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nostaa +‎ -o


  • IPA(key): /ˈnosto/, [ˈno̞s̠to̞]
  • Rhymes: -osto
  • Hyphenation(key): nos‧to




  1. lift (act of lifting or raising)
  2. raise (act of raising)
  3. cash withdrawal
  4. (card games) drawing (taking a card from the deck)
  5. (card games) cut (act or right of dividing a deck of playing cards)
  6. fade in (type of transition from black to an image or from silence to audio)
  7. pull quote (brief excerpt used out of context and set separately from the main text)


Inflection of nosto (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative nosto nostot
genitive noston nostojen
partitive nostoa nostoja
illative nostoon nostoihin
singular plural
nominative nosto nostot
accusative nom. nosto nostot
gen. noston
genitive noston nostojen
partitive nostoa nostoja
inessive nostossa nostoissa
elative nostosta nostoista
illative nostoon nostoihin
adessive nostolla nostoilla
ablative nostolta nostoilta
allative nostolle nostoille
essive nostona nostoina
translative nostoksi nostoiksi
abessive nostotta nostoitta
instructive nostoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of nosto (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative nostoni nostoni
accusative nom. nostoni nostoni
gen. nostoni
genitive nostoni nostojeni
partitive nostoani nostojani
inessive nostossani nostoissani
elative nostostani nostoistani
illative nostooni nostoihini
adessive nostollani nostoillani
ablative nostoltani nostoiltani
allative nostolleni nostoilleni
essive nostonani nostoinani
translative nostokseni nostoikseni
abessive nostottani nostoittani
comitative nostoineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative nostosi nostosi
accusative nom. nostosi nostosi
gen. nostosi
genitive nostosi nostojesi
partitive nostoasi nostojasi
inessive nostossasi nostoissasi
elative nostostasi nostoistasi
illative nostoosi nostoihisi
adessive nostollasi nostoillasi
ablative nostoltasi nostoiltasi
allative nostollesi nostoillesi
essive nostonasi nostoinasi
translative nostoksesi nostoiksesi
abessive nostottasi nostoittasi
comitative nostoinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative nostomme nostomme
accusative nom. nostomme nostomme
gen. nostomme
genitive nostomme nostojemme
partitive nostoamme nostojamme
inessive nostossamme nostoissamme
elative nostostamme nostoistamme
illative nostoomme nostoihimme
adessive nostollamme nostoillamme
ablative nostoltamme nostoiltamme
allative nostollemme nostoillemme
essive nostonamme nostoinamme
translative nostoksemme nostoiksemme
abessive nostottamme nostoittamme
comitative nostoinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative nostonne nostonne
accusative nom. nostonne nostonne
gen. nostonne
genitive nostonne nostojenne
partitive nostoanne nostojanne
inessive nostossanne nostoissanne
elative nostostanne nostoistanne
illative nostoonne nostoihinne
adessive nostollanne nostoillanne
ablative nostoltanne nostoiltanne
allative nostollenne nostoillenne
essive nostonanne nostoinanne
translative nostoksenne nostoiksenne
abessive nostottanne nostoittanne
comitative nostoinenne

Derived terms


Further reading


