Welcome to CRL's Digital Delivery System

This site hosts materials digitized from collections at the Center for Research Libraries to support research and teaching.

Documents, newspapers, books, and journals are among the items CRL scans in response to scholars’ requests for access to CRL holdings. Digital delivery prevents many of these material that are fragile, rare or even unique from being lost, damaged or destroyed through handling or shipping. These resources are made available to members of the CRL community.

All materials digitized from CRL collections can be accessed through the CRL catalog.

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Access Information

Users affiliated to CRL member institution should have access to this content via one of the following:

  • From on-campus IP addresses
  • From off-campus locations using your institution’s Proxy Server
  • Shibboleth login for users not already logged into a proxy server. Only CRL member institutions which belong to the InCommon federation are included. Visit the CRL Shibboleth information page for more details.