A Tool for Searching in Unstructured Code AspectJ
Bug localization via searching crowd-contributed code
Internetware '14: Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on InternetwareBug localization, i.e., locating bugs in code snippets, is a frequent task in software development. Although static bug-finding tools are available to reduce manual effort in bug localization, these tools typically detect bugs with known project-...
Unweaving the impact of aspect changes in AspectJ
FOAL '09: Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Foundations of aspect-oriented languagesAspect-oriented programming (AOP) fosters the coding of tangled concerns in separated units that are then woven together in the executable system. Unfortunately, the oblivious nature of the weaving process makes difficult to figure out the augmented ...
AspectJ code analysis and verification with GASR
We argue for a general-purpose source code analysis tool that is aware of aspects.We present the logic program querying tool GASR, the first such tool.We discuss its implementation along with its library of logical predicates.We show how it can ...
Information & Contributors
Published In
- Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Goias: FAPEG
- SBC: Brazilian Computer Society
- Institute of Informatics/Federal University of Goias: INF/UFG
- Faculdades ALFA: Faculdades ALFA
- Global RH Solutions: Global RH Solutions
- Secretaria de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao do Estado de Goias: SECTEC-GO
- CAPES: Brazilian Higher Education Funding Council
- SIGAPP: ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
- SIGMIS: ACM Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems
- AIS: Assoc for Information Systems
Brazilian Computer Society
Porto Alegre, Brazil
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- Research-article
- Research
- Refereed limited
- Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Goias
- Institute of Informatics/Federal University of Goias
- Faculdades ALFA
- Global RH Solutions
- Secretaria de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao do Estado de Goias
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