MFG38 but without the G (I still have no idea how that happened). On a grammatical mission to make the Doom Wiki slightly more readable. Also adding soundtrack information where it's lacking.
Soundtrack information completed for 123 wads as of 2025-01-15. List of soundtrack-completed wads:
- Echelon
- 3x3
- 3x3: Take Two
- Ar Luminae
- Mutabor
- Literalism
- Doom 64 for Doom 2
- Ashes 2063 + Dead Man Walking
- Slith
- Syringe
- L'agonie Finale
- Abandon
- Alpha-Major
- Arrival
- Haste
- Awakening
- Comatose
- Czequisite Corpse
- Bloody Steel
- The Cursed Generation
- Foursite
- IC2005
- The Outer Darkness
- Sigma
- Voidship II
- 1 Bad Wad
- Prayers of Armageddon
- Vigor
- Black Magnetic
- High/Low 3-5 (series)
- Fractured Worlds
- Never Skip Leg Day
- Elementalism
- Magnolia
- Artica 4
- Blastem
- Akeldama
- Lighthouse (aka faro.wad)
- Palladium Electroplate Facility
- Supernaught
- XXXI CyberSky
- Bauhaus
- Europa 2
- Water Spirit
- Town of Witchcraft
- Titan
- Total Control
- Distribution Center
- Execute
- The Heart of Stone
- Planisphere
- Undersea
- Fallen Leaves
- Oops! All Greyboxes!
- Linux Jank
- Disjunction
- Zen Dynamics
- Alienated
- Gomorrah
- Tetanus
- Epic 2 (minus MAP09)
- Coffee Break
- Violence
- Batman Doom
- Combat Shock 2
- Aeternum
- Machete
- Oceanside
- The I.M.P. Act
- Squonker 3
- Earthless: Prelude
- Capybara
- Atonement
- Arrokoth
- The Settlements
- Thirty Years with Doom
- Wretched Flesh
- Sacrament
- Nerves of Steel
- Based
- Congestion Control 2
- Pyrrhic
- Infernal War
- Monument
- Abscission
- Glaive 1-3 (series)
- CH Retro Episode
- Fear Station Alpha
- Assault on Tei Tenga (minus MAP05)
- Sucker Punch
- Scientist 2
- Boaty McBoatwad
- Nuke Mine
- Realm of Shades
- Eclipse
- Eternal Slumber Party II
- Good Morning Phobos
- Hadephobia
- Hellevator
- Moonlit District
- Rowdy Rudy's Revenge!
- Refracted Reality
- Struggle: Antaresian Legacy
- DBP09: Legend of the Hidden Tech
- DBP45: Vrack Botanicals
- Zodiac (minus MAP25)
- Selfish Series
- Escalation Titan
- Rebel Sky
- Toxic Darkness 3
- Avactor
- Hell Frontier
- Return to Hadron (Ultimate edition)
- TNT: Resistance
- Sin City 2
- Surge (minus MAP02)