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Armpiece (16th century, Italian)

Alternative forms




From arm +‎ piece.



armpiece (plural armpieces)

  1. A piece of armour that protects the arm.
    • 1881, Mark Twain, chapter 32, in The Prince and the Pauper[1], New York: Charles L. Webster, page 267:
      “Go, my good St. John,—in an arm-piece of the Milanese armor that hangs on the wall, thou’lt find the Seal!”
  2. (colloquial) A decorative companion.
    Synonym: arm candy
    • 2000, Jackie Collins, Dangerous Kiss, page 251:
      He'd decided to take her because she was the best looking armpiece of all, and as long as she kept her mouth shut, he'd be the envy of every man there.
    • 2004, Rique Johnson, Whispers from a Troubled Heart, page 120:
      Years of being his armpiece have taught her exactly how to handle this situation; she is suddenly sure of it.
    • 2007, Jane Hamilton, When Madeline Was Young, page 116:
      Madeline was in on the routine, and shortly after Louise exited, the swain and his armpiece departed for their outing to Little's Music Shop.

