Art by
Erin Hanson
Art by
Erin Hanson
"These faggots kill fascists"
Sticker found in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Pieter Withoos, Sheet of Studies with Five Butterflies, a Wasp, and Two Flies, 1680 - 1692
James Baldwin.
It’s called “environmental amnesia” and it’s an actual issue environmentalists discuss how to combat. The climate crisis makes it more widespread but it’s been something that’s happening for generations. The story of The Lorax describes it beautifully. The idea that what you remember is what you consider normal, but if the changes happen slowly over generations, you don’t see how large they are because you don’t personally remember them being very different, even if you were told stories about it.
That feeling where you go " didn't we used to have four seasons? It wasn't this hot when I was a kid was it??" And then you have to figure out if it's just that you're getting older. And then it turns out no the entire planet is falling apart.
I have heard this described in marine biology as "declining baseline expectations". The number and size of fish caught decreases over the years, but we remember the number and size from when we were young; a 65-year-old who studies fish talking to a 25-year-old fresh marine biologist might talk about the significant decline over his lifetime, but you have to do some mental work to talk about the decline over the last century. Because people don't remember that long generally. So the baseline expectation shifts with each generation, and each generation wants to go back to some optimum that's not optimum at all.
Declining baseline expectations
The ancient world was full of textile masterpieces we can only imagine… but most of them have rotted away. So few of them have come down to us in these days that we think of metal and stone as the primary mediums for the oldest artworks. But there were tapestries and fabric work that would have rivaled the finest wrought gold and iron and the first cave paintings.
This is a incredibly rare find. A ball of yarn made from stinging nettle fibers in the Late Neolithic (5900 years old) in what’s now Marin-Epagnier in Switzerland. The thread has been preserved by being carbonized.
Look at how much thread that is!
And how fine and even it is spun!
The skill going into this is absolutely incredible.
Imagine the incredible textile work that must’ve been made with that.
For a reference here’s a ball of nettle yarn I managed to make with a drop spindle. That took me 300 hours of work.
And - no shade to your workmanship - not as even as the carbonised example.
I've seen little about it so, Just an FYI what's been unfolding in England today. Far-right protestors are literally trying to kill asylum seekers in hotels.
- In Rotherham, Yorkshire fascists have tried to set a hotel on fire with migrants staying there. Some signalling cut-throat gestures at the people staying in the rooms.
- In Tamworth, Staffordshire the very same thing is happening. Another hotel has been set on fire with asylum seekers still inside alongside racist graffiti.
Other similar protests that are going uncountered are happening in Middlesbrough, Hartlepool, Stoke-on-Trent and many more areas, chances are there will be one somewhere by you if things keep going the way they are.
Nazis are literally strolling about unchallenged and these people are marching happily with them. There are more sensitive videos online which I won't share here but there are groups of nazis chasing down and circling black people in cities and beating them up, indian and chinese takeaways being targetted, turkish barbers being set alight and there have been incidents of muslims being assaulted and even stabbed.
BUT... There are success stories from UK cities where riots have failed due to no turnout or due to antifascists driving far-right pricks out of the city.
- Cardiff, Wales - About 5 fascists turn up compared to 500 conuter-protestors. They failed to get anyone here despite trying two times.
- Liverpool, Merseyside - A significant EDL mob is marched out of the city and fought against. Counter-protestors form a ring around a mosque being targetted.
- Bristol, City of - antifascists block the entrance to a hotel that nazis are trying to get into as well as a fierce citywide push against the EDL and racism.
- Nottingham, East Midlands - A huge antifascist counter protest outnumbers EDL and the far-right, preventing a riot from occuring.
There are many many more of these riots planned. If you're in the UK get organised and be prepared to fight alongside the people who make our communities stong and resiliant and make our country and cities a wonderful vibrant and friendly place to be.
Help by whatever means you can.
If you are not from the UK then please signal boost this because this needs to stop this nastiness from spreading and to make nazis afraid again.
We Change the Map
by Kerrie Hardie
This new map, unrolled, smoothed,
seems innocent as the one we have discarded,
impersonal as the clocks in rows
along the upper border, showing time-zones.
The colours are pale and clear, the contours
crisp, decisive, keeping order.
The new names, lettered firmly, lie quite still
within the boundaries that the wars spill over.
It is the times.
I have always been one for paths myself.
The mole’s view. Paths and small roads and the next bend.
Arched trees tunnelling to a coin of light.
No overview, no sense of what lies where.
Pinning up maps now, pinning my attention,
I cannot hold whole countries in my mind,
nor recognise their borders.
These days I want to trace
the shape of every townland in this valley;
name families; count trees, walls, cattle, gable-ends,
smoke-soft and tender in the near blue distance.
Having your main anxiety response be Avoidance is crazy cause you'll think you're chillin and then one day you're like waitttt I've been paralyzed with fear this whole time. Damn
Was anybody else playing dead the whole time they were teenagers or is that just a me problem. Like I'm 20 now and I'm like Oh shit I didn't do anything. Because I'm scared
And you see. Now I'm scared because I haven't done anything. Everything in the world is so scary and I am not medicated. I've been waking up sweaty the last few days. I hold so much tension you wouldn't believe. But to everyone else I just look like I'm chillin
Bertolt Brecht, Stories Of Mr Keuner
I wish growing up I'd heard more about butch/masculine trans women.
I'm talking about something like wanting to be another girl's prince charming, or her knight in shining armor. You wouldn't think twice about hearing that from a cis butch lesbian, but it's not at all the relationship with gender you usually hear about trans women having.
A lot of my exploration of my gender identity was tied to my gender expression. Trying on makeup, "girl clothes," that sort of thing. And that felt good. But what was working about that for me was that it made me feel "more like a girl," and just being a girl was the thing I wanted. I didn't want any of the rest of it. I was always more comfortable bare-faced in a flannel or tank top than I was in makeup and a dress, but I was never comfortable being a man. It just took me years of exploration and time with people who were not only accepting but supportive to get to the point where I could identify that feeling. I want a female body, but I want to dress it in a suit. Sue me.
If you're that little trans girl reading this and it doesn't make sense to you yet, that's okay. I wouldn't have understood it at the time either - I would've said "well if it's not about my body and it's not about my gender expression, then what is my gender?" If you're asking that question, I think some day you'll find the answer.
going to start researching sheep breeds that are like endangered or need conservation and then seek out their wool to use, preferably buying directly from the herders, so i can support them
i found a farm that has Navajo-Churro sheep and sells their wool as roving and yarn directly to the public, along with several other uncommon breeds :) website here
holy shit theres a lot of small farms out there with heritage breed sheep n other animals selling their fiber!!
re: your tags, totally fine to reblog!! there's a whole database of farms im looking at now on the Livestock Conservancy website!! here's the link, all you have to do is select "yarn" or "fiber" from this drop down menu
and it'll give you contact info and websites to A BUNCH of small farms selling their heritage breed fiber directly!! you can also look up by animal breed if you want a specific kind of fiber like, say Navajo-Churro
it's AWESOME!! many of these farms seem to be certified by the Conservancy and the Conservancy itself seems to be like a good nonprofit