-1592 - D. N. P. Murthy, Marvin Rausand, S. Virtanen:
Investment in new product reliability. 1593-1600 - D. N. P. Murthy, P.-E. Hagmark, S. Virtanen:
Product variety and reliability. 1601-1608 - D. N. P. Murthy, T. Østerås, Marvin Rausand:
Component reliability specification. 1609-1617 - Darko M. Louit, Rodrigo Pascual, Andrew K. S. Jardine:
A practical procedure for the selection of time-to-failure models based on the assessment of trends in maintenance data. 1618-1628 - Bent Natvig, Kristina A. Eide, Jørund Gåsemyr, Arne Bang Huseby, Stefan L. Isaksen:
Simulation based analysis and an application to an offshore oil and gas production system of the Natvig measures of component importance in repairable systems. 1629-1638 - Juan Francisco Gómez Fernández, Adolfo Crespo Marquez:
Framework for implementation of maintenance management in distribution network service providers. 1639-1649 - Woo Sik Jung, Yoon-Hwan Lee, Joon-Eon Yang:
Development of a new quantification method for a fire PSA. 1650-1657 - S. M. Godoy, P. L. Mores, Alejandro S. M. Santa Cruz, Nicolás J. Scenna:
Assessment of impact distances for particulate matter dispersion: A stochastic approach. 1658-1665 - Ho-Gon Lim, Jin-Hee Park, Sang-Hoon Han, Seong-Cheol Jang:
Fault tree conditioning methods to trace system configuration changes for the application to low-power/shutdown PSA. 1666-1675 - Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez, Claudio M. Rocco Sanseverino, Gregory Levitin:
Optimal protection of general source-sink networks via evolutionary techniques. 1676-1684 - John C. Whitson, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
Resiliency as a component importance measure in network reliability. 1685-1693
Volume 94, Number 11, November 2009
- J. B. Weathers, R. Luck, J. W. Weathers:
An exercise in model validation: Comparing univariate statistics and Monte Carlo-based multivariate statistics. 1695-1702 - Seyed Jafar Sadjadi, Roya Soltani:
An efficient heuristic versus a robust hybrid meta-heuristic for general framework of serial-parallel redundancy problem. 1703-1710 - Gregory Levitin, Kjell Hausken:
Meeting a demand vs. enhancing protections in homogeneous parallel systems. 1711-1717 - Jean-Francois Castet, Joseph Homer Saleh:
Satellite and satellite subsystems reliability: Statistical data analysis and modeling. 1718-1728 - Jiawei Li, Simon J. T. Pollard, Graham Kendall, Emma Soane, Gareth J. Davies:
Optimising risk reduction: An expected utility approach for marginal risk reduction during regulatory decision making. 1729-1734 - Curtis B. Storlie, Laura Painton Swiler, Jon C. Helton, Cédric J. Sallaberry:
Implementation and evaluation of nonparametric regression procedures for sensitivity analysis of computationally demanding models. 1735-1763 - Enrico Zio, Nicola Pedroni:
Functional failure analysis of a thermal-hydraulic passive system by means of Line Sampling. 1764-1781 - Yuan Lin Zhang, Guan Jun Wang:
A geometric process repair model for a repairable cold standby system with priority in use and repair. 1782-1787 - Anatoly Lisnianski, Yi Ding:
Redundancy analysis for repairable multi-state system by using combined stochastic processes methods and universal generating function technique. 1788-1795 - Hyun-Chul Lee, Poong-Hyun Seong:
A computational model for evaluating the effects of attention, memory, and mental models on situation assessment of nuclear power plant operators. 1796-1805 - Yordan Garbatov, Carlos Guedes Soares:
Structural maintenance planning based on historical data of corroded deck plates of tankers. 1806-1817 - Jussi K. Vaurio:
Human factors, human reliability and risk assessment in license renewal of a nuclear power plant. 1818-1826 - Nicolas Duflot, Christophe Bérenguer, Laurence Dieulle, Dominique Vasseur:
A min cut-set-wise truncation procedure for importance measures computation in probabilistic safety assessment. 1827-1837 - Xian-Xun Yuan, D. Mao, Mahesh D. Pandey:
A Bayesian approach to modeling and predicting pitting flaws in steam generator tubes. 1838-1847 - Nabil Sadou, Hamid Demmou:
Reliability analysis of discrete event dynamic systems with Petri nets. 1848-1861 - Terje Aven, Bjørnar Heide:
Reliability and validity of risk analysis. 1862-1868 - Julien Piwowar, Eric Châtelet, Patrick Laclémence:
An efficient process to reduce infrastructure vulnerabilities facing malevolence. 1869-1877
- H. Salehi Fathabadi, Majid Forghani-elahabad:
A note on "A simple approach to search for all d-MCs of a limited-flow network". 1878-1880
Volume 94, Number 12, December 2009
- Glen D. Murphy:
Improving the quality of manually acquired data: Applying the theory of planned behaviour to data quality. 1881-1886
- J. A. Cordes, J. Thomas, R. S. Wong, D. Carlucci:
Reliability estimates for flawed mortar projectile bodies. 1887-1893 - Mary Ann Lundteigen, Marvin Rausand, Ingrid Bouwer Utne:
Integrating RAMS engineering and management with the safety life cycle of IEC 61508. 1894-1903 - V. M. Hoepfer, Joseph Homer Saleh, Karen B. Marais:
On the value of redundancy subject to common-cause failures: Toward the resolution of an on-going debate. 1904-1916 - A. John Arul, N. Kannan Iyer, K. Velusamy:
Adjoint operator approach to functional reliability analysis of passive fluid dynamical systems. 1917-1926 - Gregory Levitin, Kjell Hausken:
Intelligence and impact contests in systems with redundancy, false targets, and partial protection. 1927-1941 - F. A. Buijs, Jim W. Hall, P. B. Sayers, Pieter H. A. J. M. van Gelder:
Time-dependent reliability analysis of flood defences. 1942-1953 - Michael Jones-Lee, Terje Aven:
The role of social cost-benefit analysis in societal decision-making under large uncertainties with application to robbery at a cash depot. 1954-1961 - Jianye Ching, Sou-Sen Leu:
Bayesian updating of reliability of civil infrastructure facilities based on condition-state data and fault-tree model. 1962-1974
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