A gallery of Laby, her classes, and other promotional artwork.
- Laby
- Eternity Winner
- Radiant Soul
- Nisha Labyrinth
- Twins Picaro
- Other
- Story
Laby's Skill Cut-in without effects.
Pic of Laby in Story mode.
Pic of Nisha in Story mode.
El Search Party Collection System Chibi Art.
Laby render from Nisha Labyrinth.
Laby render from Nisha Labyrinth.
Laby render from Nisha Labyrinth.
Laby render from Nisha Labyrinth.
Laby render from Nisha Labyrinth.
Horoscope Voice Teaser Chibi Artwork.
Laby Playing Alone Voice Teaser Chibi Artwork.
Laby's Song Voice Teaser Chibi Artwork.
11th Anniversary Artwork.
12th Anniversary Artwork.
12th Anniversary Artwork.
13th Anniversary Artwork.
16th Anniversary Artwork.
16th Anniversary Artwork.
Powerful Punch Master Chibi Artwork with Raven.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Maze of the Black Forest panorama.
Maze of the Black Forest chapters 1 ~ 3.
Maze of the Black Forest ending animation.
Laby's silhouette teaser.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Rumble Pumn's Skill Cut-in.
Rumble Pumn's Skill Cut-in without effects.
Rumble Pumn's Transcendence Skill Cut-in.
Rumble Pumn's Transcendence Awakening Cut-in.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Rumble Pumn' weapon animation.
Rumble Pumn's expression.
Eternity Winner's Portrait.
Eternity Winner's Portrait without effects.
Eternity Winner's Great Birth Portrait.
Eternity Winner's Great Birth Portrait without effects.
Eternity Winner's Master Class Skill Cut-in.
Eternity Winner's Awakening Cut-in.
Eternity Winner's Master Class Skill Cut-in.
Eternity Winner's chibi artwork.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Promo Accessory: Top Piece Slot
Laby's appearance while Great Birth is active.
Twinkle Child's Portrait.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Twinkle Child hair without accessory.
Shining Romantica's Portrait.
Shining Romantica's Skill Cut-in.
Shining Romantica's Skill Cut-in without effects.
Shining Romantica's Transcendence Skill Cut-in.
Shining Romantica's Transcendence Awakening Cut-in.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Shining Romantica Hair without hat.
Radiant Soul's Portrait (with tears).
Radiant Soul's Portrait without effects.
Radiant Soul's Master Class Skill Cut-in.
Radiant Soul's Epic Quest portrait.
Nisha's Epic Quest portrait.
Radiant Soul's Awakening Cut-in.
Radiant Soul's Master Class Skill Cut-in.
Radiant Soul's chibi artwork.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Promo Accessory: Earring Slot
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Rusty Child's Facial Expression.
Daydreamer's Skill Cut-in.
Daydreamer's Skill Cut-in without effects.
Daydreamer's Transcendence Skill Cut-in.
Daydreamer's Transcendence Skill Cut-in. (Without Nisha)
Daydreamer's Transcendence Awakening Cut-in.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Nisha Labyrinth's Portrait.
Nisha Labyrinth's Awakening Portrait.
Nisha Labyrinth's Master Class Skill Cut-in.
Nisha Labyrinth's Awakening Cut-in.
Nisha Labyrinth (Awakening)'s Awakening Cut-in.
Nisha Labyrinth's Master Class Animated Skill Cut-in.
Nisha Labyrinth's chibi artwork.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Promo Accessory: Top Piece Slot
Nisha Labyrinth's Awakening Model
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Rough Child's new facial expression.
Punky Poppet's Skill Cut-in.
Punky Poppet's Skill Cut-in without effects.
Punky Poppet's Transcendence Skill Cut-in.
Punky Poppet's Transcendence Skill Cut-in without effects.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Punky Poppet new facial expression.
Punky Poppet teased before release during the 2022 summer livestream.
Idle pose and Promo avatar.
Promo Accessory: Face (Top) Slot.
Twins Picaro Hair without Accessory.
Silhouette of Twins Picaro.
Laby's Alternative Portrait. (International Ver.)
Laby's Alternative Skill Cut-in without effects.
Official Promotional artwork of Laby in the Nereid set.
Official promotional artwork of Laby in the Ocean Pearl set.
Official promotional artwork of Laby in the Messenger of Love set.
Official promotional artwork of Laby in the Dear Little Bird set.
Official promotional artwork of Laby in the Colorful Bloom set.
Official promotional artwork of Laby in the Daily Cropped Puffer set.
Official portrait of MEGA CAKE Laby for the ELSTAR Event.
Alternative portrait of MEGA CAKE Laby for the ELSTAR Event.
Official portrait of MEGA CAKE Laby for the ELSTAR 2 Event.
Official ELSTAR 2 portrait without effects.
ELSTAR 2 Track 2 Chibi Artwork.
Official portrait of Magical Bright Laby for the Elrios City Event.
Alternative portrait of Magical Bright Laby for the Elrios City Event.
Laby's Nereid Skill Cut-in.
Laby's Nereid Skill Cut-in without effects.
Wish to the moon Chibi Artwork.
Elsword Orchestra Chibi Art
Laby Transcendent awakening animated.
Laby's item icon background. (Normal)
Laby's item icon background. (Elite)
Laby's item icon background. (Unique, Unused)
Laby's item icon background. (Set)
Side Story
The Girl and the Letter of Heart 1.
The Girl and the Letter of Heart 1.
The Girl and the Letter of Heart 6.
The Girl and the Letter of Heart 6.
The Girl and the Letter of Heart 6.
ELSTAR Christmas Story! Ch. 3