Advertising on Derpibooru

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General advertising info

Derpibooru is one of the largest websites in the MLP fandom, with approximately 70,000 unique visitors per day. This makes Derpibooru an excellent place to advertise commissions, art packs, conventions, events, fan sites, and more! Advertisements are shown in rotation based on how many active ads we currently have. We cannot make any guarantees regarding quantities of impressions or clicks.

What advertising we accept

We only accept advertisements related to the MLP fandom or general geek culture. We do accept advertisements for NSFW content, but such ads will only run on images rated "questionable" or "explicit". We do not accept advertisements for controversial content (e.g. politically-charged themes or porn with ethically-dubious actions) or anything we don't allow on the site (other than for reasons of it needing payment).

Free advertising

Due to a packed schedule free advertising is currently limited to charity events only. This will not affect any ad already scheduled in and we expect things to free up slightly after Summer 2024.

If interested, please contact Note that availability of free advertising slots may be limited based on demand.

Please make sure the message subject line includes your project name. If we do not reply within three days, contact us through IRC or Discord. Contact us at least three months before you want your ad to go live as other ads may be scheduled months in advance and waiting in queue.

Paid advertising

We offer paid advertising at a rate of $40 USD per month. Due to a packed schedule we do not have any available slots until Summer 2024. If interested, please contact

Please make sure the message subject line includes your project name. If we do not reply within three days, contact us through IRC or Discord. Contact us at least three months before you want your ad to go live as other ads may be scheduled months in advance and waiting in queue.

Advertisement requirements

Advertisements must be in PNG, JPEG, or GIF format, no larger than 500kb, with a resolution between 699x79 and 729x91. Recommended size is 728x90px.

Advertisement banner images must be at most what the site's Tag Guidelines would rate as "questionable" or "semi-grimdark", with such ads being limited to images with such or higher ratings.

No third-party advertising networks

Please do not contact us if you represent a third-party ad network or ad provider. We manage all advertisements in-house and are not interested in working with any external ad providers or networks. Derpibooru is not operated for a profit, and therefore we are not interested in any revenue an advertising network could potentially bring us.