Wedding Bouquet Inspiration

pink/coral/mauve against cream/blush blooms with twining greenery, organic shape, texture. peony, cabbage rose. maybe astilbe, dahlia, anemone, poppy, ranunculus
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cool organic shape and mix of colors/textures. I like how it looks like it could be a vintage botanical illustration or a flower arrangement in a painting.
Mexican Inspired Florals
warm pink/coral/mauve, organic, large blooms. LOVE these colors for the color accents, mix with softer cream/blush blooms and maybe some greenery for the bouquet
this bouquet you did is the closest one to my style I see in your portfolio, with big fluffy peonies, those weird big cabbage roses, pale creams and peach/pinks (but mine mixed with some brighter corals, etc, like the "mexican florals" photos), and textured twining greenery and organic shape. (I'm not a fan of the brown ball flowers though). vintage/bohemian/wild-garden look. I like how the soft-colored fluffy flowers make up a large part of the bouquet. & non-shiny wrapping.
San Ysidro Ranch Wedding from Jose Villa
gorgeous colors- I love the big fluffy blooms and curling dark greenery, and the mix of different pale warm-toned colors. I would add just a couple of big brighter pink/coral blooms against these softer colors.
coral instead of orange. cool organic shape and mix of colors/textures. I like how it looks like it could be a flower arrangement in a painting.
Mexican Inspired Florals
warm pink/coral/mauve, organic, large blooms. LOVE these colors for the color accents, mix with softer cream/blush blooms and maybe some greenery for the bouquet
Mexican Inspired Florals
warm pink/coral/mauve, organic, large blooms. LOVE these colors for the color accents, mix with softer cream/blush blooms and maybe some greenery for the bouquet
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i love this, but maybe with more cream/blush and darker green foliage instead of the spring green leaves